General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do some decent players play bad?

Why do some decent players play bad? in General Discussion

    I know i know it's a weird question. I just have some thoughts after watching this game again:

    We lost because ursa is so fat. Ursa is fat because Axe constantly feed him at top in the beginning, then he just snowball, killing everyone with his strength. I may have turned it around if I go top to help axe sooner, but I didn't, but it's not the point.

    Watching the game again I see that Axe is not really bad. Later in clash he can use his skills well and move properly. I think he is not really bad at all. Then I can't understand why in the beginning of the game he just run top and feed ursa, like, "yolo"... He feed once... He feed twice... I think at some point he should realize that he can't fight ursa alone, shouldn't he? He is not bad after all.

    I'm not angry or upset or anything. I am just amazed that sometimes not-stupid player does some kind-of-stupid things...


      ^ Because people have bad days or they get on tilt?


        ^ If that's the case I think he should have a whole bad game. Other than the action of feeding ursa constantly in the beginning, I think Axe is doing pretty well everything else.


          Prob tired or not motivated.
          Some people play bad on purpose just to have the game end faster.


            If I want the game end faster before I even start to play, I just quit dota and listen to music or do maths.

            But I see your point of not getting motivated. Maybe he is too tired to think of any other thing to do instead of going back to his lane like he always does. Cheers


              Maybe axe got unlucky and got very few or no procs on counterhelix. Maybe he got mad after dying the first the first time and wanted a "revenge" kill.


                ^ that's a good point too. The urge of revenge is kind of dangerous in dota I think. Just let it go ^_^


                  Dota is a very complex game with tons of nuances. This guy is much worse at axe than his average hero.

                  His record on Axe is 8 wins - 12 losses, and 1.65 KDA average. This tells me those are probably his only 20 games of axe. He may have actually never tried axe vs ursa at that early level before this game. Also even though he may generally have an idea of how to play axe, and generally have the skills to do blink calls and such - he does not have the specific practice on this hero so he makes a lot of mistakes.

                  Some people assume that someone who is XXXX MMR is equally good, or nearly so, at most heroes. But this is not the case. It is easy to see that winrates vary widely from hero to hero for each player. One player may be excellent at Anti-mage, but fail miserably with ember spirit. Someone mid dominate mid with SF, but consistently lose with QoP. I find that players often play +/- 500 MMR at least depending on the hero. That is why you can spam a certain hero a rise in MMR so much as you perfect it.

                  In this case I would say that his axe play is not up to his MMR level, because he consistently loses and has low KDAs.

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                    sometimes i see myself dying 1 time where i definitely should not, and i actually called it in my head a couple of seconds before like
                    "this guy will tp and i will want to last hit tower and because of that i will die" and it fucking happens and i get disappointed in myself.
                    and i don't feel like i can play well rest of the game.

                    or i lose a game at 4400 when i was pretty good at 4800-4900 and i fucking want to play next game but again i am disappointed from last game so i play like shit.

                    i guess its what you call wanting to relax while winning and when it doesn't happen people get mad or just are calm but play really bad.
                    i lost a PA game matched with 4 5k players, and it was because of me too, because i had complete freefarm top against solo invoker but i failed with item decisions and a couple of gameplay decisions and i got dissapointed.
                    after that i still wanted to play but i didnt feel like i could be focused so i just played treant while being half afk.

                    imo after a bad game some people will either be emo/half afk player or just flame while not being focused and being plain bad.

                    whatever ill go play some more treant lol


                      ^ back in dota 1 time when I just want to afk I pick furion and come jungle. Farm all the game when no one knows where I am. (when that trick was still new to everyone)

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                          because were people and we have bad moods. after so many losses those days, i feel like punching a baby.


                          i win mid, see my team feeds so i just go 2/14 or something. when i see riki has farmed, i got back to playing and tadaa 9/17


                            People should really learn how to keep a good mood, really. Good for dota, good for life ^_^


                              its not only about mood
                              butterfly effect: small decisions sometimes result in huge wins/losses cz they interact with other players' small decisions. bad decisions can give positive ffect sometimes, and vice versa. we can assume there exists a random factor (although ofc it isnt purely random, but its too hard for us to analyze reasons and consequences). unintentional bites, unexpected (even for the player himself) good plays, guesses (blind hooks, random catapaces), etc.

                              if everyone would play as he plays on average, why would competitive dota even exist.

                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                Ursa is very op this patch