General Discussion

General DiscussionA culture of blaming and flaming when you are losing

A culture of blaming and flaming when you are losing in General Discussion

    Has anyone noticed this?

    Every time we are in a losing game , there will often be 2,3 players blaming everyone else, and quite often they are the worst players on the team. I've lost 2 games since Friday and those are the only games that had massive flaming in it...

    It seems people can't just say "Okay we lose. We tried. I could do this and this better but I will be friendly to my teammates" Instead they say "omg the slark did this wrong and the gyro did that wrong and you are so noob and fuck you and blah blah"

    It's unfortunate because I have done it once or twice, and I realise it's such a bad thing and makes the game horrible. It's like everyone who plays dota learns a brutal culture of arrogance and flaming.

    My last wraith king loss, I checked the dota profile of the biggest flamer (who was seriously laying into me for not getting aghs?) and he had quite a bad win rate. So just goes to show, they seem big in the game but meanwhile they probably know nothing.

    Anyway just a little rant for the day, how do you people feel about this?


      MUTE, have fun gg.


        BTW my last game I completely deserved the flaming, but it would be nice to have a bad game and be getting encouragement to still save the game rather then "leave the game you fucking noob"


          This has everything to do with people's perception of themselves and their complete inability to accept personal responsibility for losses. The reason why these people are often the worst players is that they never turn the lens on the one thing they can control: their own play. They refuse to critique themselves and instead opt to cushion their ego by blaming everyone else.

          Blaming is not useful because, like I said, it is an attempt to fix something that isn't a long-term problem: none of the individual randoms that you get queued with are the reason why you're stuck at 3k. Even if raging and blaming improved your teammates' play (tip: it does the opposite) it would still not improve your long-term MMR--you will probably never see those players ever again. YOU are the only common element in all your games, and because of that, it is HUGELY more beneficial to focus on improving YOUR OWN PLAY.

          Yes, it is very frustrating when you are the person everyone decides to blame, but the only thing you can do is not engage. Let them flame, let them report, and try harder in your next game.


            Confessing to themself that they did something wrong is the point someone is getting better.

            I say to myself quiet often that I fucked up in certain aspects and it is no problem for me when other people mess up unless no one makes a big deal about it and influence each others motivation. Quiet amusingly I feel like a make a whole bunch of mistakes and I am the one that most commonly has the most MMR in my team (5.5k+)

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              You flame someone else to make other people feel like you played well. People thiink their mistakes are not as important if someone else is also making mistakes and they try to exploit this by flaming and blaming that guy.


                It gets a little better in higher mmr.

                Im the Bully of my School

                  yea its the mmr your in @OP. in normal skill player are rednecks literally. they go skadi and maelstrom on viper. i saw one. and then they say they gonna kill you and your family in the mic when you tell them their passive doesnt work with item. with a fat redneck construction worker voice and 70 iq with fat head. everything even their voice sound when you hear it seem retarded. even if they have proper english . it just the tone of voice you can tell hes a half retard like the stupid is in the voice its insane i can feel it.


                    Of course everyone has noticed this.

                    Actually, I find that as time goes on, I get paired with people who get flamed and flame less and less. This probably has something to do with my attitude in playing mmr (not flaming and trying my hardest to encourage). People in my games may have bad games, but people mostly just point them out for us not to do again and not to flame.

                    So just try to be that positive guy and you'll probably get people with better attitudes in your games.