General Discussion

General DiscussionScythe of Vyse nerfed to oblivion

Scythe of Vyse nerfed to oblivion in General Discussion

    Rest in peace Storm as ultra late game hero...MKB sucks on him & only way for him to kill that PA in late game was to buy hex. Now it's impossible without buying MKB. I think Hex was overnerfed. Not disabling evasion from items or passive is fine, but both is way too much.

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        KiTrak - OD also can't if she is not caught in aghs-refresher combo.

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            I disagree. Storm is now much stronger vs PA late game. Bkb duration cannot be repurchased anymore. All storm has to do is juke for 5 sec and then PA is food. Hex and destroy with magic dmg easily. If 3 sec is not quite enough to kill PA, disarm her for another 3 sec with HH and finish the job.

            This patch makes INT carries far stronger compared to the previous patch which favored armor reduction and high attack speeds.

            PA better get whatever dmg she needs done in the 5 sec bkb window...after that she's just going to be a stack of hp in the top skill level games. The game relies more and more heavily on coordination. PA needs a support to disable targets for her.

            Consider, storm level 25 with hex, orchid, eblade, dagon 5, refresher, BoT.
            From items storm has +10 INT, +25 INT, +35 NT, +25 INT, and from stats 105 INT
            Total INT 200. So jump, hex, orchid on the way in... and even if you miss all attacks - First Eblade does 356 dmg on the first hit, First Remnant = 274 dmg, First dagon 5 = 842 dmg, Refresh, 2nd Remnant = 274 dmg, 2nd dagon 5 = 842 dmg, 2nd eblade = 500 dmg, then Orchid dmg hits for another 974 dmg. So.... its hard to execute but Storm can actually burst PA from 4062 hp to zero even missing all attacks. PA will be hexed for 6 seconds - certainly cannot solo push a lane against a stacked storm spirit even if PA has a bkb... storm can initiate with hex anyway and chain to vortex even without refresher...PA just has no chance.

            PA is not going to build 2 hearts in addition to a satanic. It will actually be rather easy for storm to kill PA late game with burst magic in a more typical situation. But usually such extreme measures are unneeded because there will be other players involved, other dmg and disable sources.

            There are many ways to deal with PA late game. Even position 5 supports will be able to afford ghost and fstaff. However there is really no limit to what Storm Spirit can do late game except the skill of the player. 0 sec cd ultimate, with invulnerability??? - that is truly OP. With the meta game shifting dramatically in INT carries favor as it does in this patch Storm really needed that nerf to flying vision. This keeps the execution skill level high enough that the difficulty balances the hero. You must remain close to targets or they might juke you.

            •Ball Lightning flying vision from 1000 to 400

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              BKB duration still isn't renewable in 6.83 but storm can disable evasion with hex in that patch. he can't in 6.84. a storm in 6.83 has an easier time killing PA than a storm in 6.84.

              quotes from patch notes
              "Item Silencing is called Mute.
              Passive Disabling is called Break.
              Mute disables the ability to cast Items (in 6.83c Doom, Scepter Static Storm, and Hex applied this state)

              Break disables the bonuses of passive Abilities only (in 6.83c Scepter Doom and Hex applied this state)"

              "Hex no longer applies the Break mechanic"

              "For example, Butterfly's evasion is not disabled when you are Hexed/Doomed (Since Break does not affect Items"

              I'm kinda confused though. in the patch notes, it only says that hex does not apply break (passive ability disable), nothing about doom not applying break anymore, and second, both abilities still mute (prevent you from using items), so shouldn't they still disable Butterfly's evasion because it's from an item?


                hmm Mute prevents item activation, but does not remove item passives like armor, stats, evasion, auras.

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                  hex disables auras like gem + radiance right now though.
                  patch notes are too ambiguous


                    I guess we will have to test it to see. It sounds like they are trying to simplify things and remove exceptions.


                      get octarine instead then


                        oh yeah i forgot octarine disables evasion

                        Dire Wolf

                          Scythe nerfed = PA buffed = Storm sucks late game?

                          I don't follow this logic. PA is really in every single game where you pick storm?


                            No, but now Storm will struggle vs any butterfly/evasion holder without MKB, so it's a nerf to his late game for sure. Same applies to OD.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yeah but they're gonna be majorlly pimp prior to that. Patch in general buffs the int heroes. How many agi heroes rush butter? Usually it's at best a 3rd big item after bkb, some other dmg or hp item like daedulus, mkb, s&y, skadi even.