General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Compendium thread

The Compendium thread in General Discussion

    The new compendium has been released, with similar if not identical mechanics as last year's compendium. Your thoughts guys? I just bought mine, so im gonna analyse it now, your opinion is more than welcome.


      Is it worth it leveling up the compendium?


        I sincerely regretted purchasing the ti4 compendium and investing that money into it. What I got back were a bunch of items I could've bought for a much lower price in the community market. The only exception being the victory prediction. All the effects and whatnot are gone now and I seriously found that pissy. They should've remained.

        Regardless, I'm looking forward to the 11,000,000 stretch goal where the map is replaced with a desert terrain.


          That desert terrain is gonna be amazing, im looking towards it as well.

          I think its a good and honest thing, that all the stretch goals up to 15kk have bean released ( they might have hidden some, though, like they have done in the past). Some of us were dissapointed with the goals following 10kk last year, I surely was.

          Personally i fancy the system, that after buying compendium you need to play dota a lot and regularly to get full benefits. The game is more engaging, and the challenges seem like fun.

          Jesus Christ, Connoisseur...

            I'm kind of undecided whether or not I want just the 10 dollar or the 27 dollar compendium... are there any hidden downsides or benefits for either?


              getting the level 50 compendium right off the bat is cheaper than buying the points needed for the equivalent amount in levels I believe.


                in the UK, a lv 1 compendium is 6.69, while a lv 50 is 17.99, so you're paying £11.30 extra for 4900 points (100 points = 1 level up), while it costs 6.69 for 2400 points and therefore 13.38 for 4800 points, so for me (and other UK residents) it works out cheaper if you cba grinding

                could be different for different currencies though


                  Compendium goal are really fucking hilarious. Only thing that I can maybe point out is desert terrain. But again, that looks cool on paper ( like custom buildings looked like) but who knows what will be of that. Really, of all the goals, everything is shit.

                  And compendium lvls? Oh well, same shit. TI blink, dagon, fountain, bottle effects that last 3 months, more worthless immortal treasures, shitty effegies.

                  Anyway, I pity anyone who spends aditional dollars on compendium.


                    Guys I'm not sure.
                    If I buy the $9.99 compendium will I still get the PET
                    Almond the Frondillo

                    IN-GAME EFFECTS
                    Teleport I
                    Fountain I
                    Blink I
                    Dagon I

                    as my compendium levels up?


                      So basically even if u grind from lvl 1 to max lvl, the rewards add up would still not exceed $10 (after u sell them on steam market)?

                      I never bought any compendium, anyone can confirm the above? Wont be bother buying if the cost is higher than max possible reward...


                        it is still possible to get everything from the lv 1 compendium, you just need to level it up.

                        if you get the compendium early, you can sell stuff on the day that it's available on the market. for some reason there are dumbasses who buy an item early for high prices just to get it on day 1.

                        even if you don't earn your money back, who cares. it's 7 fucking quid for several treasures.


                          I feel like you can squeeze some extra value out of it if you watch the pro games religiously. Not everyone does this.


                            what do u gain from that? Price of reward on market?

                            if those several treasures are even more worthless than 7 quid i dont see the point in getting it

                            CAN'T WIN

                              How people get gold chest? i only see pros with it...

                              U wot m8?

                                are new treasures released yet ?

                                CAN'T WIN

                                  Btw how the items will be? (marketable, tradeable, giftable, no one of these)