General Discussion

General Discussionon tilt. idk what to do anymore.. so hopeless...

on tilt. idk what to do anymore.. so hopeless... in General Discussion

    Went from 4.4 to 3.4 lol what have i done... usually i go on tilt and end up going back to 4.3-4.4 in like a week but it's been 2-3 weeks and i've gotten myself into a deeper and deeper hole. Oh man, i feel like it's this patch, idk, maybe it's because i didn't abuse jugg&troll or something, or maybe i'm just getting worse at the game. Anyone else feel the same? SUch sad:(


      Bah I didnt want to delete.

      You prob pick wrong and play with other stacks

      I went from 3500 down to 2700 and then upp to 3600 once on my first acc


        This patch is shit, I was dropping on main so I just stopped playing ranked until the next patch.
        Actually everyone I know just can't win anymore in ranked, it's a joke


          Oh man i have no idea what's going on, i definitely know a lot of the games are my fault but man, i just don't expect it to be like 2-3 weeks times to be ALL my fault. idk, i have never been so low in dota before , i am just in a constant slump..

          bum farto

            He picks fine and doesn't play in stacks please keep your low skill theory crafting garbage to yourself.

            Here's what you're doing.

            You're rinsing and repeating with heroes you do not click with this is losing you a lot of rating.

            Examples of this are:

            Wraith King - You have the right mindset but continue to play and continue to have bad success with him.
            Tinker - Rough hero this Meta, kind of hit and miss due to aggressive nature of the game, and picks like ES, Sniper, Lina.
            Storm - Good pick but again 124 games 39% winrate sometimes you gotta just pick your shit up and go "well, I suck as a mid player".

            No one wants to be told they're bad at something they think they're good at but this is the truth, your biggest let down is the fact that you pick a lot of mid heroes and aren't really good as a mid player or at least some of the mid heroes. Just because someone is a good carry doesn't mean they can play CK as well as they play Slark if you get me.

            Use your stats as an indication of what you're currently in touch with.

            Pick - Shadow Fiend, Sniper, Kunkka.
            Don't Pick - Tinker, Storm, Invoker.

            Pick - Slark, Antimage, Sniper
            Don't Pick - Naga Siren, Wraith King

            Pick - Undying, Magnus, Pudge (I say pudge cause you have experience but will shaft your team if you take him mid)
            Don't Pick - Timbersaw, Lone Druid, Natures Prophet (if you offlane them)


            Just so you know this is based of your stats, not off what is currently in the meta, or popular in your region/bracket.

            Other things to note.

            Weekends are good, weekdays are bad. You also play a lot really late at night, this doesn't work for you, keep it between 6PM and 12AM as statistically you get lower, also from a personal stand point after 6+ hours of gaming, you get tired, reflexes go down, and you're only going to get the late night dregs in your games.

            Don't do what I did in the past where I couldn't go to bed without a win, playing through 6 late night losses to get a win isn't worth the one win you finally get. Learn when you have reached the limit for the day and switch off, or do some unranked fun to pad things out, decrease your stress etc.

            Again this is all based on your personal statistics and is a general assumption based on what I can see at a glance. If you would like me to dig deeper I can look at a few of your games.

            Shit sorry I realize this is a time zone thing, but you can see the times you dip on your timezone so you can do some of the working out for yourself. Some of the information used can be found here.


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              ^ havoc im interested , analyze me please :')


                A lot of reds, need more greens.


                  All i can offer is my own experience with MMR and Tilt. ^ Plus i cant be fucked to go into detail like havoc.

                  Basically my solo has been from 2.7k dropping to 2.2k and then once i get into the 3k bracket I've fell a good -500 mmr while tilting... even the other month I fell from 4.2k down to 3.9k.

                  9 times out of 10 i lose a game and continue to play and which results in more losses. Nowadays I play a game and then take a break for an hour... I never play when im tired or upset about something related/unrelated.

                  I think 95% of games are winnable it all comes down to attitude and making the plays.


