General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is this fair round 2.. 4.3k vs 3k?

How is this fair round 2.. 4.3k vs 3k? in General Discussion

    Not to mention that guy probably got 4.5k+ solo MMR.

    It's not even about how hard he stomp agains 3k , it's about laning phase, where my team decides to pick "Dark Seer" Against Drow...

    A lot of players are talking 4k are superior to 3ks, so please, enlighten me and explain me how is this fair?

    Yeah, they got "3.3k" aba to even this "big" mmr gap, however, that 3.3k aba might have 3.5-3.7k+ solo, so it's not even fair...

    And I'm not talking only about this game, it happens quite often in 3.8-3-9k.

    You get 4.3-4.5k+ guy to play with, or to play against. 99% of the time it's pure game stomps..

    Nothing to do. Can't win.


      Just after that match, now Volvo gives to ME a 4.4k player.

      What a interesting match making system.


        well the average MMR was the same so the game wasn't exactly imbalanced. Normally this happens when stacks are involved in this case the 4.3k guy was stacked with his 3.3k friend. It also becomes more common to have a large variance in MMr as rank your rank gets higher.

        the real issue with stacks is that they use party MMR, many players have significantly lower party ranks then solo ranks. you might get matched with a player who's party rank is 4k, but their solo rank is 5k, they will kick your ass or carry you but you will still get +/- 25, not +/-5 like you would if the game counted them as a 5k.


          the real issue with stacks is that they use party MMR, many players have significantly lower party ranks then solo ranks. you might get matched with a player who's party rank is 4k, but their solo rank is 5k, they will kick your ass or carry you but you will still get +/- 25, not +/-5 like you would if the game counted them as a 5k.

          I was talking about that all along.

          Just read my post.


            And yeah, alch 4.4k and me just rolled ourselfs into victory against them.. Just pure stomps.

            Don't get why volvo dont want to do something about this..


              normal in USW
              most teams have like 300-400 mmr disparity, often higher


                ^^ from your first post I thought you were complaining more about how you got matched against a 4.3k then about the possible solo/party gaps.

                If the 4.3 is a 4.5 or the 3.3 is a 3.5 that's not a massive issue. its the horrible people like singsing who have 4.8k party and 6.8k solo who really fuck things up. I completely agree about it being unfair though they should fix the way mmr works when stacking.

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                  Actually, in my opinion, difference between 4.8 and 3.3k is bigger then 6.8k and 4.8k.

                  3.3k might just come from 2k, there's no way 4.8k were even high 3k...

                  GS400, your game seems to be more balanced then mine..

                  Thats what im talking about. Gap between 4.2k and 4.8k and 5.6k and flat 5k high 4k isn't THAT big compared to 3.3k/3.8/4.4k/4.5k...

                  Even 3.8-3.9k outplays 3.3k-3.5k with ease most of the time, do you even have idea what an 4.5k player that's mostly playing carry/mid would able to do an mid-low 3k player in mid lane, for example?

                  milk that tastes like rea...

                    your 2 stack could have higher solo MMRs too but you just look for reasons to blame your loss

                    i had a 4.7 avg game, our team was 4.6-4.8
                    other team had 4.3/4.4s + 6100 (blackshatan)
                    we lost, but none of our team capitalised on the other players who were lower than us
                    so just need to play better. deal with it


                      honestly this shit doesnt matter just play dota dude I used to think laning phase meant a lot until I started watching chains from the CSW SEA south east asian stack. While he's obviously not losing all matchups with bad mechanics the dude will come out of a lane he lost and just find farm everywhere take over the game and become godlike in moments.

                      Also if u think your team is retarded look at games like this

                      invoker went jungle, silencer decided to steal my farm and rush a mek (which he never pressed), storm stole my mid and fed the enemy mid 3 times within the first 5 minutes but we still won

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                        KEEP IN MIND YOU ONLY NEED TO WIN 60% of games to go up a lot in MMR so this game doesnt matter in the big scheme of things

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                            Drow beats everyone including SF in the mid lane u fucking idiot kitrak

                            CAN'T WIN

                              My drow mid is 1-12 2-10 and 0-5, yeah I beat everyone as a drow mid.

                              Weird thing is i won the first one selling all my items and buying tranquil boots and e-blade


                                I was stacking with a 3 man party...

                                1st guy: 6.1k solo/ 4.2k party.
                                2nd guy: 4.6k solo / 4.0k party.
                                3rd guy: 4.8k solo / 3.8k party

                                ez compendium farm 8)

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                                  I'm 4.3k solo & 3.3k party. I struggle super hard in party & my solo games are much easier. I prefer to play with 4x4k players than 4x3ks who just only feed & pick stupid shit like solo support Pudge. If I don't pick Storm or TA I know I will struggle to 1v5. It's like my party MMR is elo hell & solo is normal MM.


                                    i always lose when i stack with 3kmmr, i dont get why people say i should stomp the 3ks kappa


                                      mask of madness shadowbade 0 denies as shadowfiend

                                      mimimimi my team sucks :((

                                      casual gamer

                                        last game i lane vs 3k mirana as slark, she solo kills me three times ROFL

                                        still won though, she had terrible impact later on 8)


                                          srsly 0 denies sf... great player

                                          the realm's delight

                                            theres barely a difference between 39 and 43 so its just u being bad

                                            casual gamer

                                              she was 3700

                                              i was 4700 four days ago



                                                Why you complain about anything my friend when you had 0 denies as Shadow Fiend thats like 2k mmr at best.

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                                                  Well its really unfair. I would cry myself to sleep if i got a 3300 on my team. No offense bros.


                                                    Who cares. I am 4k and i stack with 2k's.
                                                    I win some I lose some. Chill your tits they are heavy as fuck.
                                                    Besides some of them have inflated party mmr because they get carried by the higher mmr played so they are actually worsde than their shown mmr.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      That's not very imbalanced at all op, imbalanced is when you get a 2k player on your team who is supposedly balanced out by the 4500 guy he's with, rest are like 3200. That 2k guy usually drags you way down.

                                                      But anyway, party mmr is too inaccurate to worry about anyway since people play with friends of all sorts of levels and have weird win rates with them.


                                                        This was solo MMR, Timber...


                                                          its ok i played against a 4200 mid once in my solo queue game. fun times


                                                            What a weird rant... it's a weak habit to justify every party ranked loss to inflated party MMR values (which ofc are only present on the enemy team).
                                                            Yesterday I had a game with a full stack, we had an average MMR of ~4,8k. The enemy team had ~5,2k. I know that my team members did not have a higher solo than team MMR on average. So let's assume the same that you do: The enemy team is in "reality" 0,4k higher than the stated numbers, resulting in 5,6k on average. Conclusion: We are gods among mere mortals.
                                                            Oooor they just had a bad game and got outplayed by a snowballing Tusk that was well supported.