General Discussion

General DiscussionFloyd Mayweather Jr vs Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather Jr vs Manny Pacquiao in General Discussion

    anyone else watching one of the biggest boxing fights in history? Who is your favourite?

    Anyway, mine is Philippino guy with the big heart, go Pac-Man! :)

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        Gonna watch just because it's a big fight. Never even watch boxing

        My stream is lagging a bit tho


          Rooting for mayweather


            This stream is great, try it out maybe it works better for you then your current one :)



              K. I'll give it a go. Thanks

              NextStep ®

                Only watch UFC but this is such a big match.
                I'm gonna watch it.


                  Did PacMan just win?


                    ^ I mean, lose...


                      Yup Pacman lost! Fight of the Century? Meeh! That fight is like the final of the TI4 Manny didn't even give effort to his punches!

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        sad Pacman

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Floyd is like a player turtling his base as sniper....don't care trash.


                            I think Mayweather is just too good of a fighter for anyone in his weight category. Pac-Man tried but it was obvious from round 1 that he'll have a really hard time landing good punches and he is a fuckin beast. Yes, he's 36 but still fast as hell and he just couldnt get close to Floyd, i think many of boxing experts are right when they're putting him in the best 10 pound per pound boxer in the history. His style is so rational and flawless and it's incredibly hard (if not impossible) to beat him.

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                              ^pacquiao lose the battle man.
                              Floyd won by uninanimous decision

                              Bad Intentions

                                time for pinoy doto revenge in doto! :]!

                                Miku Plays

                                  hahaha i knew it.. he will lose

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I cant believe people even thought manny could win. All these part time boxing fans have no idea what the fuck they are saying. Mayweather is a dick BUT he is by far (and I mean by a pretty significant margin) the best fighter in the scene atm. The fight was boring because he was outclasses so badly

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      This was literally worse than TI4 finals.


                                        no it was boring because mayweather is a fucking dodger in and out of the ring

                                        he waits out five years until pac becomes a has-been before accepting a fight, then just dodges the entire way

                                        no one is denying that he outplayed/outskilled and landed more clean hits but the boxing meta is obviously shitty and needs a patch

                                        Meepo Lord

                                          Mayweather should be nerfed



                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              If pacman had the same reach as may weather might have been a different fight.

                                              Either way once again any may weather fight is trash. Watch any old fight of Ali vs Frazier or foreman to see what a real boxer with a real legacy challenged himself with. Instead of some lame boxer like mayweather who dodges all fight against hand picked smaller boxers, in his venues, with his ref, and judged who primarily work his fights.


                                                pac got rekt. trash fighter puta madre pwned ez

                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                  This isn't boxing anymore, this is shit. I've seen bigger fights ( and better ) 5 streets from my house. But whatever

                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                    all these part time boxing fans are hilarious. They always go 'Muhammad Ali blah blah blah'. Never actually watching a fight only watching a couple of youtube clips before a big match. Go back to your basement you fucking keyboard warriors and stop pretending like you know how boxing works. You dont land more hits by running, the stats of the match show everything. Majority of fights do not end in knockouts and only these retarded kids expected one last night (sure it COULD happen but to expect it was naive)

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      ^---what you mean to say is to expect one a knockout in a mayweather fight would be retarded.


                                                        ^ lol Sampson. You serious that you're going to compare that video against Mayweather vs Pacquiao? You must be out of your mind

                                                        1. Ali knocked out Foreman
                                                        2. Ali threw hard punches at Foreman
                                                        3. Ali didn't evade or ran away - he hugged for few times, but he didn't "dance" as they say

                                                        on to the other point:
                                                        Mayweather is NOT a better fighter than Pacquiao.
                                                        He could be a better "boxer" though in the flawed context of what "boxing" is as of this moment, imo.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I compared the strategy that you mongolo1ds cant seem to grasp. There is no 'running' in the ring if you cant trap a fighter then you can not call yourself a talented boxer.

                                                          1) Mayweather threw more punches in the fight yet you are too stupid to read the cold hard facts
                                                          2) Mayweather hit more punches but you are too dumb to read the cold hard facts
                                                          3) This is a boxing match why the fuck would Mayweather act like it is a street brawl

                                                          Go back to your basement and play with samurai swords and discuss the 'true way of the sword' and leave the competitive fighting to people who actually know what the fuck they are talking about


                                                            Way to divert stuff. I actually agree with what you said ^

                                                            But comparing it with what Ali did against Foreman? Again, YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND BIEBER KID!