                    First you have to be honest with yourself and ask if you really play better then people at this mmr range. I see you pick TONS of different heroes, i wouldnt do that myself if you really want to get your mmr back. Play one position and maybe 4-5 of your best heroes and try to get that winning feeling back. You have to stop losing now, cause if you drop any further, you'll hate to play it cause at this mmr players become so fuckin dumb it's even impossible to comunicate with them and do sth as a team, so play mostly heroes you can do a lot alone with. I was 3.5k solo (4k party) a year back or so (although i felt i belong much higher for a long time) and i proved it and climbed to 4.6-4.7k, so maybe you got a lot worse or maybe you just pick roles you dont play on your highest level, so you lack impact.

                    So, play your absolute best heroes till you get to descent enough mmr so you can do sth with the players, below that it's absolute nightmare. It's interesting that you dropped so much tho, cause IF i drop for like 300 points, no way i couldnt get them back soon. It's just to much of a skill gap, mostly in game knowledge and decision making that separate me from people below.


                      ^ Havoc how come u didnt analyze mine?

                      I dropped from 4.5 to 3.3 bro, read below topic. Come on, pick up your shit and let's climb back together! I'm @ 3.6 now.

                      bum farto

                        Honestly making new account doesn't prove you're in that bracket, you're a good player but you have to remember where you started. X6 also has a 4.4K smurf account does he belong there?

                        I think you are good enough to have climbed on your main and that would have been a much more rewarding climb don't you think?

                        @Black You have me on friends list and you're always welcome to ask. I personally don't like commenting on topics where it's just misery :) also as far as climbing I started doing solo queue almost exlusively about three weeks ago and am doing just fine.

                        @Fire Queue EU East so we can play together in the night vs each other ;)

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                          Well thanks for the kind words, it's nice to see someone take their time to respond and give a well planned response, i appreciate it. I mean, i guess i'm getting sick of dota 2, and i definitely tell myself to take breaks from the game. Unfortunately i am so stubborn, uhm as for the heroes you mentioned, Havoc, i used to like playing sf and kunkka but with the recent meta and the way heroes are being picked, the only heroes i ever see viable in playing is the sniper, storm , wk (sometimes) , timber is okay, and i play LD either safelane solo or middle(he's terrible offlaning and even worse jungling but who does that anymore? ) . Uhm, lastly, i definitely pull all nighters and tank so hard with the number of losses i get but idk, hopefully i'll turn things around with the new patch. I definitely don't like this recent patch, just not my thing with all the years i've played dota, all the other "lame" meta were always enjoyable than this recent one with only trolls, juggs, sniper etc

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                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Just off topic but beware the weekend ranked dota ;)


                              I personally don't care much about MMR, but I care about improving at the game. I dropped from 4.1k party to 3.2k party in like 4 weeks I think. I just picked Tinker in nearly every game (I still do that). My solo is 4.3k currently, coz I don't pick Tinker much there & recently stopped playing solo (too many try hards playing Troll/Sniper/Jugger/Ebola & I hate it).

                              I disagree with havoc - play Tinker & Storm as much as possible. Those are heroes, who when perfected will make you a much better player. They are also super fun to play. How is it fun to abuse Sniper, Troll, Jugger ? Those heroes are so boring. If u play for example Lina mid 24/7 I think you are not improving as much as playing Storm/Tinker 24/7. Lina is brain dead, you can be 1-2k mmr lower as Lina player & still win mid, coz she is auto win mid hero. You may even get a lot of kills on her & start believing ur a good player (probably the easiest hero in the game to get kills). Lina someday will get nerfed, but ice will never nerf skill in Dota. That's why I prefer to invest my time in heroes, who improve my general skills than brain-dead auto win mid like Lina. Of course you can improve by playing anything, but I prefer doing that by playing Tinker, Storm than Viper, WK, Lina, Sniper. I believe Tinker is the ultimate hero in terms of improving, so keep it up. If u care about solo mmr (i still care, but much less than before) than just sacrifice your party mmr :P

