General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 SB players come!

6.84 SB players come! in General Discussion

    1) What are your preferred starting items? Mango + shield + slipper to PMS is kinda good in leaching xp. Once you have your urn, you will be ganking non-stop and may have some early game mana issue. Mango will then be handy.

    On the other hand, qblade + gaunlets allow for imba last hit and slightly faster urn, though you will not be as tanky as you would like, and will lose a lot of unnecessary health to creeps considering you need to be at the frontline.

    A naked wand, naked shield and oov are also good options early game, but then you tend to be slot-starve quickly especially when you need to carry dust if necessary. But if there are no invis heroes, these cheap items are really value for money, especially for a good SB who does not really farm creeps.

    All things considered, I really think you need to vary your starting items based on line-up.

    2) Thoughts on power thread? I used to think it is a must-buy early item for me. But to be frank, I really find that a naked boot will actually suffice till you get your one or two mid game items.

    3) Blademail + agha? Or BKB rush + mix of tanky cum dmg items (HH / Silveredge / HOTD / Crimson)? I am nv a fan of blademail + agha. This is because early game, a blademail rush does not really make sense as you are most likely ganking, and enemies will not really have the chance to fight back. An agha rush is also sub-optimal since the stats are not really cost-efficient. Also in the long run, blademail is not really that great due to disables and SB sub-optimal strength gain.

    On the other hand, BKB allow you to do your job come late game. Your base BAT may be 1.9, but I find that you will still be quite scary if you can reach 0.8 sec per attack. One or two lucky quick bashes are really devasting when chained with charge + nether. Coupled with the utility that HH / Silveredge / HOTD / Crimson can provide, this ensure that you does not turn into a walking ult machine only.

    There is also the nuker route, i.e. dagon + shadow blade. This has its niche, but if your team does not have any initiators or you are fighting against WK, LOA, Dazzle, Huskar, Razor etc, I will really advise against it. If you are unable to shotgun, your efficiency will really start to fall like a rock....not to mention your teammates flaming a SB that is ball-less and does not initiate.

    4) Thoughts on midas? There are scenarios whereby you can actually roll and accumulate enough gold for a quick midas. However, you then proceed to buy other items. Thereafter, team fights and ganking opportunities start to dry up and your income and exp are affected as well. You could not really farm the jungles because you are not a jungler and because there are 3 other carries farming there. This is when you start to wish that you really should have buy the midas so that you will not be under-level. This also apply to bad start when you are falling way behind. A blademail rush does not help because enemies carry will just happily soak the damage. Instead, a midas ensure that you will not be too far off in levels and allow you some steady income to buy your utility cum tanky items.

    But this does not really work out every time and there may be times whereby you will actually snowball way harder or at least be able to put extreme pressure on them when you invest your golds in other items faster. And even in games with bad start, small items like sange and orge axe may actually allow you to last longer in fights just to be able to survive the last hit.

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    The Ice Truck Killer

      We play in different backets but here are my thoughts:
      Silver Edge is not worth the upgrade imo
      Not a fan of Dagon but I can see with a Shadow Blade it can help with pick offs/Split pushing and killing the enemy hero that tps in but other than that it really has nothing going for you in a team fight. In a 5v5 engagement you might kill a support hero with a dagon but you'll still lose the fight and a 1 for 1 trade with so much of your teams networth invested in your dagon is potentially game losing.

      So you have 2 routes to take, constant split push vs team fight
      If you're team fighting, you really need a bkb 25mins or so. You won't even get to nether strike an enemy core without a bkb but the thing I hate about this route is you really need a lot of items if you want to contribute positively in a team fight because with just a bkb and a shadow balde, you get your combo off and maybe one more charge but contribute nothing else to the fight. If you're not going for DPS, maybe a shivas + blademail might help and if you do go for DPS, you need AC + Daedalus etc.

      The other route is the constant split pushing
      I used to hate vlads but just picked it up one game and daaaayuum, you push like a beast. I believe the speed aura affects allied creeps too - try it out. It gives lifesteal to ranged heroes too so it's not really a situational item, it will always be relevant regardless of what other heroes your teammates picked.

      I don't think I can really add anything else that will be helpful because we play in different brackets. (I normally play position 5 and even then my item build will probably get you killed in 3 minutes or lose the offlane in 30 seconds at your level). Btw I think treads are really good. Tranquils if you go ROP first and have good lane prescence early on else the extra armour is wasted, I've always thought phase boots are overrated in fights because you lose the speed when you cast/attack so it's not really a chasing item and of course the speed bonus won't help with bashes if you lose it as soon as you right click. I can see manaboots being an interesting pick up if you go for guardian greaves or w/e it's called... waiting for someone to try it out. Treads is the best imo because tread switching ofc and the attack speed - now you might say the IAS is useless because of his awful BAT and I agree with you for the first 10-15 minutes you won't see a difference but as soon as you get a shadowblade, the extra IAS becomes noticable - usually the difference between 1 more extra hit which is so important for SB. That extra hit might proc a bash which will give you enough MS to kite for a few seconds allowing you to charge one more time and stunning 3 heroes once more.

