General Discussion

General DiscussionNaix/Lifestealer is broken in 6.84

Naix/Lifestealer is broken in 6.84 in General Discussion

    Get scepter. Swallow Tide, infest Wisp. Let Riki scout. Wisp teleport together with hero number five on the targets that Riki finds. Naix and Tide pop out and you have a fucking 5 man gank from nowhere :)

    Giff me Wingman

      It isn't OP, it is hilarious, but not OP.

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          You think it is bad?

          I know some guys that rocked with Naix+Storm+Wisp on around 4500-5000 ranked MMR.

          Dire Wolf

            so get aghs so you can do a smoke gank? got it


              Well I dont get your point. You Riki cant gank 3 people alone. Usually.


                Well. Smoke potions have a limited supply. And it is much more easy to fail with smoke gank in so many ways.


                  ur definition of op lmfao


                    Well ofc you dont need Wisp

                    Scout with Riki
                    Put Naix an two more heroes inside storm and you have an evev better five man gank


                    the realm's delight


                      Este comentário foi editado
                      bum farto

                        There will be a lot of this in the new patch, but a gimmick and will just be for the fun rather than a serious strategy. Lifestealer already isn't that good, and with a sceptre you're wasting an item slot that he needs for superior items.

                        Assuming you get this amazing gank off then what? Wait till it's all back up again? Its like some of the cheesier strats people used to run, fucking annoying as hell but don't really win because its all this focus on one big fight or one big pick off but then you're 2-3 minutes with weak heroes waiting to do it all over again.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          y0, op tardlord.

                          Let me help you understand:
                          Tide, Naix, Wisp, Riki and storm

                          How are you not able to see how shitty the laning phase would be? Are you really this stupid?

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Naix and Weaver Aghs are the most useless shit this patch. I would say the same about Morph but he has at least some offlane/support viability.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              i do think in some cases that morph aghs might be totally legit. For example with an undying, pugna, ES on in your team.

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                ^Or Axe

                                plz do

                                  ^Or Ass.
                                  so many games will be lost in the next cpl of days because some troll must build his agha to show new spell.


                                    Hello Friends

                                    Are you really this stupied that you think that this was the best I could think of? It was 3 hours after bed time when I wrote this post. Do you really think I care about describing the best possible team when I should go to bed for work? No, I dont.

                                    Your brain is just to shitty to understand that there can be other reasons then the ones that your broken "brain" thinks of.

                                    bum farto


                                        Dude, you allready revealed that you are a psychopath. What are you trying to achieve?

                                        Hex Sigma

                                          " It was 3 hours after bed time when I wrote this post."

                                          Fokken lost it m8


                                            I dont get it.


                                              Morph Aghanim's will be totally legit. Sure, Adaptive Strike now has a projectile, but it's still a 4.25 sec stun on a 10 sec cd. Add a double Tombstone/double Netherward or something equally annoying to that and things will get nasty.


                                                "i do think in some cases that morph aghs might be totally legit. For example with an undying, pugna, ES on in your team. "
                                                Techies. Extra sign, faster mine placement, and a free suicide?

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  didn't think about techies with morph. His agha ability has lower cooldown than sign lifetime so with those two on a team you can actually keep a set of mines immune to truesight permanently...

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                    my brain is shitty cuz of jack daniels!


                                                      So, have people tried out the new Naix yet?

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        He's wrecked a couple games i've watched (even though one was a loss on lifestealer's team) but that may just be cus the heroes he is bad against aren't getting picked now (ie troll, sniper, storm)


                                                          4200 gold. It seems like its fun, it seems cool, but its VERY pricey. And naix should carry, thats his role, especially when you take into consideration, thats he isnt a lategame carry really - i dont know whether he can allow himself to purchase a scepter.


                                                            He doesn't have to, Mr. Alchemist can provide one for you!