General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat can be called true skill in Dota 2?

What can be called true skill in Dota 2? in General Discussion
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    This is my 2nd account. On this account I was playing carry role in almost every game. In some way it is some kind of lottery: if you have good mid, who is ganking/making space for you, then eventually you get a lot of farm, some gold from assisting in ganks etc. It allows you to buy your items and punish your enemy for not being enough "careful" about you: allowing you to farm freely/not ganking you. In the case when you have bad mid, u usually lose because enemies become quite farmed quickly and they get total map control, which prevents you from farming. Eventually, u lose. If my point about goodness/badness of mid deciding the result of the match is right, then it doesn't really matter how good am I, because all my victories were kinda secured/provided by good mid players. It's kinda easy to rape your enemy when your mid player has already given you a huge advantage. Surprisingly, I had kinda high winrate and kda. Last 3 games i've tried myself as a mid player. I've failed hard. However, there were some ridiculous mistkes made by my teams in those matches like no warding/no early ganks (all that was made only by opposite team). Nevertheless, I assume that those losses are mostly my fault as a bad player, because I believe that mid player has the highest influence on the game and can win any game except when u have feeder on purpose in your team (if this mid player is skilled enough).

    So, I've come to the conclusion that the true indicator of your individual skill is ONLY how you can handle mid heroes. Your victories on other roles are in 95% cases were determined by your mid player and the only thing, which shows your winrate and kda on carries is your luck in terms of "who played mid in that game and was he good enough". Is that true? Does it mean that if I hit 5 or 6k mmr by playing ONLY carries, in reality my skill is significantly lower because I'm not able to maintain same success with mid heroes?


      I've had games where my mid fail but we stick and we win. When I play support I carry tp, so when the enemy mid player ganks my teammate, I come to help, and sometimes even kill the ganker and protect my teammate sucessfully.

      Sure mid heroes have high impact on the game, but other positions can have high impact too, just my thought.


        Thats not true , not a single point u made was true ,my last game with storm i had lina on mid who should dominate me , i made the lane even , i baited her and was killing her she was 1 hp away from dying and a wild sandking came stuned me bought enough time for me to die and she took the kill , after that the lane was impossibke for me to do anything , supports and offlaners r the ones who can make or break the game , look at my ss and es games , qop i was semi support too , mid is determined by supports and offlaners mid game by the mid and offlaner and late game by mid and carry , ofc the other roles can play at every stage of the game but these have the highest impact


          Sf mid failed hard still won

          Me and qop took over the game from the offlane

          I got ganked heavily at mid and game was hard for me , still won

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            Each role has a significant influence on the win or loss of the game. If the carry is bad at last hitting his farm will start slowly, but that really doesn't matter too much usually because all carry heroes farm quickly after their damage gets over 100 or so, even if your lasthits are not great when damage is merely 60. The carry wins/losses the game on his late game teamfight choices. If he uses his attacks to kill the important target first in teamfights and takes towers out when there is the chance to do it - then he causes a win. If he chases heroes around getting juked, dives the base and dies at the T4 instead of raxing - then he causes a loss.

            Supports determine map control and provide farming/ganking/pushing opportunities. IF they do this well, it is easy to win. If the supports ward, crow, deward, gank mid twice before level 6 etc... your mid hero will look like a superstar even if he sucks. If your supports get mobility items (blink, fstaff) and execute disables without dieing, your carry will have a very easy time getting triple kills in fights.

            The Mid hero roles does probably require the most skill, but he is fairly helpless without support giving him advantages over the opposing mid and usually can't close out the win without the carry bringing in serious dps on the towers.

            The offlane heroes are, in my opinion, in the hardest position early. They are nearly always outnumbered, farther from support, start with little to no farm, yet require a core item quickly. But these are typically initiation heroes who once they get one core item the game becomes fairly easy.

            MMR balance in 3k to 4k games has greatly improved over the last year. So that the mid players are nearly always within 100 MMR points of each other. If you really wanted to test 1 v 1 skills, you can play 1 v 1 - but dota is not a 1 v 1 game. You might crush a pudge mid on cs as QoP, but if he later on proves to be excellent at ganking with only boots and a bottle then who cares what kind of cs you got and who cares that you reached level 6 first by 45 seconds? What you do with the mid hero throughout the game matters a lot more than whether you "win mid" in the first 6 minutes. But winning the lane helps get started.

            In 5k MMR and higher games who wins Mid is nearly always decided by the team with superior support players. This is because excellent mid players can take an advantage and control the lane completely.

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              6.84 came with relentless haha.. glad to see you spitting wisdom like a true mc


                Nigga, mid doesnt mean shit ALL the time, i just played a dazzle game where my weaver went 0-2 or 0-3 in 4 min, then ported top and died twice more all before 7 minutes Against a QoP no less, So dazzle went mid and sorta held the fort down lol

                (and immediatly fed the level 7 qop while he was level 3) :D BUTTTT Long story short, we end up coming back despite a poor mid from our weaver mid

                Doesnt mean everything


                  "What can be called true skill in Dota 2?"

                  I think there is some basic skills that any dota 2 players should have (not necessarily good):
                  - last hitting
                  - map awareness
                  - decision making


                    you don't need decision making if som1 lead you


                      at some point I have to decide to use my skill on a particular enemy. That's also decision making I think ^_^


                        exactly! ^
                        thats how i used to play until i learned and how ive captained all my games. Those that can't listen are worth nohing in comps.
                        I bet thats how dendi played the first few years while puppey made the shots and kuro countered decision making from the other team.


                          ^ u captianed ur team to 3k?


                            ^ I really need someone captain me to 5k lol

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                                motherfcker i wrote in the wrong thread, and i wrote like a whole book


                                  ^ I'm reading that book sir ^_^


                                    sometimes i feel like i have what it takes to be 5500+

                                    but in game i end up doubting some decisions and screwing up because of that.

                                    true skill is knowing what to do, when to do it, how to do it and actually doing it.
                                    you can have vast knowledge, but you have to actually apply it correctly in order to be considered skilled.


                                      In a game I just know what I have to do right before I do it. I can't really predict anything, just enough time to move the pointer to click...
                                      I should think more.