General Discussion

General DiscussionMjollnir vs Battlefury - Alchemist

Mjollnir vs Battlefury - Alchemist in General Discussion
Pom Pom 🍕

    I've seen more people going Battlefury on Alchemist for farming Aghanim. Is there a reason it's become more popular over farming with a Mjollnir (or has it always been better, but I've just not seen this hero much in forever)? Alchemist is not a really a stats-hero, so the new quelling blade effect doesn't sound like it would affect him that much. Mjollnir gives a ton of attack speed for him to proc chain lightnings from the item, so it sounds better, but I'm probably wrong.

    If anyone could explain why bfury is better now I'd be grateful.

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      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

        mjol is literally shit, bf all day every day

        mjol for stacking, bf for solo

        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

          Mjolnir has around 4-5 times higher DPS vs creep waves compard to BF..
          And now I am talking early and mid game. In very late game you can ofc one hit an entire creep wave with one or more BF.

          Therefore I ALWAYS make Mjolnir or Maelstorm on AM and PA instead of BF.
          Mjolnir also synergies better with AM mana burn.
          Also give AM better stun lock

          But maybe most important of all:

          The components used for Mjolnir each has a higher DPS then the components used to make BF

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            That's why you have 38% winrate on PA

            Mjollnir is terrible on AM i don't even want to expain why

            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

              Hmm how can my win rate have any impact on how much DPS difference there is between BF and MJ?

              I dont get it.


                uh thats not the issue
                u need the sustain
                also works against ancients

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                Pom Pom 🍕

                  Stacked ancients is a good point I guess. Even with acid spray it's really slow to take without bfury.

                  Miku Plays

                    BF - dps and cleave
                    Maelstorm - its just +24 atk spd , + dps and chance to proc lightning

                    youre better off cleaving than praying you proc everytime


                      Making mjolnir on PA is stupid in itself, whether u make bf or not.

                      However for AM, mjolnir can warrant consideration for a slot, and for alch i think its fantastic.


                      What mjolnir brings most to the table is the phenomenal attack speed (ofc, with moonshard now u can make arguments to replace with moonshard, but thats a new story) that synergizes well with BASH, to keep ur target perma-bashed like troll and void. Now PA duznt rli need attack speed items. Retarded ppl make pure AS items on her. Its stupid to give her anything with a hyperstone (except AC). She gets enuf AS with her blink ability.

                      But AM, and in particular alchemist, benefit greatly from mjolnir, generally bcuz of all the features;

                      -attack speed
                      -damage in itself
                      -flash-farming ability

                      and specifically from the attack speed that gives u the ability to perma-bash with basher

                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                        huh no
                        out of am pa alch
                        am needs the regen the most, even if you go vlads mael the mp regen wont cut it


                          you need bf for non stop farming in woods with am.( blink)
                          even if you have vlads and tread switch you run out of mana, while with bf you wont


                            what about radiance alch or is it just horrid? I suppose he could farm it fast

                            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                              I think like this.

                              Someone else in the team could farm the anciants. Depends on picks and strategy.

                              The mana ring and health ring used to make the BF is very expensive in relation to how much reg they provide compared to alternativs like tango, mango, the aura items RoB and RoA and headress and vlad, life steal mask (900), Sages Mask, and so on.

                              Therefore I always get Mj or maelstorm for farming and solve the reg issue in another way. Even a TP could be a good enough reg item in this reasoning.

                              And MJ is always Better then BF when you fight a target like a hero 1vs1 if he dont have some kind of illusions etc.