General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 patch

6.84 patch in General Discussion

    this patch feels alot better. theres no more fucking trolls or snipers and games have bcome more enjoyable. thoughts?


      I quit
      but hats are so tempting I want to come back

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        ppl still all in the carry, so there's not much actual change in the meta

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        game is bad

          Better. It went from waiting for the team with Troll or Sniper to win to actually having non-stop action.

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              Patch is good, but 80% of my friends still suck. Volvo pls buff my pals.


                ^ i dont think its possible for qop to lose mid ;/

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                    Troll & Sniper disappeared, but new cancer showed up - Undying. I also think that Lina, QoP are stronger in current patch & they were imba in 6.83.

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                      casual gamer

                        i feel like undying and gyrocopter will be the new op heroes, they are at least strong pub winners


                          i havent seen any gyros in my games maybe he will who knows. undying is op though


                            Ck, gyro & slark are very strong

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                              Father Jack from Marketing


                                plz do

                                  spec, necro, ursa, undy and alchi rape these days. Storm spirit actually still is a very strong hitter in this deathball meta. I feel like nowadays the game needs to end as fast as possible. u need strong hitters in early/mid game, who are not so farm dependend and can fight all the time. Spec is nice, because she can farm and participate in deathball w haunt. necro, ursa, undy are very strong w low xp/farm. ursa is basically unkillable w his ult these days. alchi farms faster than ever - one big reason to finish fast vs him.

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