General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you motivate or things u say when a teamate starts grieving/fe...

How do you motivate or things u say when a teamate starts grieving/feeding/ruining/spoiling the game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Any thoughts and tips, based on your experience and knowledge.


      You have to be nice to the person feeding and basically be his bitch. Gank for him, stack the jungle and say you did it just for him, make him feel like a special little princess.

      Most people won't want to do this for an asshole and it isn't guaranteed to work, so it rarely happens.


        Just force staff him into the enemy team. The rest of your teammates will commend you, because the griever will most likely be a FOTM hero picker.


          Report his ass then tell him how much you need him.

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              ignore and carry his ass

              U wot m8?

                @ SOSLICK22 in my experience they get nervous and start fucking up even more


                  Might as well provoke him and see how mad he can get, it's worth the entertainment.


                    When someone in my team say they are going to feed I always respond with "gl hf".
                    I guess that is effective way to inceease their motivation...


                      prevent it, dont play solo q.


                        i try to diffuse the situation by saying that maybe me or teammates are also not playing well. then maybe crack a joke. works maybe 1 out of 3 times. the rest of the times you just get matched w/ really depressed people and nothing you can do

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Just keep on playing. I know way too many games won 4v5 to just give up. Also if you start winning some people stop feeding and actually try to win.


                            I try to explain that we can still win, its only a game, and that we need to work together if we want MMR. If that fails I mute everyone who's flaming and doesnt care for the game... If the game starts going better i unmute them and give them a boost by saying well played!.


                              I hit the mute button gg.


                                If only I had a dollar for every person I muted...