General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some Gyrocopter tips

Need some Gyrocopter tips in General Discussion

    Off-late, I've been playing a lot of Gyrocopter. For the most part I'm very successful at the hero mainly coz 3.2k guys still haven't figured out how to play against mid gyro with max homing missile first.

    In most of the games, I get FB, crush mid and proceed to gank and get a few kills as is expected in pubs. The problem starts with late mid-game. By mid-game I generally get the standard phase, aquila, bkb. By this time I either start building a mkb or bfly. But most of the times even building these items I don't feel like I'm doing enough physical damage. This is particularly true if there are enemy heroes who can do a ton of physical damage like Sven, Ursa, Sniper or PA.

    What items do you recommend against such heroes? I tried building ethereal a few times just so I can kite during enemy bkbs. Are there any other item builds that can improve gyro's dps?


      abysal blade is pretty good


        why would you go mid with gyro if you can have someone like qop there...


          Gyro does great teamfight damage, but less solo damage compared to other carries with the same networth. So you need to either significantly out farm the opposing carry and have higher networth, or force them into teamfight situations. Sniper cannot kill 3 or 4 heroes in 5 seconds like gyrocopter can because he can only attack one at a time. You need to control the map such that the enemy is forced to teamfight you at their base. This way you can attack the tower, while also killing their whole team with flak cannon.

          If you are winning early, be sure to push your advantage. Follow up kills with tower damage. Follow up with advancing vision - do your supports ward so you can see behind towers? If not do it for them. Gyro is excellent at killing people hiding behind a tower if he can just see them. If you have vision to know what is hiding back there, gyro can easily dive and kill people behind their tower.

          Este comentário foi editado

            stop going mkb and go a real dmg item

            King of Low Prio

              in the current meta you need to assert your early game dominate as gyro early into the game. If you are safe lane you should focus alot onto zoning out the offlane. Mid you should focus primary on trying to set up a kill (or make the other mid always be scared of missile leading into gank). If you are offlane force the other team to always require a support to babysit and soak exp and remove the option of pulling camps. If you jungle plz kill youself

              Dire Wolf

                how is mkb not a real dmg item? What's more, divine? Accounting for the proc mkb adds 123 dmg to main target, and since flak cannon hits can't proc mini bash or crit from daedulus, the 15 attack speed on mkb is better for flak cannon than the crit on daedulus. On hero calculator on main target at 16 with aquila, bkb, phase boots, mkb does 315 dp and daedulus does 319. Butterfly and abyssal are also both less than mkb. Mkb is one of the best dmg dealing items for gyro.


                  gyro is a good mid whats the problem here


                    Yeah because you usually only build mkb and then no other items, good job m8. Daedalus is far better unless they have heroes with evasion.


                      Of Late You’ve Been Off. bascially it's "of late" not off-late.