General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 Jungle LC and sidelane LC

6.84 Jungle LC and sidelane LC in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I just wanna share my newly found lc build primarily item build and a bit of skill build

    [U]Jungle Lc[/U]

    Item build :
    starting items - stout,qb and tango
    then work your way on getting MoM,brown boots,Blademail,Shadowblade,Crit,Silveredge,BoTs,Daedalus, and 6th item is situational bkb,mkb,heart or blink

    Skill build:
    E > stats > W > stats > Q > R > Q > Q > Q> stats > R > stats > R > stats > W > W > W > E > E > E


    [U]Sidelane Lc[/U]

    Item build

    starting items = stout,qb, and tango
    then get RoB, MoM,brown boots, Blademail,Shadowblade,Crit,Silveredge,BoTs,Daedalus, and 6th item is situational

    Skill build :
    E > Q > Q >W > Q > R > Q > W > W >W > stats > R > stats > R > stats > E > E > E



      Why buy quelling in beginning when you can get it in sideshop? Instead you choose to take courier from team for no understandable reason.

      Also, Basilius into MoM and then buy Brown boots? Seems to be a free kill for offlaner whenever he wants to.

      Miku Plays

        what game are you talking about ?

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            what about the jungle invoker pickers :DDD


              a LC i played against yesterday went smth like treads blink basher AC . Even though they lost the basher with the AC did quite a bit of work. Thoughts?

              Miku Plays


                I dont know, jungle lc isnt that bad


                this is just a new build i theorycraft in order to make use of silver edge. AC is definitely a core on LC


                  this is the hero guide made for myself when I play legion


                  This is the general item build I go in one of the side lanes

                  Item build

                  starting items = stout,iron wood branch,soul ring recipe, healing slave and tango
                  then get soul ring ,power treads ,blink dagger,bkb, really everything after bkb is situational but most likely I would get AC

                  Skill build :
                  Q > W> E >Q > Q > R > Q > W > W >W > R > E > E > E stats > R > stats ,Ect

                  silver edge is useful but also situational and not what I would go to by default but if I were to put a build to it it would go some what like this:

                  starting items = stout,iron wood branch,soul ring recipe, healing slave and tango
                  then get soul ring ,power treads ,glimmer cape, Sange, Silver edge ,bkb, really everything after bkb is situational but most likely I would get AC

                  Skill build :
                  Q > W> E >Q > Q > R > Q > W > W >W > R > E > E > E stats > R > stats ,Ect

                  The reason I would go glimmer cape into sange is that glimmer cape is cheaper so I could come online quicker and with soul ring I would not have any mana problems


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                  casual gamer

                    to play jungle invoker it is vital that you cut into trees in enemy jungle and feed fb


                      N O R M A L S K I L L

                      And yes, jungling LC is pure cacner.


                        What do you mean by "what game are you talking about?"?
                        You state "starting items": Quelling Blade, Stout Shield + Tangoes in both builds.

                        I don't understand

                        the realm's delight

                          ^ for the jungle build its better to start off with qb most likely cause u waste time going to side shop (unless courier is already there to deliver something for his teammate and he can get it on courier from sideshop). also idk what you mean by taking courier from his teammates, he has nothing to deliver at the start of the game. maybe some regen but lc wont need it that fast because of press the attack or whatever 2nd skill is. mom before boots is normal if u go woods, all juggernaut players used to do that last patch when they went jungle. tho MoM on lc seems pretty bullshit to me lol

                          for the lane build yeah u can buy qb from side shop, start with salve+tangoes+ring of protection, buy qb off side shop if really needed and finish basi there. idk why u would buy MoM before brown boots on lane tho


                            ^He says "quelling, stout, tango" in the lanebuild, then into basilius which means he'll have to bring ring of protection to a sidelane = mid can't bring bottle when they get the $.


                              buy 2 rings of protection, be protected


                                she said one was enough

                                the realm's delight

                                  well i didnt know you were referring to the lanebuild

                                  Miku Plays

                                    @fuck her p*ssy so hard xD

                                    ahh, i get it now but i take sage mask in sideshop first, i was confuse cause you said" Instead you choose to take courier from team for no understandable reason".


                                    You need good timing to activate MoM during teamfight especially < 15 mins. MoM first before boots so you can go jungle instead if offlane is really hard, ok i know plays in high skill is different in normal but if you dont like it, then you can just buy boots after morbid. But this build relies heavily on MoM and Blademail, its preferable to rush those before 18 min mark ( assuming no t1s taken)

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Based on my bracket, jungle lc is just too.. Underwhelming

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                                          Miku Plays

                                            ^ you do know this thread isnt for jungle lc right ?


                                              I feel like you need a team that can win duels for you if you play LC jungle. Also you need to go brown boots into blink 100% of the time.

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                                                Miku Plays

                                                  can you read the content

                                                  " I just wanna share my newly found lc build primarily item build and a bit of skill build "

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                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      k man good on ya, if this is bad then dont try it, it works for me

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                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          i didnt even ask why im 2k bruh ... get your facts straight

                                                            Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              ok i didnt gg

                                                              Arek Akashi

                                                                Soul ring is core for sidelane

                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                  Yes, thats true but this is my new found build.

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    On a positive note, continue with the sidelane lc.

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      can you explain me why jungle lc is being dis ? i have no idea, last time dd said its because jungle lc max out W and E but in this build i max out Q first just like sidelanes does .. whats the difference ?


                                                                        jugnle lc, bear jungle, invoker jungle.

                                                                        hey look, lone druid woods!
                                                                        lets do slahsers way void!



                                                                          its just inefficient if you are not axe or enigma and some others, it cripples the safelane and unlike said axe or enigma who can get min 8 meka or dagger lc will have dagger way slower and does not provide the same potential as the other 2 examples