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                                Oh man, i mean i can definitely play Tinker very well, i think he's still a very solid hero but i guess i'm picky, i want to have fun, play whatever i want and still maintain/increase my mmr. But as we all know, that's not true haha i just need a reboot of some sort, and somewhat spark my interest back in the game in terms of playing heroes i know i do well, majority of the time rather than heroes i'm just "having fun" but losing with .
                                Lastly, i just dropped to 3.4k oh man, i can definitely tell the quality of my games going DRASTICALLY down, it's terrible and such a sore sight to see considering everything just seemed to happen so fast lol but yeah, it's brutal playing in this bracket that i've never been to before in my life. Ugh, hopefully i turn around and get out of this slump. In due time, i suppose!

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                                  sometimes stats are not everything

                                  at one point i was 21% with AM and got into an argument with someone here a couple of years back about how i could probably play am much better than some 2k shitter with 80% win rate and he refused to believe me, so i went on to play 50 more games of am and pulled it up to 50ish%

                                  if the sample size is large enough its fine though


                                    @ havoc eu east is a bit laggy for me , we can try a game th
                                    u didnt give me an analyze , reported to vodka

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                                    bum farto

                                      How does playing Storm and Tinker make you a better player? How does playing Lina not improve you while playing Tinker/Storm will improve you? That makes no sense.

                                      1. His tinker is fine I am suggesting he takes a break from it to open the way to other heroes then come back to it.
                                      2. His Storm (sadly) is garbage and no amount of games will really help him to improve, he (IMO) is welcome to revisit the hero but something is fundamentally wrong with what he's doing.

                                      In fact with the same amount of farm storm demolishes way more than Lina does, sure I agree lina is annoying and can one shot anything but storm can remain in the fight for a much longer duration. In fact they're different heroes, both with their perks and when comparing they both balance out pretty well.

                                      In my post I suggested he played sniper because he seems to be performing well even in games where he's had a bad team or lost due to bad decision making. I never suggested he jump on the troll, jugger train, if sniper is a good pick then so be it.

                                      A lot of my findings are based off his recent success with the heroes and storm continues to be the weakest hero he takes mid, whereas his tinker is simply suffering perhaps due to the patch heroes but this is an assumption and he has to make up his own mid.

                                      You can do what you want for a pirate is free, but I strongly advise you stop playing crutch heroes. Experiment with other roles and try and pick up things from those roles that you didn't previously know. Then perhaps comeback with a much stronger, and well-rounded mentality.

                                      Again, free-to-play....what you want.

                                      @Zenoth the sample size is large, these are consistently his lowest performers patch after patch mentioned above I would like to see him revisit these heroes in time. For example...

                                      I revisited some of my heroes and fixed some of the crutches I had with them and since increased win rate with them. Again, I do suggest you revisit these heroes after a period of not playing them, or playing them less frequent.

                                      ALSO STOP PLAYING RANKED ONLY, PAD YOUR MATCHES!!

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                                        `dRyAd - Tinker is shit imo currently. When they camp u mid & u die twice it's like auto gg for u, because it means you will probably get 13min bots, which is a horrible timing & rarely u win with it. Even if u get great start it's still v. hard to win :


                                        Look at this game. This game had avg MMR around 3.1k, 1.2k below my solo mmr. Here I had 11min Blink+Bots+Soul Ring & I think 18min Bloodstone. Nearly perfect farm & I played nearly perfectly. Still it didn't fucking matter that Storm died 3 times mid & Sniper was crashed in lane, because of their retarded base defense. I can't even count how many games like this I had as Tinker in this patch, where I had good KDA, number 1 net worth for 90% of the game, raping their mid & lost, coz of my safe lane carry was retarded & they had fucking cancer like Sniper, Earthshaker, where breaking high ground was impossible.

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                                        bum farto

                                          "play Tinker & Storm as much as possible" "Tinker is shit imo currently"

                                          For the sake of a forum discussion, I am right in deriving from these two sentences that you're encouraging him to continue losing?


