General Discussion

General Discussionmedusa builds?

medusa builds? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    what items do you guys buy on medusa?

    is weird shit like sny, abyssal, or mjolnir viable or a complete waste of gold?

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        think sny is a complete waste
        mjo is great
        abysal is situational, better than mkb/daed for most situations, allows for 100% stone against melees and lets u switch rapier when u have aegis etc


          kitrak mjo is great on medusa afaik its the highest dps and the static charge works well with a frontliner like her.
          the buildup also allows her to get a cheap dps item before tanking up, without having to commit to a high tier dps item which compromises on her bulk.
          zenoth copied my build heheheh

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            I go: aquyla>treads>yasha>skadi>mom(or mom>skadi)>manta>travel>bf>rapier most of the time.


              phase -> aquila -> mom -> yasha -> skadi is the build
              sny is not that bad imo


                aquila > phase > sny > skadi > blood stone > rapier > travel boots
                check out best medusa MidoriKasugano builds here..

                Dire Wolf

                  Mask is really amazing on her cus of her dmg reduction she can take the hits with it.

                  I go phase, aquila, mask of madness, yasha, skadi, sometimes finish manta or s&y. Manta is a crap item and you only get it if you need the dispel. S&y on the other hand is quite a good item, a lot more move speed, some great hp, a great proc and cheaper. Get S&y if you need a little more tankiness.

                  After that you have to make a call to go dmg items or tank items. Tank item choices are bkb, linkens, bloodstone, scythe. All good in different situations.

                  Dmg items, daedulus, mkb, butterfly, mjollnir. Again all good in different situations. If I had to pick a default I'd go daedulus and butterfly for my last two cus you are usually tanky enough.

                  However I have mixed this up and snuck in a maelstrom once. I had more space than usually but it was amazing farm. Phase, aquila, mom, maelstrom, skadi, finish mjollnir, daedulus. Try it if you have some reliable space. Maelstrom will help your dps a ton, but leaves you kind of squishy before finishing skadi.



                    Mjol is pretty legit if you aren't going Manta. I would even say, it's legit if you aren't going likes of Linken's either. MoM > Mael > Skadi is perfectly fine. The main point of Mael isn't dps it gives, it's accelerated farm it provides.

                    Dire Wolf

                      It does give a lot of dps in a team fight though and medusa lives off team fights late.