General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA 5k Elo Hell

DotA 5k Elo Hell in General Discussion

    Hello everyone.

    I wonder if anyone else is in the same situation as me. TL;DR, the stupidity in dota lately is fucking ridiculous.

    Some background.
    ~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master, and aspiring dota player who is around ~5.1k (now <5k) and is consciously attempting to slowly improve and hopefully make it somewhere in the dota world (while simultaneously trying to bypass all of the retarded fucks that contact is made with... and currently failing).

    Basically, I've had way too many games recently that have riled me up beyond my point of patience (which mind you is extremely fucking high, I play chess professionally and games can last for over 8 hours without breaks). The monkeys I have played with in the past week must all be bought accounts or some shit; just the saddest quality of play I've ever experienced. And I don't mean just my team; half the games I won were because some 5k played like a 2k (and vice versa, most of the time it's more than one at a time if we count any and all 4k players).

    No comment on 4k's - you all need to uninstall.

    Why has there been a recent spike in autism? I wonder if it has anything to do with exam week, maybe all the not aspiring basement-dwelling 40 year olds are all playing and treating ranked like they dont give a single fuck.

    What can an aspiring dota player who ACTUALLY cares about the game do to get the fuck out of this cespool?
    What i've been doing so far: muting every retard that costs us the game (includes the monkeys on the enemy team), dodging these muted fucks, flaming said retards and telling them to uninstall among other things, and more. Flaming doesn't really do much good... but if even one of those fucks actually listens to me and uninstalls, i've done the community a favor, so I have some closure.

    And yes, i am mad. Real fucking mad. I don't even believe or mean half the shit I said here... but FUCK YOU, and FUCK YOU, and FUCK YOU TOO ..|..

    Thanks for your input. Mofk.


      all i can say

      pubs = cancer


        Did you know that 5k US = ~3k on good regions?

        By your logic you should uninstall.


          "~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master, and aspiring dota player who is around ~5.1k"


            play individual games like Starcraft

            don't waste ur time here.


              You're suppose to green text that.

              Este comentário foi editado

                48.06% win rate 140 IQ


                  Just this wekk my WR has probably been like 40% or less. Go through the games if you want; every single fucking one. Half of these im top GPM/XPM, play well if not at least decently, and instead half to suffer thanks to an 0-11 winter, 0-10 ES, 1-8 sniper ALL IN THE SAME TEAM.


                    ^ Man you're fucking trash, that's pretty much it. Sorry to ruin your dreams of aspiring Dota 2 player but it won't happen.

                    plz do

                      cool story bro


                        actually just relax and keep playing. if u are better than this tier, you'll get higher mmr and erefore play with better ppl(i guess i can skip obvious reasons for this since ur iq is 140; lmao what a personality, boy). if not - im sorry, i got bad news for you, you are same bad.


                          il tell u something mindblowing

                          this is team game

                          if u teamplay with those retards in ur team u might win more games than losing majority no kappa


                            7K is real ELO hell, u play against 5ks, but your team is 4k "trash", every single game.

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Let me break this for you:

                              5k US = 3k EU
                              140 IQ US = Elementary school level EU
                              Chess master US = Casual checkers player EU
                              Recent spike of autism US = Recent spike of extroverted alpha males EU
                              Aspiring DotA player US = Mid or feed russian EU

                              the realm's delight

                                "~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master, and aspiring dota player who is around ~5.1k"

                                only from this i realise your iq is lower than my shoe size


                                  I just realized OP is a 5.0k player with a 46% ranked win rate who thinks 4ks are so bad they should uninstall. will he uninstall? find out on next weeks addition of egotistical rage post!!


                                    ^^ Buna asta. :))

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      For those thinking UStrash is worst trash:

                                      I am from Moldova. Moved to Canada when I was 4. Taught chess at 5, been playing ever since.
                                      So no, im heavily European... and yes, UStrash is worst trash.


                                        the cool history bro is strong on this topic

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          You win 48% of the time and your at VHS? WTF is wrong with this game.


                                            I dont think you're even 20 yeards old, first of all, you're not 5k, you had to smurf to reach that fictional MMR and now you're going down to your real mmr.

                                            You're talking like you played with your real account and went up from 3k to 5k or even 4k to 5k, but no, you got stuck in that mmr and smurfed your way up thinking things will be better at 5k, but guess what, the problem wasn't on your teammates but on you.

                                            Go google "Dunning-Kruger" effect, 140iq boy.


                                              As if we could considering iq was a valid point to qualify intelligence. (and quantified appropriatly)

                                              According to a "legit" test of iq i did 3-4 years ago, i had both 70- / 120 / 140+ of iq

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                                                Good thing is you don't smurf at all.

