General Discussion

General DiscussionThread for moonshard.

Thread for moonshard. in General Discussion

    Which heros will benefit most from this slash what order of priority. I am excited to use this item on tiny, slark , slardar and spirit breaker. Off top of my head I think I could use this item on tiny most games after aghs.

    Dire Wolf

      Tiny's obvious answer cus his base dmg from ult is so high. I still think ac after aghs might be better though, then this next instead of having to go butterfly or mjollnir for more IAS. Drow and clinkz with this will be killer ratters. Clinkz + moonshard + cheaper deso? Holy shit that's some tower damage.

      I was thinking lifestealer would be an obvious choice too cus of how his lifesteal works but with feast being able to crit now I'm not sure. Course you could just do like crystalis then moonshard. Cus feast isn't affected by armor at all, moonshard is potentially a lot better than AC for him. Screw armor if you're lifestealing that fast!

      Im the Bully of my School

        new tiny dont need aghs btw

        casual gamer

          spirit breaker imo


            feast is affected by armour, it's physical damage. moon shard doesn't beat ac because he still needs the armour of ac, his starting armour sucks and so does his agility gain.

            also if you're hitting buildings the -5 armour is gonna result in quicker towers than the extra attack speed when you've already got high attack speed e.g. from strafe or 80 bonus agi. so imo it's only an item you'd get if you need to proc stuff, or your attack speed is very low.

            high attack damage doesn't necessarily mean getting attack speed is good if your damage + speed is balanced. a clinkz can get like 100 damage from death pact, but that doesn't mean moon shard is equally as effective as a tiny with level 2 grow (+100 dmg), because clinkz has much higher attack speed, making that 120 attack speed relatively speaking, a lower dps increase.

            so if you wanted to rat as clinkz and take a tower as fast as possible you'd be better off going deso + AC rather than deso + moon. if you had manta on drow, your illusions would benefit from the 20 extra attack speed as well as the -5 armour, while moon shard gives nothing to them.


              AM maybe he gets 6 slotted super fast and then is left with no inventory space this will let him farm one more item before he starts to fall off.

              I could see it allso being really good on tiny since his attack speed is never good and it suffers a lot when he sells power shoes for BoTs this will let him get more AS after his 6th item.

              it could be sexy on slardar too.

              Jorges Sanz

                Probably an 8th slot item as a money sink..

                I would assume refresher on courier would be more relevant as the 7th item. Unless of course you buy it for the extended night vision , then Slark and NS would be the most suited heroes.


                  well anyone could get the moon shard as a money sink. the question is, who would get it before that point.

                  Jorges Sanz

                    I don't see why majority of the heroes would get it for any other reason besides a money sink. Mjolnir imo is still better than moonshard in most cases.

                    As already mentioned besides slark and NS for the night vision, Tiny seems like the most obvious choice. Though if you're going to need a bkb anyway, getting MoM first may be more cost effective, albeit at the cost of extra dmg taken, prior to 6/7 slotting.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I don't know. I actually think no one needs it. You either get MoM or AC, both are better than that item in some ways.


                        At first glance Moon Shard appears to be a niche item mostly good for ultra late game extension. You can go even higher on your attack speed by consuming it. However there may also be another role for it for tanky physical dps ganking heroes like Night Stalker, Spirit Breaker, Tiny, and Sven. It may be that the extra night vision is critical and allows night-time attacks to succeed giving you the edge in fog of war. It may even extend EXTRA vision beyond normal vision range. I'm not sure the way its written if it only replaces lost vision or directly extends all night vision.

                        If Sven has 1050 night vision, he can blink in and initiate much easier than at 800. And there is no other item that would allow him to do this, randomly sweeping the jungle... to see his gank target before they can see him.

                        Este comentário foi editado
                        Dire Wolf

                          Clinkz also has +60 from searing arrows which is why I thought it would be good.


                            Pick wk with lich on your team, Lich will provide the armor so you can get this instead of ac.


                              cllinkz also has 130 speed from strafe and 3 agi per level


                                tiny has like 1 agi per level and -50 speed from grow