General Discussion

General DiscussionWas I wrong or the team wrong?

Was I wrong or the team wrong? in General Discussion

    Match 1448131106

    I got flamed for nearly an hour by my team. Most of the time I have a 12-15 min BF but this time I laned against a kunkaa and sniper. VS was of little help in lane. We lost T1 early and I only had a perseverance. Most of the game I was playing catch up farm and split pushing. I TPd on fights I thought we could win. I had many mistakes this game of which I know. I had some bad blinks and early deaths for nothing. End game comes around and I split push. Finally I have enough items to man up. Team keeps running down mid and doing die backs, blaming me. We still won but I got flamed for an hour even though I knew we were still going to win. Did I do the right thing? Or should I have team fought with no items and just die to huskar and WK over and over and lose the game?

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        Deal with it.
        Sometimes things like this aren't worth to be remembered or else it would just end up affecting your mentality over the next few games, disrupting your performance and it influences other people as well. Get over it, or take a break before coming back.


          Looking at the stats, their team placed more wards and they had ZERO support heroes. Lol but yeah let's blame the AM who won us the game. From minute one they were fighting with each other. They got into some bad fights and then united against me. The clowns in this game are astounding.


            It's not a question about dealing with it. I think I did that by winning the game. I simply want to know if my play is correct or not.


              And I realize my tower dmg was low but that's because if back out for fear of pudge and huskar. We had little vision on the map.

              Execute Order 322

                chill dude u did ok


                  There is no point proving whether you were right or wrong, except for your own improvement needs. If whatever you did brought you to victory, despite being flamed by your teammates throughout the game, that just proved they are not there to see whatever you could. Whatever happened, happened. Trying to justify who is right and who is not, and asking question like "why this, why that" help absolutely nothing in the game when incidents already happened and there is no turning back.

                  If you think your split pushing was the key factor to victory, then let it be. You don't need to further prove it to anyone.

                  Bad Intentions

                    Man.. Its tough since ur still in normal bracket where i guess people are just too emotional? Plus ur in the us servers where there are a lot of casual players



                      Someone in my friend list invited me to an unranked game he's 2.3k or something likethat and the game is in high skill so others players with us must have been higher. We were in 5 stack, I randomed nature prophet so said i would jungle. At mn 0:30 the guy that invited us (warlock) just came out of fountain so I tell him to go mid and he don't listen (probably is blind as well) and just go in defensive trilane. We lost every lane in 2-3mn and the warlock keep blaming the whole team for his death telling his friend are too slow to react (remember this guy took more than 2 mn to chose his starting items and get out of fountain).

                      Game was lost in 5-6mn so I just tp into some trees and asked if soemeone could leave so we can go next, but the guy still goes full raging mode for 30 mn blaming people from his friend list and telling us he played with some competitive team (he has 2.3k mmr). Most of his friend trolled him a bit and at the end he was like "give me your adress i'll fuck you". Still in anger after the game end he removed me from his friend list (good for me).

                      Long story short some people lose their temper really fast in this game when it goes bad even in some unranked game, it's just part of the game. Maybe your team was wrong and you carried them, maybe they was right and you did ton of mistakes but still carried them at the end; maybe they was wrong to blame you but they carried you to the victory giving you time to recover. Do not bother about these blame it's part of the game. You'll be surprised when a game goes bad and no one blame each other.

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                        ^Nothing much to say, no reliable stuns, can't survive their early game, can't rat since there is a storm. The picks rule in this one.

                        Try captains mode if you want to not see your retarded teammates to pick heroes like Sniper, Riki.