General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you color blind? Test

Are you color blind? Test in General Discussion
Sugar Show

    I have normal vision and you?

    Dire Wolf

      Normal. A few I could tell something was there but not determine the number but I guess a few fails are ok!

      CAN'T WIN



          Same as timberwolf

          Giff me Wingman

            Normal Color Vision

            You were able to see the hidden shape in all or nearly all of the test conditions. This indicates a high probability of having normal color vision.


              This thread reminded me of this joke

              Question: I'm worried that my son might be gay, is there a way to find out?
              Answer: Mix vinegar and baking soda to make a big clay volcano. Then while this is erupting, if your son is too busy sucking dick, he is gay.

              Este comentário foi editado

                "Moderate deutans (“doo-tans”) have a moderate form of red-green color blindness caused by an anomaly in the M-cone photopigment gene sequence." I got this and I thats als what I am diagnoesd by real doctor so..

                Este comentário foi editado

                  I have red-green colorweakness :( But I knew it anyway