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General DiscussionWindranger v2.0 (Advice)

Windranger v2.0 (Advice) in General Discussion

    Good evening :)

    Could I please ask someone to take a look at my last games as Windranger (if you have the time) and take a squiz at some of the things I could do better?

    I find I am struggling to dominate the midlane, and I attribute that to my own lack of skill, since I know windranger is a very capable mid. It would be nice though to get an experienced, outside analisys on some of the games!

    Any constructive critism would be appreciated, and I know I made a few screwups (spamming travels thinking they were phase) but please keep in mind I am 3.5k only, and I would really like to improve my midlaning!

    Thank you!


      small tips:
      -try blink instead of sb, its better in most of the cases
      -when you are getting aghs, its optimal to buy swaff of wizardy before ogre club, not vice versa (i checked only ur last game, so excuse me if it can not be applied to the rest - im a bit too lazy to look through all of them in details)
      -you should really spend more time pushing towers with early point in focus fire

      Este comentário foi editado


        Thanks for taking the time :)

        -I want to do blink but I just find it so useful to move around while invis in their woods. Will give it a shot tomorrow!
        -I buy ogre club first since the only "guide" I had was Slasher's vid and he said he gets point and ogre first for the added hp.
        -I find myself roaming a little too much lately as a mid, and not actually taking my tower/farming. I am trying to work on that :)


          i would disagree with slasher here. if you play mid, you are probably outfarming as well as outleveling most of the heroes on the map, and you need additional mana pool and +10 damage more than 170 hp. You get ganked much less often than you do gank yourself at this stage of the game.


            I envy people who can play WR mid D:



              Would like to get more advice on this please guys :) Thanks!


                I used to have a really terrible winrate with WR and I have only just evened it out to 50%. With 276 games, I feel i have found a very appropriate way to play WR mid especially in this patch.

                You need to first of all
                1: Out CS your opponent (You have a good attack animation and you get phase boots, this shouldn't be too hard. You also have powershot if you are having trouble)
                2: Take down the tower early or force rotations mid.
                3: Keep a tp on you early to counter-gank
                4: After taking down mid tower, you need to rotate and take other lanes.
                5: Prevent the enemy from taking your tower down (Powershot is a very safe counterpushing spell)

                Other tips;

                - Try Agh > Deso. It actually wrecks towers and heroes and helps your team handle rosh.
                - Blink is good but it delays your real carry potential, it definitely has it uses but you need carry potential, not utility.
                - Use Windrun to manfight, not to run away.
                - Some heroes really suffer from powershot spam and can't handle it, you need to abuse this and harrass with powershot every chance you get. Ask your support to get the other lanes rune so you can stop their mid from refilling bottle. (This hurts their mid alot).
                - Remember Windrun and your right click, heroes like sf really can't handle your right clicks early and if they try to manfight you, you have windrun, abuse this.



                  Thank you for your insight, will be trying that tonight as well :) What is nice is I play in a 3 man stack so I generally have someone able to check the runes. It is sometimes scary to check them though, especially against heroes like skywrath even pre levlel 6.

                  The main point I feel I need to improve on is my lasthitting early mid lane as well as harrassing the enemy and potentially killing them!


                    Blink aghanim and gg.

                    Check someone in the map, run into it, blink to get position to shackle it on jungle or creeps and focus fire. Nothing can stop you.

                    After that, do some damage itens, like maelstron, desolator etc, or bkb if needed.