General Discussion

General DiscussionYour first impressions of playing 6.84

Your first impressions of playing 6.84 in General Discussion

    What do u think about current patch after playing some games ? Do you like it, do u enjoy playing it ?

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      it's aight

      bum farto

        New Mek/mana boots thing on a support is really good, this is going to be a decent patch for supports I feel. A lot of new fun items to try out.

        U wot m8?

          whats new shadow blade on slark now ? it must be OP as fuck...any one tried ?


            It's going to take a good while for people in normal to stop building stupid shit cos they like the idea of it.... (I'm looking at you silver blade, aghs, no aura luna, you fucking cahnt D:... special mention to the octarine core rush timber ....)

            Pom Pom 🍕

              I think I'm gonna hate Undying more. Games seem much easier to end early with t3s being 22 armour.


                I played only 1 game on my friend's account as Tinker (he is 3k mmr). I had 160lh in 20min (could have got more), which I coudn't get in 6.83, coz of fucking mud golems. Also -25 mana cost on rearm helped a lot. I got bots 2 after bloodstone & they felt really really good. I feel like Tinker is finally viable again :



                  Leshracs, leshracs everywhere


                    i could burn mana to golems, and they also transformed into small golems


                      also who the fuck rushes octarine on bristleback, is it for extra 30 damage that you get from 1 more skill?

                      Jesus Perez Ramirez

                        90% of games will be a deathball. Run in 5 ppl, roam and take towers fast. There is 0 chance to recovery. Sad part is, our weastern teams will be wrecked by Chinesee in current state of meta. :S RIP TI5

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                          My first, and only game so far has been a Storm game. I moved 5 ms slower, nerfed too hard. Game is too hard, please buff.


                            Am I the only one who think Sniper is still OP ? Played with one & he still seemed v. powerful.

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                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                              OD is still trash.


                                Smaug - what ? OD is broken if u rush Octarine. Midas-PT-Octarine = gg

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                                  Sniper is not op any more his shrapnel is apart like a skill shot to land in early game fights / skirmishes . It still lands in big 5 or slow moving fights but 1.4 secs it plenty of time for it to miss a lot my impression when I played him was a huge early game nerf late game I was still strong with items so if meta goes death ball don't think he'll be able to stop it. Late game he still kites and dishes out damage from far but he felt a lot weaker overall since before he was strong at alll phases of the game.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    love it.

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation


                                      I did exactly that a few games and it sucked hardcore. Biggest problem is still that OD's laning phase is shit

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                                      Quick maffs

                                        The lifesteal of octarine is pretty bad on OD.


                                          Im in love like every time a new patch hit , and actually im having fun playing ! Didnt have this much fun playing since 6.82 tbh


                                            Love it! Lotar Edge amazing. Oh wait, Silver.. D:


                                              Dorkly - bad ? Mediocore, but not bad. If u hit with ur ulti many targets u get a lot of lifesteal. Octarine is great & core, because of reducing Eclipse cd.

                                              Smaug - that's why I think OD should be played in safe lane more than mid. His mid lane is bad. He can't outlane Lina, Sniper, SF & is very prone to ganks.

                                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                Problem with Safelane OD is that you have no way to deal with BKBs and the hero is still more vulnerable than any other carry.

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                                                  the hero is kinda too awkward imo, mb they should improve his turn rate or smth


                                                    Farmer Alchemist is fun. Natures Prophet with 30+ treants is also ridiculous. At one point yesterday DotaBuff was showing NP with a 100% win rate, lol. There is definitely a nerf incoming. I can only imagine how scary a NP/Undying push lane would be now.

                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                      octarine is meant mainly for the cd, you seriously thiink you octarine is more op than satanic on agi core? like even on agi core satanic is meh.,like go figure dude..

                                                      unless you are 5 stacking with like you being the one int carry with 6 slotted items octarine is not meant for ls

                                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                        also without the cd reduc the ls will also be junk..

                                                        speaking of which volvo should implement something new called cast speed aside from attack speed , like, the current cd reduc system is so crude. dunno the exact implementation, someone else please chime in

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                                                          My impression, as long as someone plays as a good alchemist, you can buy aghs for everyone :v


                                                            Played around 10 games today. Man I love this patch, finally if I crush mid there is no more fucking turtling Sniper in base, who win 1 teamfight & then game. I played under my skill (5 games in 3k acc of friend, 5 in my party which is only 3.3k, I'm 4.3k solo) & finally games felt normally. In 6.83 I had sometimes big problems winning in 3k if they pick OP shit like Troll, Sniper & turtle. I think it's gonna be my patch, 5k i'm coming :)