General Discussion

General DiscussionFree steam gift cards..?

Free steam gift cards..? in General Discussion

    Is this for real? Who would just give free credits..?

    I've seem this shit before, and I still can't even.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Looks sketchy as fuck.


        it is a scam, there are phishers posting the "click here for free steam money" all over the internet, often they will post on 10 different accounts saying things like "THX" and "OMG he is really giving out free money" is a lie, like when strangers offer you candy, but then all they really do when you go into their van is ass rape you.


          It's a scam. I've seen it several times on facebook shared by acquaintances or friends as well, and I can't even start to imagine why they would click on the link and share it "to win prizes".
          Sometimes those facebook pages are not even a week old and it still goes viral with like 200k shares within days for freebies from $50 steam gift cards to free iphone 6s

          You'd think that people who spent half their time awake on facebook would be tech-savy enough to know about these scams, even if they don't have enough common sense to start suspecting it's a sham.


            Well to me it looked like a pointless thing but I really want a compendium and I'm broke as fuck and my personal credit card expired recently. :c

            Giff me Wingman

              Then go do some coaching

              Natural born jungler

                Ur ok !!
                I AM Mother Mother Teresa 2015
                Honeeyy no moneeey i wish i could get compendium :)) Wish some money for meee my dad stop giving me money from years ago ... 19 years old boy with no money :|| life is Sweeeeeeeeeeet
                im looking for something illegal to make some money ( no jail )

                Este comentário foi editado
                bum farto

                  The compendium isn't even out yet so you have loads of time.