General Discussion

General DiscussionNew meta for Pudge - 6.84 - totally legit

New meta for Pudge - 6.84 - totally legit in General Discussion
Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

    This is going to get huge!

    Split push with No-Hook-Suicide-Pudge to create space now when Vlads can be made out of Headress in 6.84!!

    Made PL godlike + ultra kill etc.

    So ez...

    So OP...

    Remember who said it first :)

    The stacks in the game:
    Silencer+Io+PL 3 man stack
    Omni+Luna and QoP+Troll two 2 man stacks


      what? shut the fuck up kid


        0-7-0, 2.7k hero damage. I know you are going to say "its a split push build so its OK that I didn't do damage or get kills" how ever you only did 1.1k tower damage. I really hope that this is trolling. Please be trolling.


          id say the probability of this thread being a joke is 99.(99)%


            LOL OMG take me seriously ffs :)

            This is going to get huge!

            CAN'T WIN

              i think it was not a joke

              casual gamer

                idk which is more pathetic tbh




                    Come you know that this will work. No one can gank Pudge early 1v1 when he is lvl 6. They will need to set 2 people on anti pushing so it will basically be 4v3 for the rest of the team.


                      if that's what you want to do just pick brood and do it better.

                      Hatsune Miku

                        hes not pudge anymore


                          Brood has to low hp and to low magic resist. And in the end game Pudge can blink ulti them.

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            This thread reminds me how shitty magic resistance flesh heap actually gives. You don't even get pre-buff cloak amount of magic resistance from maxed flesh heaps. Without any stacks it is literally the worst skill in the game.


                              But now cloak give 20% so it dont matter very much.


                                So... anyone tried the new meta? Yet?



                                    Hmm can anyone read this picture?

                                    Aah, it says low quality hook, right?

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      low quality bait
                                      there is a fish too
                                      how can you be so blind

                                      Krazy Kat

                                        OP every time I read one of your posts some of my brain cells die.
                                        Playing 0-7-0 is the next big thing?
                                        Please tell me this is a troll post.

                                        casual gamer

                                          let us look and see what makes a hero an effective rat

                                          rapid wave clear

                                          high tower damage


                                          an escape

                                          high mobility

                                          ability to kill lone heroes

                                          how many does lycan, antimage, np, brood, meepo, and other successful rats have? usually 4-5.

                                          how many does pudge have? 1. Hes not even that tanky with his shit armor

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            guys is pudge just a worse beastmaster


                                              You see Ivan, when no skill hook on pudge, enemy is of expect hook, but actually, you is rot away in the trees



                                                Well, I didnt play him as a rat. I played him as space creator. It is big difference.

                                                But just think about it for a second.

                                                Why does Pudge have the hook? To get close to the enemy, right?

                                                But if he split push then the enemy will come close to Pudge even if he doesnt hook them.

                                                It is solid logic.

                                                  Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador


                                                    casual gamer


                                                      why does antimage skill mana break? To deplete enemy mana, right

                                                      but if he tank enemy disables with they will run out of mana even if you cant hit them

                                                      this changes everything

                                                      Hide The Pain - Herald

                                                        Whatever your smoking mate, I'll have double.

                                                        You are Baked beyond redemption.....