General Discussion

General Discussioni don't know what is wrong with me

i don't know what is wrong with me in General Discussion

    there periods when I play like shit, I miss lots of obvious kills and I have poor map awareness, my farm also becomes shit for no reason, can't even press skills
    this is my main
    i lost like 500 mmr in the last 2 months now i'm 3195 LMAO
    last game shit gpm, TD, 9 deaths, no items

    the worst thing is that i'm aware of my mistakes and I hate myself

    i play good when I stack with friends and I just can't win solo ranked

    any solutions? do I have ebola or some 2k disease?


      Patch 84, I have 33% win-rate. Awesome.


        i have 100% winrate in this patch


          even with years of hard work, dedication and confidence in your ability (which you obviously lack at the moment) you won't even be close to how good i am

          Este comentário foi editado

            100%, 1 games, teach me how to win

            @N4randza i think patch is good, I hated 6.83 comeback mechanics so much


              might wanna ask Blunt about coaching, look into it, heard he's quite good


                can you stop Kappaing me


                  another shit game
                  Look at my deaths
                  Look at my teammates deaths

                  NICE GAME DOTA 2
                  but i played bad anyway so i deserve to lose


                    Sometimes it just happens I think. May be it happens a little too much for you. Don't feel bad about yourself. Play some BOT matches and try to solve the problems with map awareness and lasthitting. Try to kill those BOTs with your skills too. Don't rush. Sometimes the brain just stops controlling your body ^_^. Hope you get back soon. Good luck!


                      Thank you
                      but i don't think this is the problem, I just play at my best when I stack with friends. When I play solo I feel I want to control everything and I lose my focus on the game
                      maybe next game I will just play some antimage and go 20 minutes afk tunnel vision farm and see what happens

                      King of Low Prio

                        I dropped 500 MM in one weekend


                          You can't control your teammates but you can help them :D


                            You have good days and bad days (look at my profile). Try to not play if you feel you are underperforming.

                            < blank >


                              Sometimes you can't do anything when 2 guys leave


                                at least it doesn't depends on you when people leave

                                i just played 2 games with friends and i won ez

                                i don't know, i just play bad when i'm alone


                                  I see u like tool, I'm 3.2, I can feed in your games too.


                                    At least you're willing to admit your mistakes. That's something which like 90% of people here aren't willing to do.