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    I like your build on Shadow Demon, but I think you should go boots before urn or other small items. Boots are so much value. Seems like you supported Monkey King well in lane gj. Also why did you buy quelling blade on SD? anyway good support nice wards nice smokes gg ez


      cause of brood i cut trees so he cant hide XD btw sick am game pogchamp

      Muhammad Sumbul

        Stomped their asses.Nice babysitting ur cores i guess


          says youre guardian but probably a 4-5k smurfer, ez jugg game playing in very high skilled wp

          Potato PC

            Nice magic/physical combination. I couldn't understand why would you choose Shiva Guard over BF, Octarine or BKB though.


              berry nice io

              kinky beltbuckle

                Support wraith king :)

                Potato Marshal

                  Good tusk game, though aghs is a little gimmicky, would've been great if the BS was on your team, I would've gone solar crest or something along those lines due to how much physical damage your team does.

                  Muhammad Sumbul

                    ^Dafaq did i just see.Dude go easy on that timber pls. Are your teammates on steroids or some other shit like like,i could use some too. Tell me where i can find it pls

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      I'd like euls a lot here against willow jugg and invoker, otherwise good job, didn't die too much, good assists and decent building dmg. Pretty good game.


                        nothing bad LUL


                          Bad hero damage, strange with that much networth jakiro manage to pull 13k hero damage only 1k behind you, suprisingly low heal on a 44 minute match it's like 1 purification / minute, yeah but you did your part i guess



                            Skip me

                            Muhammad Sumbul

                              For Braindead carry:Nice work not dying but it seems like your spec did all the work.Anyways nice decision going utility items rather than for a greedy aghs.

                              Potato PC

                                EZ game for you since enemy abandon and enemy build is unusual. But 1 dead isn't easy to accomplish which is nice.

                                Muhammad Sumbul

                                  Replaying to potato pc Skip me:The zeus abandoned after they 5 man ganked me and i got an ultra kill(sand king and lc came a little while during the fight to help me)

                                  Noisy Miner

                                    Ez game.. a very high skilled crusader!?.. vlads ain't dead it seems xD.. Gg Pl

                                    Muhammad Sumbul

                                      Support too stronk.Tether overload infinite hp for ur core.Good work turining the game around


                                        @Revolution's Phantom Lancer game.

                                        Decent game. Only two points to talk about.

                                        Skill build is nothing out of the ordinary, Spirit Lance max, followed by Doppelganger with a value point in Phantom Rush. Depending on your lane partners/enemies, it might have been better to go for the max Rush build. At first glance Rush build might seem kind of underwhelming, but Lance scales kind of underwhelming as well, while Rush has 4 second CD reduction and a whopping 8 agility per level. Leaving Lance at level 2 provides a respectable 20% slow for a 130 mana spell. This is good in your game because of your lane. I'm thinking a Zeus/Clockwerk offlane versus PL/SK/Pudge roaming. SK was a lane support because he maxed Q and W, and LC could have handled offlane solo since she maxed her E first. Maxing Lance with an SK/Pudge (two very crowd-control oriented supports) seems a bit overkill for a Clock/Zeus without movement abilities. Your build worked out fine but I definitely think it could have been better. Understand that I'm using incomplete data, and I'm not a very good player myself, so I might be wrong.

                                        On a side note, the talent you took at level 10 was worthless. The enemies' main burst was through Zeus, Tinker, and Clock. The only enemy hero who had impactful right clicks was WK. +20 attack speed, especially against a WK post-Diffusal and pre-level 20 on WK, is very important for the manaburn. It is like Treads' bonus, which is +25. Attack speed carries on to illusions, so keep that in mind when you play illusion heroes. You also have to make the most of the time in which you are not blinded by Laser.

                                        Vlad's is very... bad, to say the least. I have seen it participate in some action in pro games, but only on supports with megas vs megas. I have 3 notable reasons for this.

                                        Firstly, the item could have been respectable if your team went pentacore or quadcore lineup as commonly seen in pubs, but that was not the case. You had a Pudge and SK, two support heroes who barely use their right clicks by the time you have Vlad's up. LC, as mentioned, went max E build, so lifesteal wasn't a problem. Sniper could use it, but the ideal fights your team should've taken is 4 melee heroes playing around Pudge/LC pickoffs, drawing the attention of all the enemy heroes, while Sniper hits from the back line. Sniper's max range is 950, Vlad's aura is 900, furthermore the fights could be split up or fought on different fronts, which means Vlad's aura couldn't be fully utilized by your Sniper. He is a ranged hero as well, so he benefits only 10% of the lifesteal compared to the 15% of melee heroes.

                                        Secondly, there a lot of items out there that is significantly better than Vlad's. In terms of mana regenration, PL can work just fine with Aquila + Raindrops, if you participated often in skirmishes then a Soul Ring wouldn't be too far-fetched. If you were worried about the enemies magic burst, Hood is a decent pickup on position 1 carries. 6.5 health regen vs Vlad's 2.5, though Hood's regen is exclusive for you. Getting ganged up on by Venge, Clock, and WK, then honestly Dominator is also in the equation. 7 health regen vs Vlad's 2.5, both auras for the friendlies around you. If you were looking to tank up for 2000 gold, then you could've just went on, took your casual Yasha, and turned it into a Sange and Yasha. Sange alone is a shit item but Vlad's is worse. Actually SnY was a core item this game, to kite Clock and WK while being tanky enough to survive burst from Zeus and Tinker.