                                            Just spam your 3 best heroes (by "your best heroes" I mean your highest winrate heroes).


                                              Havoc - how is it hard to have success as Sniper ? Really ? Hero has 56% win-rate in v.high skill bracket. Even when ur horrible u will have 50% win-rate as him. I also had below 40% win-rate as Storm & I think I had it for like 60 games or even more. Now I have around 53% win-rate as him & I think my Storm is my top5 heroes. If he likes Storm then he should play him more & he will one day be good at hero. My Tinker has pathetic 43% win-rate in 190 games, but I don't care. I know that if I play more I will get that 50% win-rate & I gladly invest time in hero, who is super fun to play.

                                              The difference between Lina & Storm, Tinker ? As I said - you will nearly always get a lot of kills as Lina, u will nearly always dominate mid lane. Now look at Storm, Tinker - it's 10 times harder to do that with them. You need to be mechanically 3 times better to achieve same results. Every mistake as Tinker costs u a LOT (on par with AM in terms of how impactful is every death on him). Now look at Lina - u fuck up ? You still get a kill probably, because how easy it is. Are u behind as Lina ? Just kill still with ulti. You behind as Tinker in mid ? You probably lost, coz 15min bots don't win games & he has big problem of coming back. That's why those heroes are much harder & u learn more playing them than brain-dead Sniper.

                                              If u're doing quite well in game (ez to do with Lina, Sniper) u tend to think that your allies were a problem or u just don't try to improve at all. If u have 40% win-rate as Storm u know it's ur fault, u pay more attention to details & u just want to improve (good motivation tool).


                                                EDIT - Yes, I encourage him to lose more if it means he improves. I prefer to invest in long term than short term.

                                                bum farto

                                                  So because Lina has more early game presence that makes her lower skilled or easier to play?

                                                  Also him investing in the long term is stopping those heroes till he can regain some of his lost stability and even improve. Grinding a hero you're naturally bad with isn't going to help you much without perhaps a little coaching.

                                                  Also I don't know about Lina's in your bracket but where i am you fuck up, it's over. Lina always shows the trend of stomping early/mid then being a bit meh late. you're right though that with a nuke kills will always mean you can have a kill available.


                                                    I mean i don't really like looking into my enitre % win rate for a hero because it doesn't really say much, rather, i'd much look at the winning % when it's "very high" and probably in the last 1-3 months. In that case, my storm is like 31% ( i know i am improving with him) but with my sniper, i have a whopping 71% winrate with him lol so idk, i definitely know i can 3v5 or even 4v5 when i play tinker. idk it's just this feeling.


                                                      Here is a good indicator of my successful heroes... i think this is a better view of how i am as a player now compared to overall~


                                                        Havoc - I climbed above 4k on my main and that's all i really wanted from it. I just dont want to play there anymore since that account is an accumulator of negative energy and bad memories for me (mostly anger and frustration) and to continue my growth and to actually have fun playing Dota again, i just had to change environement and that meant new account. I also drastically changed my friends pool, surrounding myself with people i actually love playing with and i'm finally enjoying the game again and getting where i always wanted to be. Why does that bother you so much? :)

                                                        I'm better then i always was, had some hard party games latelly but overall i'm managing to maintain 55% winrate in ranked and i'm getting 5k sooner or later cause i'm playing withouth any pressure or negative people bringing me down. And X6 is a fuckin joke. If he ever had 4k account, he either bought it or pay a friend to boost it for him, he's a trash player.

                                                        `dRyAd - just spam sniper till you get out of the worst trench. You can still pick other heroes later :)

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                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          desolator sniper vs a slark, huskar and axe. treads too, looks like you never try maelstrom on sniper

                                                          radiance wk wtf
                                                          radiance AND midas wk, won only cus your tinker raped em
                                                          no armlet in either game

                                                          midas lich

                                                          troll without bkb, serioulsy, skadi before bkb, vs an earth spirit and earth shaker

                                                          I think if you just pick better items and heroes that alone would go a long way


                                                            from 5k gamez perspective, no bkb troll, no armlet wk and midas lich seem to be legit and even common.

