General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm gonna get my 50% invoker winrate, or go to 1.k hell trying.

I'm gonna get my 50% invoker winrate, or go to 1.k hell trying. in General Discussion

    Invoker is, (and will always will be) one of my favorite heroes. The complexity and flexable nature of this hero makes me want to master him.

    However, durning my nub stages of playing Dota 2, (still techincally a nub to the elitist here), I didn't win a lot with this hero. I'm trying to get back into touch with this hero, but every single time I get an advantage, something comes up and I fall off hard.

    Any tips I can use to get myself into better shape with invoker?


      try e q invoker. i find it much more successful than my q w invoker. personal preference. just get a midas euls ~13 and u should be getting free kills every min or so.

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          Did what you said, still lost the game sadly.

          well at least my KDA that game was decent. We just had no way to deal with the push, (AM BF 18 mins and didn't do much till 60 mins in = gag myself)


            I try to do the same with Tinker. 200 games & still around 44% win-rate...

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                Try necro 3 on him. It's super strong.


                  you need 42 wins to reach 50%, GL


                    42 wins 0 losses.


                      Well you are already failing badly with Anti-mage. If you really are determined to get to 50% wins with invoker you have to lose a lot of games so you are in easier games. Then you can win with Invoker on the way back up. It looks like you could pick AM and lose quite reliably. But if you are really serious about losing 40 + games to set up invoker come-back wins the best choice would probably be to spam Broodmother. Brood seems to be totally incompatible with your skillset and playstyle. I think you could lose a ton of Broodmother games and not improve.

                      After than Invoker games will be easy to win. The real challenge however is not losing games, that's easy. It's the psychological impact of losing so much. Will you still want to play dota? Do you really want to spend 50 hours making your life and those of 4 other people miserable? It's not hard to disguise a throw with Brood. You just first pick it and watch the enemy get EShaker, Sand King, Lina, Leshrac, and Ember Spirit.

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                        Im on the same way, lol

                        How many games I need?


                          I would say I´m a pretty decent invo player (153 wins to 123 loses ->my dotabuff isn´t complete). I just looked on some of your Invo games and i saw that you always get Agha? Aghs isen´t bad on invo but hex, orcied, necro or Shivas are often better. If you play QE do you get midas? this item is very importent on QE because you need fast lvls.

                          My standart QE build Looks like: midas, power treads, force/blink, necro, hex/Shivas/(maybe bkb) and after this maybe Agha/refresher/octarine.

                          When you aren´t trained with QE i would always prefer QW espacially after this patch. My build would be Phase, orchied, blink/force, hex/Shivas/bkb, agha/refresher/octarine.

                          I hope i could help you a bit:)

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Perfect patch for this at least ;)