General Discussion

General DiscussionGlimmer Cape + Enchant

Glimmer Cape + Enchant in General Discussion

    I realize that most of my games now are in the normal/ high skill now, (Mainly cause I burned out from my 3.8k down to 3.1k cause fuck the last meta.) but that 66% damage reduction can mean life or death for enchantress in the game. I find it really good to work with on her. Thoughts?

    Game that it worked wonders.


      I kind of prefer raw hp to magic resistance but to each his own


        depends onwhether u are playing against spell nukers or rightclickers.
        situational item, all in all. but good one.

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Yea enchantress was fun years back when u can get away with racecar build with drums & phase. Now u almost have to make treads/urn just to fight mid-game. Sceptor into sb then guinsoo. But yea that item works. She's only good during that level 5-9 when u can pressure towers and force enemy out of lane. High level i don't think she's good at all unless you're constantly ganking the lane. She just dies so fast to storm or dps heroes.


            good thing about magic res is that each point in HP restored by nature's attendant blocks more magic damage, unlike flat HP. not an ench player though


              Hmm there could be some fun applications like using it on a creep as your smoke is about to run out, but then again, you're only going to get this item around mid-game so I'm not sure about that (or 10 minutes at best when the early game is about to end)