General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst 5 Heroes in current meta?

Worst 5 Heroes in current meta? in General Discussion

    Just curious which top 5 heroes you think hurt the team most, regardless if they are played decently, and why. For added shits n giggles post you average mmr for games, cause how people play the hero at 2k vs 5k is waaaay different.

    1. Antimage (little to no impact early - mid game, needs afk farm)
    2. Faceless void (similar to AM, but at least his chronosphere has some impact in teamfights)
    3. Medusa (little to no impact early, but at least her ult helps. She takes a LOT to get to beastmode)
    4. Venomancer (he can push early, be disruptive, but has no real disable)
    5. Pudge (he is still super popular, and rarely do I see a pudge have a significant impact on winning)

    Just to clarify I'm in 3.2-3.5k range, so the way the heroes are played are definitely different at differen't mmr's. I find at this mmr people still try to afk farm > man hero 1v5 win, so maybe people more involved are awesome at AM early game, but I *NEVER* see it

    I just have to say it's funny seeing the different mmr tier replies....

    Someone posted puck, and I think he is still one of the strongest heroes in the game, but at 2k mmr no one plays together as a team well enough for him to shine.

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    Mortimer Smith



        apparently we live in very different skill brackets cz in my games literally everyone whom you mentioned seems to be viable. from my point of view currently weakest heroes are:

        1) necrophos
        2) doom
        3) dark seer
        4) elder titan
        5) terrobleat'


          ^I've seen pretty good techies and the aghanim is somewhat broken




              i have to agree with terrorblade and doom, cuz they have no place now

              THICC BABY SHUM

                arc warden sucks

                Greygrey the Sailor



                    ^huskar is one of the strongest :) not sure about top10, but he is certainly in top20 of pub-stompers in 6.84.

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                      Good call on the Doom, he definitely replaces someone in my top 5 lol, and let me clarify I'm not saying none of these heroes have a an impact... But I'm finding the most succesful teams are teams with things like lion / earthshaker / ogre, and carry's that put out DPS and have some disables of their own. The straight right clicker farm dependent heroes seem terribad this patch.


                        1.) Alchemist - almost no one knows how to play him as carry, getting insane GPM and being full sloted at min 25. As support he's useless.
                        2.) Enchantress - unless played like a beast, ganking at level 2, helping to win every lane, she is mostly just -1 to her team with 0 impact.
                        3.) Terrorblade - he's one of the trashiest carries in the game atm and is usually useless even with good gpm. He was only good when he was insane at splitpushing and taking rax at 20-25min.
                        4.) Pudge - most Pudges are honestly so useless, they make more harm then good to their team. Usually -1 to their team.
                        5.) Shadow Demon - worst support ever. To make some impact with this hero, you have to be really good support player and most of them just plain out suck with this hero, making their team play 4 vs 5.

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                            You guys retarded or something?


                            One of 3 strongest carries. ROFL

                            Amaizing hero damage if you deploy ult well.
                            Ganking potential.
                            Can solo rosh if he's lvl 7 in 10 minutes.

                            Amaizing fat hero, you just need to land a few hooks... He becomes a very nice tank if you build him properly...


                            People who know what they're doing are pretty good with him and he had a lot of impact if you mix him with AM, DUSA, SPEC, VOID. (lategame carry)


                              ^in 5k+ bracket necro is trash
                              i dunno where this 55% vhs winrate comes from, apparently from lower tier games. in this meta hes pretty much useless.

                              Welt aus Eis

                                OP you're wrong in so many levels lmao


                                  i think the power of certain hero depends on skill levels; it may be true for his games
                                  lets say b4 this patch es was just as strong in high lvl matches as he was weak in normall skill bracket.

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                                    Lone Druid

                                    Definetly avoid these 3 ^



                                      For the typical pub game (avg 2,250 MMR) the worst heroes are Puck, Batrider, Wisp, Alchemist, and Oracle. All are at about 40% winrate.

                                      But really they are so low because they are much to hard for 2k players to use correctly. In fact you don't get to a hero that is really easy to use as an autoattacker with built-in invis until 24th from the bottom (Clinkz). All the micro heroes are very powerful but have terrible pub game winrates.

                                      I think that Terrorblade really is weak in 6.84c because he will not be able to farm when ganking is so effective. TB requires lots of farming space and the only thing even resembling an escape requires him to be standing next to someone almost dead to be useful.

                                      Huskar is still and always will be one of the weakest heroes until he is remade....seriously his ultimate is to half kill himself and he only does high dps when nearly dead.

                                      All the other heroes I think can fit into the right line-ups and be an asset. But those two, I think are truly in need of work to make them relevant - they need to get different ultimate abilities.

                                      Arc Warden is dominating in 6.84c, he has yet to lose a single game in pubs or pro matches.

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                                        i was gonna reply first but i was busy...

                                        op is deadwrong btw, those 5 heroes are actually very good this meta

                                        worst are probably TB and sven and even necro! too squishy and risky to play it out as he needs freefarm and he won't get it this meta.

