General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously how the fuck do you deal with Techies aghs in 6.84?

Seriously how the fuck do you deal with Techies aghs in 6.84? in General Discussion

    Oh god icefrog, why are u buffing the hero that makes game unfun for 9 other people? How do you even deal with it... you could take two lanes of rax and not be able to take that last lane cus of that stupid sign. Doesn't matter how small the AOE of sign is, if you're melee you can't attack the tower... Any ideas?


      Also, has anybody tested how fast alch can farm up aghs in a reasonable scenario? Let's say if he goes qb, stout, power treads, and full greed and the two supports zoned out the offlaner.


        You clearly have no idea just how small that circle is.

        Dire Wolf

          Dude it's tiny. At worst you send one guy in to kill tower and he sacrifices himself for the greater good. Or you just skip the fucking rax and throne. It's not like you can't see the sign to tell where the mines are.


            Come on dude... it's like 180 Aoe or something and the duration is half the cooldown.

            < blank >

              Well, it has a small range but the explosion range is about 425, this will hit you anyway if placed correctly


                it will only matter At Rosh pit.


                  @dipshit, 125 aoe + 425 from the mine, that 550 aoe, in which as a mele you cann't risk to enter...

                  and no, it doesn't change anything at rosh, since there are so many blind spot (unless you have long duration flying vision)

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                    Dire Wolf

                      It means you can't remove mines off one rax though, there's still two others to hit and you can throne without going megas. It's ridiculous how obsessed pubs are with megas. If they don't kill all rax the only other thing they know to do is dive throne. They have no concept of buybacks and res timers. It really seems only like a big deterrent to ratters who try to pressure them all at once.


                        Hmmm techies might not make the game bad for 9 players anymore if he's actually good though. Just 5 players.


                          Omni's Repel + Winter Wyvern's Cold Embrace + Force Staff



                            ur retarded and awful and i feel bad for anyone that bought coaching from u


                              Well, techies can just have a shit load of mines, then force staff into the mines to place the sign durning a push, then sucidie to prevent them from revealing it




                                I built Alchemist with Stout, Quelling, Brown Boot, Tango and Aghanims in 8 minutes and 25 seconds. This was free farm lane (empty lobby) so I figure in a real game it would be more like 10-15 minutes. Who knows though, zoned out and ganked offlaner, with stacked jungle. A good alchemist might go even faster than 8 minutes.

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                                  @matrice at best you stop a push on one lane. At worse, they call your bluff and you cry.

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                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Are you people retarded? You know sign is generally put in front of the tower right? So you just take other lanes and walk around to hit the tower from behind.


                                        I'm afraid buff to land mines might make him OP. You just can't lane vs techies as a melee hero without losing a lot of hp. He was already quite strong, he didn't need any buffs.


                                          Alch won't rush aghs.
                                          An alch will have his 5 slots in 25-30 minutes and then farm up aghs every 3 minutes for each of his teammates.

                                          plz do

                                            in 6.85 riki gets buffed passive. cannot be revealed by truesight like slarkyboy. froggy likes to fuck around w good old wc3 game mechanics.

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                                              You can still see the fucking sign, you know mines will be there. If you want to push, you just dodge that lane, push out another. End of story. Minor aghs buff, its not fucking game changing.


                                                Go play WC3 Doto if u don't like it.