                                                            my argument is not that Pacquiao won the fight
                                                            my argument is that Mayweather won the boxing match - a sport w/c highlighted its flaws today to the entire world

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              what flaws? Manny tried to play the point game in the last 3 rounds when he was so obviously behind in points. Good fighters will ramp up the aggression and put on more of a show.


                                                              omg Ali always running why is is soooo bad -_-

                                                              Like I said before please stop acting like you know anything about boxing it is pathetic

                                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                                You are pathetic

                                                                SO PATHETIC...


                                                                  Dont you dare to compare Ali's way of boxing with Mayweathers. Yes, Mayweather is fast and it's nothing wrong with dodging the shots, but his style is so boring to watch cause he plays over defensive and dont want to exchange punches. Ali was never p*ssy kind of boxer like Mayweather is, still both are/were exceptional boxers in their own rights. While they will both probably end in top 10 pound for pound boxers of all time, Ali was so entertaining to watch (i loved Roy Jones too) and Floyd just knows how to win and has perfect but boring boxing style.

                                                                  Back in the days boxers didnt hold back and boxed reserved, they gave it all and that's why boxing today is a lot more boring that it was back then.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I forgot boxing is about who is more entertaining to watch. Thanks for the clarification

                                                                    You clearly know nothing about boxing but please keep on talking you made me chuckle a bit


                                                                      Floyd played dirty, game was boring as shit.


                                                                        it isn't, which is exactly why the sport has been dying for a long while

                                                                        unlike dota you can't patch the meta

                                                                        CAN'T WIN

                                                                          ofc u can, change the meta to:
                                                                          -Combat longs until one of the participants die or gets knocked out.
                                                                          -There are no llonger rounds.

                                                                          EZ patch

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            When me and my friends have to watch the fight from the street (one of the pubs was nice enough to bring a massive screen outside and show it outside) because every pub is packed to the brim. I would not really say it is dying a slow death. People just went into the match with some extremely odd expectations. They where not only giving manny the advantage they where expecting a knockout against a extremely defensive fighter.......


                                                                              well i'm pretty sure if you find numbers anywhere you'll find its dwindling, this match has been hyped up for over half a decade now so no surprise its popular (but mostly the exception)

                                                                              anyway you'll notice that mayweather's stats are mostly padded with jabs that didn't contribute significantly to the fight except score points... the jab differential accounts for most of the gap

                                                                              i mean you could build a case for his jabs being the foundation of his defensive style... but jabbing was literally the bulk of all he did

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                If you listen to Manny's response at the end of the match is that he thought he won the numbers. This is why he fought so uncharacteristically passive. Why would you throw the fight when you know you are ahead and the opponent is not pressuring you at all. If Manny was this great boxing purist that some people are trying to make him out to be he would have not played passive when he thought he was ahead in points.

                                                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                                                  can i see the combat somewhere?


                                                                                    "it isn't, which is exactly why the sport has been dying for a long while"

                                                                                    Exactly my point. But Samspon obviously likes extremely boring, so i wont even bother explaining anything more to him. Boring boxers for boring people. And it's really hard to be active vs so passive and defensive fighter as Mayweather. it's like Barcelona trying to score vs parked buss with 10 players in their 16-m space.

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                      Ali using strategy against a guy that much larger then him as Foreman makes sense.

                                                                                      Mayweather who had a 5 inch reach advantage, hand selected judges, hand selected ref, hand selected venue, and hand picked female reporters not allowed in sucks.

                                                                                      Of course he landed more punches he jabbed all day with his 5" reach advantage to be expected. Floyd is talented no one can take that from him.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        No it is like being ahead in a hockey match and pulling your goalie to see if you can get your team a couple of hat tricks. It is not hard to be active vs a passive fighter he threw LESS punches than the 'passive' fighter which is why it turned into such a boring match. I enjoy watching talented boxers and Mayweather is a extremely talented boxer, Manny is a good boxer don't get me wrong BUT he tried to fight in a style that was not him.

                                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                          Pac has to get past his reach and jabs to throw anything.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            There are plenty of ways to get inside none of which involve playing passive

                                                                                            CAN'T WIN


                                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                ? what don't you get Sampson a fighter with 5' reach has quite the comfort and can land a jab anytime he wants.

                                                                                                On second thought just stop talking Sampson and go watch some Floyd highlights to Justin Beiber music on youtube. Should be pretty exciting watching him counter punch, jab, and back up.