General Discussion

General Discussionso i read the patch a bit

so i read the patch a bit in General Discussion

    conclusion :

    icefrog finnally changed cent and axe passif triggers when atack lands (took him only 10years.)

    CENT - is now op
    ES - took a nerf he didnt need, prolly cuz of all the babies who didnt ever try to play him and understand.

    CM - is good again
    ENCHANT - is op
    INVOKER - is super good lvl 25. (this max level blast if it is what i think its completely over broken, aka im lvl 25 thye push i dag in and disable everyone for 5sec )
    LC - agha is lmfao, i wanna see bane sleep on this, nc.
    BEAR - is in da place again, " Added Agahnim's Scepter upgrade to Lone Druid: Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, " called it btw.

    Morph - his agha is actually so fuckin op lmfao :p must have item
    FUrion - lmfao. global pusher even more.
    Nyx - nice agha )
    SIlencer - good change, no longer disarm.
    Sniper - is out.
    Storm - nerf was not neccessary.
    Ursa - is kinda fat, but since new meta, i dont think it will change anything to him tbh.
    Visage - good buff, no more one shotted birds in late.
    Weaver - is in da place ;DD

    So my conclusion; its a very good patch. Really didnt expect that, he balanced everything right, didnt overbuff or overnerf indirectly anything. I think this patch is gonna be really stable and open to lots of combinaisons. I dont see any new "slark/void/tinker/ axe/sniper/troll potential broken heroes"

    I overread the posts on db and saw many " patch sux " but you guys cant be conscious of what you are talking about, cuz its actually really good :)

    ITEMS looks also cool )

    travel is op, not sure its a good idea with pitlord coming, he'll be kinda useless.
    perse finnally buyable in normal shops -_-" fuckin void stone was such pain in the ass

    Final conclusion :

    so basically magical > physical now, me love magical.
    game is way more orientated for supports/gankers/nukers, carries are shit now, every physical stuff has been nerfed.

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      just a little note: timbersaw's reactive armor was changed same way as centaur and axe.

      the realm's delight

        Orb of Venom
        Poison Attack damage over time can now be lethal

        what the fuck is this


          its one of the least important changes, its damage is smthng like 3 each time it procs.

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            if you get damaged by orb of venom you DIE.


              1 hit 1 kill no luck just skill


                People are too salty I think this revitalizes the game and makes it less stale. Fuck 4 hero metas this is all about all the heroes now.

                PUSH THE TEMPO

                  Обновление какое-то замудреное , надо привыкнуть.:)


                    i just thought about fuckin travel2 on bear -___-" xd
                    this shit is gonna be op srsly.

                    u push a lane/farm jungle while ur allies are on another u tp ur bear on their hero when they gank/push with ur bear.
                    and u can stay safe in the other end of the map pushing/jungling with ur hero, oh my god this bear is gonna be so strong ;p

                    and btw alch agha is shit, dont get fooled.
                    if u pick alch support, and farm agha u basically give 4.5k networth to an allie, which leaves you with Nothing, not even the stats of agha, so as support it makes you a living courrier for the rest of the game its 4v5.

                    if you pick alch mid and go agha, again u lose 4.5k networth and its 4v5.
                    and if u pick alch carry, the point is to outfarm ur carry oppo, and if u do agha for one of ur sup or w/e u just get rekt by the oppo carry.

                    the only doable thing would be to offlane alch and base everything on a tiny wisp mid and basically sacrifice urself for the greater good.

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                    Dire Wolf

                      1. people fear the unknown
                      2. theorycraft wins over practicality

                      example 1: octarine core, so much fear over how certain casters will be overpowered but most of these posts completely neglect a new reflect spell item was added as well as a bunch more magic resist items.

                      example 2: every hero that got some unique aghs buff like alch somehow feeding your entire team aghs and yet not being a liability cus he has jack shit for his own self and makes game 4v5.

                      The only way I can think of agh alch being good is if he gets a free farm start and gets a super fast battlefury or mjollnir or something, then farms 2 aghs from like min 12-20 and now you have a core and maybe a super strong support with aghs and alch isn't too far behind on farm. But if alch is farming that fast anyway, he could just go ac and heart and finish game for you anyway.

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                      casual gamer

                        you can farm the aghses after you are 6.5 slotted at 35 min