General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are you? White or green?

Who are you? White or green? in General Discussion

    Who are you? White or green?

    Are you the same color (person) IRL and in the world of Dota?

    If you are not the same person in Dota as in IRL - why not?

    Which color do you want to be?

    Which color do you want others to think you are?

    Think about it for a while...

    This could be more important for your life then you think.



      I'm black and I find your OP racist.


        im racist and i find OP a f@ggot


          Why usomean gooby?

          plz do

            did u just have a talk w ur shrink? congrats - u mastered life.


              If you only knew how much you guys amuse me :) <3


                BTW I dont know what OP means in this context.

                < blank >

                  What are you tinkering about?


                    op = outstanding phaggot

                    Hex Sigma

                      op = original poster

                      Also facebook bullshit that claims to tell you stuff about life lel


                        How can I be the sane person in Dota as IRL when it's illegal to kill 5 people in rapid order?




                            Someone said that i'm Blunt, i might be red right now rofl :D


                              Atos how did you manage to get this into something sexual? :)

                              Is it a Freudian thing maybe ;)


                              Wana sleep with me maybe? ;)

                              If you are lucky I might be girl with big b00bs ;)


                                You dont think this is true my dear Rasph? Take from me as a friend with mor life experience then you: it is very true :)


                                  idk what is sexual about phaggots.

                                  i like b00bs tho, but i don't think you can handle the dragon.



                                    Well, in Dota you actually need some skill in order to kill someone.
                                    But I believe in you! Some day you will manage to do that also ;) :P


                                      Ohh my! That dragon sure sounds interesting to me :D
                                      Does the dragon have a name maybe?

                                      Grrr ;)


                                        Author of these pictures is definitely green.


                                          a phaggot is a bundle of sticks you bundle of sticks!

                                          Hex Sigma


                                            You read it on the internet so it must be true. Srsly thought if you believe everything you read on the internet you're kinda wrong. Psychologically people are way more complex so you can't try to force and fit them in some molds. Regarding this idea, there are for example the big four personalities, or even the 16 types made by Jung, however not even those can fully describe someone. Mainly because even though people generally have common traits in reality they also have a lot of different and unique points that cant be fit into a mold.

                                            A person can't be morally black or white. We are just different nuances of grey. Some of us are more competitive, some of us more helping, others more selfish, others more mean and blunt. A human can't be entirely evil, the same as he cannot be entirely good.

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              ^but human being can be entirely phaggot



                                                Come one, this "You read it on the internet so it must be true." is guilt by association. It is an false argument.

                                                Well, you basically tell me that no model or theory can describe everthing or all aspects. I know. That is true for quantum mechanics, the theory of General relativity, and so on. For all fields of science.

                                                But it is not a counter argument to this White-and-Green-"model". It is just how science and knowledge work.

                                                Some models are more simplified then other models. It means both strengths and weaknesses.

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  But I can give you this. The modell is highly dependandt on a specific and not very common definition of the word success or successfull.

                                                  Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                                                    OK the administrators apperently did read my comments in other threads and now made some kind of change so I cant make any more comments with the account that I used when I created this topic. I will therefor use this account that I comment with now instead. This goes for all other threads as well.

                                                    Seems very strange to me. Maybe they have a good reason but I doubt it.


                                                      maybe the trolling was too obvious

                                                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                        Hmm well obvious in the sense that I did say I was trolling.

                                                        But on the other hand, I used this account in the begining of the trolling.

                                                        I really dont understand why they think it is better that I use this account instead of the other.

                                                        It just dont make sense to me. But maybe there is a clever reason.

                                                        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                          Just trying to make this sticky

                                                          I apologize for any inconvenience

                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                            ^the thing that they changed is actually banning you for spamming(maybe).


                                                              I'm asian and I'm yellow.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                I hate bullshit like this, people are more way complex than a fucking post on facebook, and sucess has NOTHING to do with being an asshole or not.

                                                                Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                                  No what they changed is this: I wrote that I was using an account for commenting but that I turned of the expose game stats thing. Therfor DB couldnt show my new games and new profile names.

                                                                  So now they have changed that. Now my new name is shown and The site says I have to turn on the expose games thing in order to post comments at all.

                                                                  Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                                                                    It depends on how you choose to define the word successfull

                                                                    And I still claim that this says so very much about how people should behave both in IRL and Dota.

                                                                    Just think about it. What would happen if all Dotaplayers choosed to be white when they play the game as well as write in forums like this one?

                                                                    It would fucking awsome!

                                                                    No flame, no blame, no feed, no leavers, and so on.

                                                                    But it doesnt work since this whole community is trapped in the classic and well known prisoners dilemma.

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Well the game would be boring and the forum would be boring. Assholes make me look better in comparison.

                                                                      Anyway life is complicated, everyone has problems and everyone is a bit of an asshole from time to time, dont judge so easily.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Maybe you are right though, i guess i just got used to everything in Dota, nowadays it makes me happy to be insulted, its just means that i am playing right.


                                                                          what about the dragon

                                                                          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                                                            LOL DOrkly you are funny :)

                                                                            In some sense I also like to be insulted since that make me feel like I am a better person (i did write feel and not think or am)

                                                                            And yes, people insult you and me when they dont understand that we are doing something new and good that they have not seen before or just dont understand.

                                                                            void / atos

                                                                            I am always ready for the dragon

                                                                            I just want to know the name of the dragon first ;)