      1 more thing - I don't think SB should be top choice initiator. If you counter initiate, you can bash more than 1 person with charge and you won't get blown up instantly allowing you to possible get another multi-target charge bash. Imo, if SB isn't playing position 1, his team fight contribution should be solely based on stun duration. It doesn't matter if he doesn't kill a hero or does 0 DPS, provided he gets multiples bashes off allowing your right clicker/carries to go ham.

      You probably disagree a lot with what I say but I think you should try vlads + split push. The trick is to carry a tp imo. Suppose you're radiant and you're pushing top lane tier 2 whilst enemy is pushing your mid t3 as 5, if you have your top t2 still, you can tp there and charge mid and still make it on time to participate in a fight.

      Edit: Dagon for split pushing is basically playing like brood, I might try making basher > Abyssal now that you can make it. The extra bash chance should theoretically give you kill potential like dagon does but now you're also building for late game ala the AC+Daedalus+Abyssal+Bots etc route.

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      Bad Intentions

        Ive played a lot of sb but.. Hes a situational hero in this patch.. He still lacks that 'overpower' element in his game

        Not sure what mmr u are but he is easily countered in the 3800mmr range

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          @Bad Intentions:

          My mmr vary from 3.9 to 4.5 as I am kinda streaky. My win rate with SB tend to hover around 60% with 3+KDA in 6.83.

          Contrary to what you said, I feel that 6.84 SB is way more viable than 6.83 due to creep gold nerf and hero bounty buff. This mean that you will not lose out so much on farming creeps and will actually have more income from farming heroes when ganking 24/7. But I do agree with you that he is not "overpower". To put it simply, he is actually quite well balanced now. He is definitely NOT TOP 25~30 heroes in dota. BUT he is definitely among the TOP 30~40 heroes out there. That is why you feel that he is situational because you do not expect him to appear in all comp games.

          Pub games are a different story though. SB success depends a lot on his laning stage and getting quick level 6. But compared to other off-laners, he only need exp and does not need gold (i.e. a dagger) to wreck havoc in the early to mid game. As such, your greatest threat is always an aggressive tri-lanes that can starve you of exp. 2-1-2 is the norm in pub. And as a SB player, I really prefer to have a ranged lane partner to cover me, though an aggressive melee vs squishy ranged may work as well.

          Other than aggressive tri-lanes, a lot of your counters can be solved by a BKB. Nevertheless, I still will not straight up say that BKB is a must have every game, especially if you have a good initiator in your team. I believe experienced SB players will agree that SB is a good follow-up/counter initiator but a sub-par initiator.

          You have a lot of good points and insights. Here are my 2 cents.

          I agree with you that Shadow blade is good but not dagon. That is putting too much eggs into 1 basket. This is just not my personality. Shadow blade --> BKB --> HH + naked platemail is actually a good well-rounded build-up. The ability to bypass ward early mid game and the additional IAS for that extra bash can be the difference maker. BKB make you immune to most disables and allow you to bowl through enemies during clashes. And as your BKB timer wind-up and enemies carries build-up damage, HH + naked platemail are really very cost efficient items to boost your EHP.

          However, since the ninja nerf to HH disarm (whereby it can be dispel via BKB), I find it underwhelming on certain occasions. Therefore, I really feel that silveredge is actually a god-send item for SB (and str carries/ganker in general). The break is good versus so many things and allow you to last longer and even manfight alot of carries. It is a double-edge sword though as enemies can buy it against you as well.

          SB role in team fight is straight forward. You burst down 1 hero quickly and proceed to overwhelm with your team, your innate tankiness, and lucky bashes on the lowest hp target. This is why I am not a fan of blademail + agha as it is just so underwhelming in this regard. Any items that provide a mixture of damage and survivability such as HOT, AC, HH, BKB, HOTD/SATANIC are really good. Honourable mention goes to Crimson guard as well.

          As far as IAS is concern, I think a shadow blade or hyperstone or maelstorm + thread should be enough for you to attack at a decent speed. I still stand by my view that if you reach 0.8 sec per attack, you would be quite scary. MOM is not a good item to achieve this due to its obvious draw-back. SB might be tanky right off the bat, but his agil gain is quite low and come middle game, your armor will be average and you will lose your innate advantage if you did not invest in any armor.

          Thread is good but I am not sure whether it should be rushed over your mid game items. Guardian greaves is simply not worth it. And SB is simply not a split-pusher...he does not take down tower fast enough...

          TP trick is nice. A lot of SB players under-estimate the power of TP in counter-ganks. They somehow do not TP to counter-gank (when they do so for all other heroes) and rely on charge from the other side of the map, and that may be too late by the time you reach. Another SB player advice is not to bite into bait. This tend to come with experience though.