General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-mage: Vlads + bkb vs Heart

Anti-mage: Vlads + bkb vs Heart in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    In 6.84 what and when is better to obtain? Does it depend on a matchup or the optimal choice is clear? I've tried vlads + bkb first time in my life instead of heart and imho it's much worse. Perhaps, I should've sold bkb and vlads and get heart as soon as avatar hit 4 sec. duration but i didn't manage to do it cuz we've lost earlier [ ].

    Your opinions? What is the right way?


      I'd say bkb was right choice that game, heart is more for slow sieges when you have aegis imo. You can walk up to tower hit it a few times back and heal up. Your team was a bit more fighting oriented so you had to win that game early or not at all. You can always sell vlads for heart later in the game or get a hex.

      Execute Order 322

        Btw shaker is so op atm: feels like no cd stun machine

        casual gamer

          shaker is v good against am

          vlad is definitely core, heart

          Execute Order 322

            So u recommend vlad + heart but without bkb?

            casual gamer

              whoopsmy message was cut off

              i usually skip heart, go vlads into bkb abyssal or bfly

              that makes you farm faster and do more in fights, and vs not very good opponents you can just wait for them to blow skills before going in

              also heart always feels kinda shitty, because you have 1000 more hp but can still be stunlocked and bashed, and it doesnt help much vs enemy carries


              usually when i get heart it means the game is lost, back when i was normal skill i built it every other game and had 30% winrate

              Este comentário foi editado
              casual gamer

                oh, and keep in mind that it is very viable to just push out lanes and wait for enemy team to engage by your base and rax them, that is why sometimes butterfly is bet to buy after manta, it gives insane siege damage

                with creeps in base and treads bfly manta abyssal you can get multiple rax if they dont tp back

                < blank >

                  Magic shall not prevail

                  <--- Best AM

                  E: Heart is even better now, what will you do when a Lina comes and Laguna Blaze you? Use BKB? Vlads provides some lifesteal but this is not enough. Go Heart and at the end sell BF and buy BKB.

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    vlads is early game item.
                    you sell it later exactly for heart, and any support can buy it, so basically the right build would be heart + bkb


                      bkb was good, vlad was not

                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                        Satanic or skadi + diffusal blade

                        < blank >

                          Satanic and Skadi are Orb items, I know you want to sound very smart but please ^^

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            If the enemy team has 2-3 agility carries, heart is useless. It's like a 5 slotted heart centaur trying to take out the high ground of enemy techies.. u can't win. The reason behind BKB is those extra 5-10 seconds you can do something risky without getting punished for it. Just think of ultra late game vs. PA and/or sniper. They are critting for 1000+ and possibly with armor reduction items.

                            Honestly even with heart I'd recommend satanic/dominator or an ally with life steal. It's just so dump to really go vs a team that has it. My view of it is Heart is always a 2nd or 3rd item pickup. If your making manta/bf then pick up heart and say you don't SHIT on the enemy carry. Say it's PA or Sniper. They get MKB & daedalus, and pick up dominator etc... guess what they will probably outlast you until you get dominator.

                            casual gamer

                              you cant buy lifesteal on antimage except vlad mister cat