                                        and pa is also a very risky pick and could at times be seen as one of the weakest! Compared to other heroes, even if she gets her basic early game dmg items, from ez freefarm lane, she's still to weak to return the investment -> procedes to feed and ez game lsot


                                          Sven and Necro can be useful as support heroes, they just can't be core the way they are played in pubs.

                                          Or you could pair sven with wisp, PA-wisp works too.

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Holy shit so many wrong answers.

                                            There's only one truly shit hero and it's terrorblade. Just absolute fucking garbage right now.

                                            Oracle is like techies, fine if you get someone who knows what to do with him.

                                            Alch is underpowered but not nearly on the same garbage level as TB. Same with heroes like brood and chen, not that great, have to be played just right, but not garbage.


                                              Yeah I have 87% winrate on TB from earlier patches. It's just not going to work like that anymore. My KDA was crap but I would take rax at 15 min so who cares. Now its way to easy to stop TB from farming that power.

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                                                necro support was viable because he had pulse and ultimate, and his ultimate is no loner useful cz we do not have real cores atm. well, he got his pulse left, but... thats not enough. Hes too slow and squishy and cant do much in midgame.


                                                  o.O pudge had a big impact in every meta if picked right. even in previous vs lina/troll.

                                                  all you need is ez hook heroes on enemy team.

                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                    1. Terrorblade granted maybe could be pulled off as a last pick?

                                                    2. Alchemist cause 99% of the I'm sure people cringe when this is picked.

                                                    3. Techies I don't hate them myself but I've seen the way people react typically to this pick.

                                                    Honestly that's it to me.

                                                    Btw pudge on dire hook people from that camp above top rune on the first rune spawn is fun times.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                      pudge has always been a very strong hero but people who pick him are generaly brain damaged

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Oracle really? He is actually so fucking broken right now. I would say TB, Spectre, Medusa, ET and Troll.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Yeah, tb sucks in lane, just was too little hp at level 1. So he has 7 armor, so what, his hp/ehp is still only 435/617, and one nuke and he's finished. By comparison a couple other agi heroes, numbers approx (not using partial armor values)

                                                          PA has around 530/660 hp/ehp at lvl 1
                                                          AM 568/636
                                                          Void 587/727
                                                          bs 587/693
                                                          razor 549/614
                                                          jugger 530/630
                                                          PL 549/680

                                                          Only ranged heroes have less. He's just so damn squishy and while he used to have dps to make up for it, now his illusions die so fast. He's not scary unless meta is up and even then you just run since he's slow now during meta. You used to be able to just walk up to t1s and t2s and kill them all before enemy reacted but now with the fort refresh and lowered illusion dmg to towers it's impossible, enemy just tp's in and tower is fine. And he can't outfarm anyone anymore cus the illusions are so damn squishy they can't jungle clear until you have major items. It's really sad cus he's a unique hero and fun to play but just so bad.

                                                          I say they give him 100 more starting hp, revert his illusion dmg taken change, increase duration on reflection back to 5 seconds all levels, remove the speed reduction on meta again. Start there, if he still sucks then up his illusion dmg to 40/50/60/70% or 50/55/60/65%, something like that.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            ET just seems weak cus he's mainly an anti agi hero and agi heroes are out of favor. How is spectre weak? People probably still trying to rush radiance when you need to fight much sooner. go vanguard, diffusal and you are a beast, very hard to kill early. Medusa, idk, haven't played her enough, but her ult is still amazing. Troll idk, haven't played him since nerfs.


                                                              I'm only sure about these - Morphling, Alchemist and TB because I don't think I've seen any of them win recently


                                                                Alchemist, Rubick, Outworld Devourer, Lycan, Terrorblade.
                                                                I feel like the game is in a good spot right now and all of these heroes are situationally still good picks.


                                                                  One little Kky cries everi teim some1 calls rubick a weak hero
                                                                  btw rubick is still among most picked supports in pro games, as far as i saw

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    he has a very low pub win rate for some reason though.

                                                                    How is terrorblade situationally still good? He needs a tri lane to completely babysit him and even then his tower dmg is meh, you're better off with nearly any other carry. He can't jungle well anymore after illusion nerfs.

                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                      LC has felt awful ever since they nerfed duel, and her buffs each patch are so weak (maybe with the new break item she'd be better, but then you'd have to skip blink).

                                                                      Terrorblade and Alchemist got overnerfed as well, though Alchemist is situationally a great pick if you have like a tiny or jugger to farm aghanim for.

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                                        1:) undying
                                                                        2:) ursa
                                                                        3:) windranger
                                                                        4:) omniknight
                                                                        5:) abadon

                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                          @TripleSteal Rubick also last I read the 2nd worst win rate among the pro game. From your tone I think you knew that though.

                                                                          KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                            1) Legion
                                                                            2) Chen
                                                                            3) Alch
                                                                            4) Wind
                                                                            5) Huskar

                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                              Why has rubick been so popular the last months anyways? He looks like one of those situational picks that can be really strong against some drafts, but not someone you'd pick any game like a venge, lion and visage.

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                                                                                  Puck mid is waste of mid in pubs, most Junglers make you lose. Kinda alchemist... But all in all just puck mid and junglers,

                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!