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    Won a game with 4 cores on your side, built a refresher on Zeus but no aghs? great KDA btw


      Oracle .. Now that's a rare hero... I would suggest.. Don't pick oracle.. He's not good for a pub game

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        I was in a party with spectr, and picked oracle to counter Omni. Oracle only sucks when playing solo

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          @crusader pretty apparent with the enemy lineup that they lacked flash farming ability to keep up with sven, or the early game agression to try shut you down that way. As if that even mattered, looks like poor LS fed to top it all off, too. Nice, swift stomp.

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            @CAPTAIN'S MODE = +25 +25 +25 +25

            alchemist should be played as a farmer, not a fighter


              @Free Cookies

              600+ last hits in <40, wow ur good


                ^ Need to work on your last hits, no stats at all and generally too many deaths.

                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                  @free cookies, I believe alch can hit a relatively high power level starting from 8-10 minutes when you get your first 2k worth item (for me I rotate between drums, medallion or armlet) and start roaming and getting kills while farming as agressively as possible during down time. I mainly aim for a strong presence early-mid game taking advantage of the hero's ability to acquire items at early timings. Just recently tried out armlet and I must say it's really good on alch, being able to hit like a truck at minute 8ish. (Next comment pls skip me)

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                    843 XPM and 932 GPM, Oh my god how did you achieve that very high XPM & GPM and become 6-slotted within 35 minutes!?

                    But why do you upgrade stats on level 1?

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                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                      ^ganking early and snowballing, buying cheap but high value items (armlet, deso) and farming anywhere hard on downtime. The stats upgrade at level 1 was a misclick lol. Anyway skip me now please, someone comment on dan and this guy


                        Did people still use SF nowadays? Seems like a waste of time Kappa. Anyway your team snowball so hard you had nothing to do except to lock down targets.


                          @CAPTAIN'S MODE or you can just play it like me with radi bots manta octa

                          and have 90% winrate

                          Pale Mannie

                            obvious booster is obvious

                            stupid fuck 2000

                              Those guys got destroyed lol. It's impressive how they had such a good lineup and they still managed to fuck up so hard.

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                              Swap Commends

                                one sided game.gj anyway

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  You coulda turned some of those assists into kills if you just had a dagon.

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack IM PHANTOM RIKI AND I BUY TRANQUILLS INSTEAD OF POWER TREADS BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack

                                    Swap Commends

                                      Nice early stomp.Ember kinda owned

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                                        you had really low hero damage for a zeus

                                        i'd recommend other items instead of an euls if you want survivability, like blink or force

                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                          It always feels so bad when you're playing support and everyone is feeding out of their minds. You got destroyed.

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                                            Gotta pick OD and rekt scrubs


                                              FUCKING OD ^ BOIS
                                              I DONT TALK BOUT OD.

                                              FUCK OD.
                                              FUCK 6.87
                                              FUCK ICEFROG
                                              FUCK VALVE
                                              FUCK YOU TOO


                                                I wouldn't say that dagon is absolutely horrible on Zeus though it definitely leans toward it but I don't see the point of getting that item versus 5 tanky heroes. You would've done a lot more better with something else.


                                                  Ouch. Got steamrolled by an Ember Spirit and Slark, huh?
                                                  You built a glimmer cape against a Bounty Hunter - not quite sure about this decision... maybe use that gold for up-ing your boots, or for a mek? Your AM was nice and farmed, so it would have been nice if you could have provided more sustainability for him in fights.
                                                  You played with 2 professional players though! Awesome.


                                                    Went for a good ItemBuild. Well, id say you where the single best carrycounter possible and they could not do a shizzl about it once you got that BKB.


                                                      Very bad farm for a 45mins as a core, no lifesteal or bkb. If you were support Mirana then what's wrong with you with those items?



                                                        So defenseless team
                                                        Very greed itemization from your team, u should have mekans pipe greave bkbs or euls or anything for magic damage absorbtion or disenggagement.

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                                                          @¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ???

                                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                            @¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A medusa that never came online, a lycan that never had a chance to burst down towers, you fed and tusk had the highest hero damage all while 3 of this meta's top picks are in the other team. FeelsBadMan


                                                              CAPTAIN'S MODE = +25 +25 bad farm for an Alchemist

                                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                I don't get why people always look at alchemist's farm and not the overall damage he's effectively done. ganking, man-fighting alchemist has really went down the recognition drain. Ends simply cannot justify the means anymore.

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                                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                                  You did fine but I don't like the item build honestly, why would you buy daedalus+skadi instead of abysal+linkens so you dont get jumped by lc and just jump her instead?

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  Player 175043649

                                                                    fucking invoker picker

                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                      Carry team,rofl :)) gj man


                                                                        Win a game 4v5 from min1 ? Huskar Normal Skill! Gj!

                                                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                                                          Pure stomp. OD + shaker were really good hero choices against terrorblade/dusa/SF.


                                                                            @Nerf OD u fucks

                                                                            Good KDA but seems like very slow farm.


                                                                              @cyaekt wow, spec, very nice, much kill, such haunt.

                                                                              YOU PLAYED WITH NAVI SONNEIKO WOW NICE LA


                                                                                Tiny wisp opie opie, and in normal skill too, not bad :)

                                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                                  U lost cuz of bad draft.That viper build is horrible.I guess he helped ruining the game.

                                                                                  Ahmed Jaffar Al-Nasser

                                                                                    nice gpm,xpm and stomp. Strange skill build tho, You should've bought 2 rapiers & throw the game at least to make it fun.

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                    Player 175043649

                                                                                      nice techies, but picking techies isnt fun anymore after the update :(

                                                                                      🦴Bobon Bone骨

                                                                                        It turns out that LC is a pretty good bristleback counter. Also, rapier witch doctor isn't very good

                                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                        Player 175043649

                                                                                          @dotato it's mine, fountain dive went bad

                                                                                          arc warden and lycan, that must be a pain to deal with, also radiant picks are bad

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                                            Reason why LC kinda weird as main carry. Lowest hero damage not that impressive. But you pushed all the way to victory well done

                                                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                              let me guess: you stole warlock's ult and shat on their team afterwards. also, enemy sven had lesser last hits than a no-radiance spec, and the warlock had the most net worth in their team.

                                                                                              I can’t believe its not h...

                                                                                                Havent seen a armlet on alchemist in a while. i presume the match was a fast push, looking zeus last hits. got farm with kills though.

                                                                                                Like the SnY on veno


                                                                                                  Good support items with nice KDA.



                                                                                                    no blink on Invoker. Don't like :/ Decent HD but awful CS. Just focus on split pushing and you gucci