General Discussion

General DiscussionBad time with 6.84

Bad time with 6.84 in General Discussion

    Im not sure if its because of bad luck, or because the meta has shifted away from my preferred role of late game right clickers, but I have not been finding much success with this new patch. To be fair, I have only had about 5 games with 6.84, but the whole game just feels so different and I cant quite place my finger on what exactly is causing this. Ive been having a terrible time and i hope that some more experienced players could give advice as to why this may be happening and how I can get back into it?


      making excuses and blaming others won't help you improve


        buy more mangoes



          What makes you think I do this? I am seriously asking more experienced players what i could potentially be doing wrong as well as asking for a few 6.84 tips.


            Simply adapt to change~


              Normal skill so the meta has never affected you


                Well bad things that i have in 6.84, from 4 games in 6.84 4 of them have a people who dont even bother read patch note and autopick sniper. After they pick it, i ask him have you read the patch note about sniper, and they answer no, so I think I will retire this weekend until this sniper hype died.


                  Btw, the meta didn't shifted out of late game right clickers, it shifted out of troll sniper (even though sniper isn't really nerfed)


                    This patch feels like no hero is broken and no hero is absolute trash pick

                    e: except terrorblade

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                      Something tells me brood will cause mayham again, but let's wait and see


                        Adapt and change, since the memeclickers of last patch (Troll, Jug, Sniper, Silencer) have become relatively weaker.


                          because you play carry in a majority of your games and only average 350 gpm. the times that you play support you build greedy items and because you also play with a stack plus the fact you're in normal skill, I assume you're one of the many guys that blames their team for having no items when they're a 1 position with 350 GPM, doesn't admit when their friends they're stacking with are doing shit and make the excuse "I have to play carry because if I play support, my carries suck".

                          "what i could potentially be doing wrong"
                          item + skill builds. don't just blindly follow what a guide tells you, think for yourself. farming + movement patterns. in a way they're related. moving around the map efficiently means you spend less time to move the same amount, giving you more time to hit creeps and therefore earn more gold, not standing in lane doing nothing when you could TP to another empty lane or head into the jungle, stacking camps whenever the opportunity arises, no matter what hero you are or whether you can farm the stack, someone else on your team can take it. and if you're primary playing carry, practice last hitting in training mode / private lobbies, there's no shame in doing it.


                            ^ Theres no need to be a dick broseph.

                            1. This is my fist Moba game I ever played. I came from fps games and the entire concept was still completely new to me less than 10 months ago, so sorry if I'm still in normal skill bracket lol.
                            2. If you bothered to look back far enough you would notice that my average GPM is only 350 because I spent a good 6 months straight playing a lot of support while I was learning the game. I only really started playing carry this year. If you bothered to look at my trends you would notice that I have done nothing but improve.
                            3. You just assume things like me blaming my team mates just by looking at my DB? You must be jesus or something.

                            As much as I appreciate the general advice you've handed down in your own special condescending dick like tone, I actually was asking for 6.84 specific tips from more experienced players than myself. You've done nothing but try to insult me and considering you're barely a 4k player yourself after all the time you have invested, I dont see what makes you the authority to speak to me like i'm some little kid begging for a cookie. Thanks anyway though <3.

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                            I am muted

                              gg wreckt andro

                              plz do

                                The patches usually have low impact on normal skill games. So it might not be the patch in general. However, u will get less gold from creeps. hence farming-gameplay has been somewhat nerfed. (i recommend u read patch notes thouroughly, if u dont do it yet)
                                Still if u want to carry u need to get the highest networth in team - its just a part of being position 1.
                                I can only tell u what i am doing wrong and want to get better at:

                                Now in normal skill we have to remember that most people don't know about the farming hierarchy. So even if someone picks lane support - they wont really support their carry in order to make him reach highest networth. So it is extra hard to get ur items and win the game. Capitalism over communism. So you are basically on ur own - meaning u have to increase ur last gpm by timing and efficiency (i really struggle w this myself as well i guess we are somewhat in the same position). And u need ur items to win the game so in early game u have to farm more than helping.

                                edit: went -200 solommr this patch. but i blame it on normal mmr swings and not on the patch. (at the same time +100 party mmr)

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                                  went +200 in ranked since this patch ;d