General Discussion

General DiscussionNa'vi is going to win EU qualifiers?

Na'vi is going to win EU qualifiers? in General Discussion
Lord Mushroom

    Is Na'vi seriously going to win EU qualifiers?

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        ^isnt ehome stronger than coL ?
        and yup, quals are kinda shitty, but its fair - all the teams that could make these quals exciting were invited directly.


          on topic: navi is stronger than anyone else, cz they are tier 2, and vega/4asc are tier 3 teams. probably navi will win in eu.


            EVERYONE IS SHIT

            like seriously xD

            i expect US to qualify from the wildcard + china

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                alliance was the best but they fucked up all of their wins and then PR went all yolo and fucked them over :D

                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                  alliance was the best lol lol. What year was this? 2013?


                    Can someone link me to the bracket so I can check how teams are doing?

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                        Low Expectations

                          Alliance would still crush Complexity... Navi would crush complexity, NIP would crush complexity. I am pretty sure everyone from EU qulifiers besides Yellow submarine and LC could take crush complexity

                          Dire Wolf

                            I don't get how you watch one and say one region is shit and another is great. How can you tell unless they throw/make big draft mistakes/do something stupid or play the other divisions?

                            Alliance is good? They were very underwhelming in the games I watched which is also why they lost. How can you say oh theyre better if they lost so much?

                            I didn't watch tons but I was pretty impressed with 4ASC, na'vi just seemed like normal na'vi, a step above most of their competition but 4ASC took a game off them. NIP seemed pretty decent too, Burden drafted horrible the games I watched. I feel like EU is the strongest region. All the commentators expect a second EU team to grab the wild card for sure. Not sure if na'vi beats vega for the win but they'll win a wild card if not I think.


                              alliance's play was superior
                              they just yoloed and gave away 1 win to every team. Then they were in a fucked up position against PR and got yoloed by them which meant The End haha.

                              Dire Wolf

                                idk, I don't like alliance drafts. They seem to only be able to do wisp + ck/tiny combos well and twice they picked pheonix without banning weaver. I didn't watch all their matches though, just the last two series.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  PJ can't carry Bulldong and Loda's fat asses.


                                    eu qualifiers team play so much better than us qualifiers. I watched us qualifiers and it was such bad games, mistakes every two mn.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      man I was really hoping vega could win that last one with that draft, it was just fun to see a bh and ursa in a game. But fuck... ursa such an easily exploited hero. The only downside to watching these games is it's literally gyro, lesh and qop every damn game, with a healthy dose of chen and disruptor in there too. Getting a little dull watching lesh and qop fight mid every game.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Yep, they won it. But wow, how much did vega throw on that mid rax defense last game? That was some sloppy play.

                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          "The only downside to watching these games is it's literally gyro, lesh and qop every damn game"

                                          Europeans have so exciting drafts. :sleeping:

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            undying and io must be banned a lot, didn't see them all that much actually being played. But yes, very little variety. I don't get the gyro obsession either. Isn't there any other range carry you can use? I get that rockets make him strong in lane now but his range sucks, he's not mobile and he has poor single target burst dmg. Would've been fun to see a medusa or sniper thrown in there, although SF was in a lot of matches.

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              ^ from what i guess/heard i guess its kinda like corki from LoL(copycat hero from gyro). He has magical burst and strong rightclick, so it means that he is relevant early and late.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                Alliance is shit, they only know how to rat, the only reason they won ti,
                                                And navi will not will lmao XD

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  also gyro 96% pick ban rate and 34% wr ayy lmao gyro op kappa but srs he isnt that good as ppl say he is.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    That's what I'm saying, he's really not that great. He is excellent vs heroes you need the aoe dmg like PL counter or naga, CK counter if anyone would pick them, but just as a ranged carry his right click is very questionable so you are depending a ton of call downs which will be bkb'd late game. I guess his flak can zone out supports in some team fights, but meh. And he's fragile as shit, especially since they all skip his one stun to get stats.

                                                    But then again pros don't seem to like any ranged agi carries other than gyro and sf. Clinkz got p/b 5/4, sniper 4/1, luna 5/2, mirana 7/1, medusa 2/2. Even razor who used to be super popular was only 18/18. Drow was banned a lot in china so she was actually a 50% pb overall lol.

                                                    "Alliance is shit, they only know how to rat, the only reason they won ti,
                                                    And navi will not will lmao XD"

                                                    I keep hearing that about alliance and I didn't pay attention back then but man, they pick wisp + tiny or wisp + ck so much when most people don't bother anymore. In theory with moon shard tiny should be pretty buffed up this patch, but all the gyro picks make ck not very good and no one runs wisp ganking combos anymore. That's so like two years ago.

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                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      last game in that ti, they had prophet rat bot rax while ck and io were ratting top rax navi choked while they could just gg as they were next to there mid rax and stared to tp to base puck canceled 3 tp and gg. to be honest that s4 puck canceled like 7 tps that game which won the last game. He lost mid to Dendi ta but won the game, s4 cool playa.