                                        Lastly, PL doesn't win fights by pulling off insane amounts of damage in a few damage instances, so lifesteal is not exactly a priority, he instead wins by playing around the CD of enemy AoE nukes and overwhelming the enemy once the nukes are expended or dodged.

                                        The point is, Vladmir's Offering is a bad item not only for your match as PL, but for any hero in the game unless in extremely niche situations.

                                        Skeptical about Basher, but seeing as SK's Q was the only reliable ranged stun, it might've have come in clutch when Tinker TP'd in front of your faces after all the lockdown was used.

                                        Overall, well played game on Phantom Lancer. I don't know the order of the picks but that match was not a bad PL game at all. Kudos to you for actually not afk farming (unlike 80% of the carries in the game), if Tinker got a Hex or WK was slightly more farmed and made Mjollnir, things might not have gone smooth enough to close the game out at 24 minutes. Good job.

                                        Muhammad Sumbul

                                          Rat is real.
                                          Dat analysis tho
                                          Mission accomplished. Respect +
                                          Replying to Somnus M
                                          It was 1 v 1 me against clock against that stayed around for a while and later rotated top and mid as i was solo killing the clock.
                                          The reason i didn't go for an sny was because their base was technically our home.I picked up the yasha and by the time i left their base i had 6.5k gold.Zeus was playing mid ,wk was in the jungle and rotating top and tinker and venge were in top.
                                          I am the last pick in the game
                                          And on a side note if you want complete data head over to my matches are always parsed as i visit regularly

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            I see. I saw Zeus + Tinker in the same lineup and I just had to try and guess about the lane, my bad.

                                            I forgot about opendota, thank you for reminding me. Next time if you would like to get a match analyzed then pick a match where you actually had a hard time. This way the conclusions will be more meaningful and will have a bigger impact on your progress, as opposed to having a complete stomp since it means you won; there is nothing left worth analyzing and improving upon in regards to that specific match.


                                              As someone who is trying out offlane occasionally as well nature's prophet, you have my respect. Good bld damage and item progression

                                              Noisy Miner

                                                8 mins game.. Np has dc for more than 5 minutes.. safe to leave.
                                                Find match again!

                                                Muhammad Sumbul

                                                  ^Go play another match i already commented on the wisp match

                                                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                    brought the cancer to a bunch of noobs who couldnt deal with it.

                                                    Mad Scientist

                                                      that mid dk why he rushed blink? what do you do to him? man that's so bad of you :( anyway great job


                                                        impressively won as invoker. GJ

                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                          A contesting match
                                                          Would have been easier if Ur team had more detection

                                                          😭😭Now somebody tell me how to counter a smurfy SF(who said that he is being paid for playing in his brother from another mother's account)


                                                            ^Well now I understand why you are worried about an SF smurfer. Anyways on your match blade mail wasn't necessary. You needed an escape item like sb. Blade mail doesn't work for squishy heroes.

                                                            And to counter SF, he is a really squishy hero in early game. A nuker like Tinker or high damage hero in early game like Clinkz will easily counter him in laning stages. If he doesn't get farm early on, he's a total goner.


                                                              Couldnt do much due to the chain stun i suppose. Couldnt rat as well due to Bara Charge Sad clinkz game.


                                                                Your line up is pretty horrible, but still win. Incredible


                                                                  Your Huskar match - typical Huskar play, 3 man party helped win a tough game for you. Solar crest on Huskar is somewhat confusing though.

                                                                  Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                    They rekt you pretty hard


                                                                      lol that jug magic build why just whyyy ez game !!!

                                                                      Mad Scientist

                                                                        whoops i think your team too squishy for a farmed pa, that techies too is pain in the ass right? hope you already report that guy xD

                                                                        Pepper & Salt

                                                                          You shouldnt die for Thanos and gave him the soul gem


                                                                            Ok nyx spam apparently. What I can say as someone who also plays nyx 2 ways(3/4) is that you have a window where you can burst with your skills their agi carries and int squishies. Aim for ganks on high priority targets amd get gpm from there. Don’t dagon everygame and meme hammer is good


                                                                              ^^ @Ugandan Pangolier

                                                                              try picking SS/CM/SD for support


                                                                                Can't really comment on a turbo game, so gonna do your last real game instead, the DK one...
                                                                                Bad lane compositions and lane matchups ended the game pretty early. Didn't help that you had nobody really playing support, with a DW trying to take your farm and a roaming dagon Oracle


                                                                                  Ez sniper game with a snowballing team to help keep you ahead while keepingbthe enemy down


                                                                                    U get so good teammates... Nice compo


                                                                                      nice supporting your 4 cores keep it up rarely see sup in your bracket


                                                                                        Well you guys lost even though you guys won all lanes except mid, good item progression on morph in the early stages, however i am assuming u got killed fairly quickly due to glass cannon nature of the hero and with their pa and alchemist they should have killed you pretty quickly later on in the game, or even techies bomb if u didnt get the chance to proc bkb

                                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                        Potato PC

                                                                                          Well played, but would be better if you bought BKB.


                                                                                            I’m guessing you like wisp potato? Nothing we can teach you but I will say I’m impressed. Would love to learn more wisp myself the hero is pretty satisfying.


                                                                                              greedypick from their line up
                                                                                              nc AOE combo from your team
                                                                                              they can't nothin without BKB
                                                                                              build shadow blade is gud choice against them


                                                                                                ez for pudge