General Discussion

General Discussion1390GPM Alchemist VOD (pooling aghs for all!)

1390GPM Alchemist VOD (pooling aghs for all!) in General Discussion

      Thanks for the stacks & empower team!

      The GPM could have been higher for sure by focusing even more on my own farm, but you gotta give back to the team!

      CAN'T WIN

        is the quality 360 definitive?


          full xboct mode, midas + bf kappa


            Waga, you forgot that your Bfury has the ability to cut trees? You moved slower than you should in the jungle (if you cut trees in mid-lategame).

            CAN'T WIN

              20 min just travel boots, bf, midas, HoT, hyperstone and 2 aghanims.... NOOB


                @dravic I cut trees plenty but ofc, I may have forgotten it sometimes!


                  @x6 no, 1080p takes time to render is all, YT is a bit slow .


                    ^ yo waga tell me what do u think about ta now? I think she is buffed by alot of indirect buffs !

                    Dobt be mad at me i ganked u 24/7 need mmr




                        Since i don't have good supports and i have to play as a support with alch, doing acients worth it ? I give at 15 min agha to mid... Looking for heroes like QoP, Necro and Lina... it's worth a little, right ?


                          ChrilleSylla kreygasm


                            If your supports aren't good, why would you want to give them presents in the first place


                              I give to midler so he can destroy everyone in the enemy team.
                              Then i farm a little (depends on what my friends need) betwen pusher [Tp shoes and Maelstorm] or Ganker [Shadowblade + Basher]
                              After i choose my role i farm other aghanims for who need them. And they farm items as pipes, veils, blinks and whatever it's needed for stay alive and try to win a teamfight.

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                Does anyone else thinks that Greevil's Greed gives just way too much bonus gold to Alchemist?


                                  did me a favor, was gonna delete you right after that too

                                  CAN'T WIN

                                    U are on Dotacinema now.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Don't give them aghs until you have your farm items. Way more efficent to go battlefury then farm 2 aghs, than farm aghs first.


                                        Benao - you're a whinner and a loser who bothers people with his sad little stories every 15 minutes and expects we all just treat you like the world is against you. GROW UP already and set your mindset straight so you dont drop to 3k soon. And btw - you play like fuckin trash, but we already knew that. Now go make 15 new threads how i deleted you after you almost killed me with your negativity.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          What kind of bullshit is this 4x bounty on alch.
                                          400 gold at minute 0???? You dont get that much gold by killing a t1 tower ffs.


                                            This new patch makes it look like alch is op but you guys seems to forget that he still got shit stats and now you can see the countdown on the stun. Alch shine if you let him farm, gank him and hes not gonna be relevent late.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Alch winrate is under 40% last I checked too. Probably cus people are rushing aghs on him but even still, alch always kinda raped you if you let him free farm, now even more so.