                                                              Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                troll without bkb, serioulsy, skadi before bkb, vs an earth spirit and earth shaker

                                                                I'd have to watch but based on this I do not believe you were winning this game period :(

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  @triplesteal I can't tell if you're being serious or not but regardless the OP is in the 3ks now, play whats' most effective there. Radiance wk is just asking to get killed. You are completely worthless while you farm that up and your team is pushed and dead by then. On the other side if you go armlet is has a great build up so you're getting more effective each min or so and once it's done there's nothing that comes close to granting that kind of hp and dmg to a strength hero for the cost.

                                                                  Radiance, drums, mjollnir is OP's preferred build but it's not working. And I'm not surprised in the least by that. Armlet, blink, bkb, AC will work wonders in your bracket.


                                                                  bum farto

                                                                    The build has nothing to do with it, I think he forgets to go blink on WK which might lend to his bad success with the hero.


                                                                    Radiance is incredible on him, perhaps you might not get it every game due to laning phase or lineup, but it's really good on WK.


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                                                                      Radiance+Midas is too greedy imo, but I don't think he lost so many games because of item choices. It's just way too much.


                                                                        if you want to climb, all you need is motivation.
                                                                        i cant find it anymore, and i wanted to learn how to support properly, ended up in losing mmr and tilting from that.
                                                                        if you really want to improve, you will notice what you do wrong and stop doing that and play what you can play.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you grouped with friends most of those games? Mostly normal matchmaking too, I assume you are grouping. It makes a huge difference when you can count on other lanes not getting rolled. I'm not going to back off my stance, for his mmr doing ranked pubs radiance is not going to be as effective as armlet -> blink -> bkb/ac. Or at very least he isn't farming fast enough to make radiance build work. Which means he should try another build.

                                                                          I mean I tried zenoth's sven build a handful of games and didn't do well at all. I increased my gpm by a ton but still won at like 35-40%. Is the build bad? Of course not, but it depends on a quick farming start into a snowball which I'm not good at. For me going a more traditional build with an AC and bkb might be easier.

                                                                          CAN'T WIN

                                                                            Wait for the next patch it will make disapear all your problems.

                                                                            CAN'T WIN

                                                                              Dont buy more acc, and u won't make that drops, EZ


                                                                                i was a 4 support during that wk where i went midas radiance lol and i only did so because i knew we were winning with the tinker~ But uh yeah, i'm just in an emotional slump if anything, that's the main thing. Havoc was on point when he said i was playing in the early hours of the morning (while i haven't slept, terrible, i know!) I definitely think i should be building the blink after the radi. Radi is such a great item for wk, idk how to explain it but he easily dishes out the most dmg in every game i've played with him. I'll probably just spam sniper until i get back to my mmr haha or whatever it takes, maybe even tinker~
                                                                                Tinker i think is exceptionally strong because once you get bots (or at least when i do), i am able to get my team to group and pretty much get momentum from the constant marches&bottle heals and skirmishes.
                                                                                I am just highly against getting maelstrom against such a tanky lineup, but i just usually hate going mom&maelstrom i know the mom gives him high mobility but i feel as if i'm more comfortable knowing i'm not taking 30% more dmg from the MOM regardless of how fast i move etc.. The yasha deso has worked very well for me, even in the 4k range~ hence the 70% winrate during that time.


                                                                                  Havoc sweet analysis man. Maybe if u got time you could do for me some time? I guess it wouldn't matter as much since update and I plan i changing Alota things after trying out update. Current mmr 3150 was 2900 last week and 2600 a month ago.

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                                                                                    Off topic but beware us servers in the morning and afternoon it will be full of Peruvians until at least 5 pm central time.

                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                      ^----beware those servers right now team picks are beyond retarded at moment.

                                                                                      and being the lone guy smart enough to pick support wont help you. Side note I played 3 games tonight first 2 I tried support both bad lanes or picks.

                                                                                      3rd game random right off bat got a win.