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                                                    Dotabuff rager topic #738798791827389647198379128379878941982793791831897476647912


                                                      @matrice unless u did legit iq test thats been watched by multiple people and took few hours of filling papers i doubt its valid

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        Who said dota is equivalent to IQ?


                                                          With an IQ of 140 you should realise that the common factor in all your losses is you


                                                            When I lose I cut myself, it really helps.

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                                                                "~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master" -> whaaaaat the fuck is that? What purpose does that serve? Bragging? Justyfiyng, that you are better/smarter than people you play with?

                                                                "For those thinking UStrash is worst trash:

                                                                I am from Moldova. Moved to Canada when I was 4. Taught chess at 5, been playing ever since.
                                                                So no, im heavily European... and yes, UStrash is worst trash."

                                                                ... Why do you think its a relevant piece of information, that you moved to North America as a kid? You know, that having european genes doesnt make you better at dota? And ffs, stop talking about chess, noone cares that you play chess. Everyone cares that you are a douche.


                                                                  The only legit IQ test I ever took dropped marks on you for not knowing what author wrote what book etc. that just means that it's not an acurate test of inteligence but instead of level of education, especially when someone who has already taken the test can basically ensure that the candidate knows most of the stuff. Stop using it like a bragging right, it has the reverse effect than what you were hoping for. Everyone here just thinks you're stupid now.

                                                                  plz do

                                                                    Someone tell me, which parts of an IQ test covers skills u need in dota 2. Then tell me which parts of an IQ test don't have anything to do w dota.
                                                                    Dota became too much of a disgusting number game recently. Look my penis is X inches, which is more than 95% of the worlds population penis length.


                                                                      ^wasnt it always like that? a huge share of those ones playing online-games are socially-awkward boyz with self-esteem and other psycho problems; and let's say even "normal" ppl enjoy bragging when they are able to. then what do u expect from the gamers?
                                                                      yes, it looks rather stupid, but u gotta be able to think critically to realize it.

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                                                                      plz do

                                                                        ye, triple. ur right as always, sensei.
                                                                        im, too, a socially awkward boy w low self esteem and have psycho problems and my IQ is fuckin lower than average. dont know how im climbin the mmr ladder. fuckin slow but climbin. expecting next big +mmr bump soon, cuz i have been struggeling for a while - its a cycle. And I know why. Cuz these fuckin wannabee 140IQ chess masters just dont learn and give me their mmr.



                                                                          Team kept fedding i got strong we made a ccomeback ember feed divine he said game is taking long and he need to sleep (he was 5.5k)

                                                                          Team doesnt want to help me push tinker doesnt buy a single item for the team no hex shivas at least dagon, i asked him to get necro he didnt accept, sniper wanted to keep defending and he said he dont want to push , i took rax at about min 20, at the first 10 15 mins rubick didnt want to support i think he fought with someone


                                                                          Team said they want to make push strat, undying after min 13-15 kept dcing and said he was lagging couldnt play the game they raped us 4v5 , team doesnt want to 5 man and they already said they want to end early with there picks , sure


                                                                          4 cores fight for mid all midas i solo supported but storm who picked after ta and stole mid died 4 times at the first 8 mins , all fighting together


                                                                          Jugger kept saying he is lagging and left at min 4 or 5 , rubick followed then sandking , me and cw played for fun , but free -25


                                                                          Ultra retarded sniper , we were able to defend hg killing them few times , wr got bored and dced 5v4 we couldnt handle the push, we had huge chance of winning , i had 10 1 8 at first


                                                                          Riki said u guys wont win this, for no reason, started feeding couriers gicing them wards and smokes, idk whatsup with him sf said that riki did the same shit last game
                                                                          slark said leave my lane i need exp, died 4 times to pheonix , storm died 5 times at mid , i said mid first and marked, he picked storm and fed , i said offlane , he said he puck; worst puck ive seen in my life he said he is bad with puck, why pick it?

                                                                          Thats from my overview only ,dont get me wrong i dont hate bad players and im not saying i raped everyone every game and i never fail or anything u can see my last game , gf called me couldnt play and i lost hope from all the games i played so really , i lost interest in ranked tbh, but griefers , leavers , lane stealers who cant play, i swear they r so annoying , its not about losing ill win them back easily , but people dont want to try, u feed divine to riki cuz u want to sleep?

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                            A friend of mine told me to play faceit , u get prizes and even if u get bad players , they will try there best

                                                                            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                              Hello everyone.

                                                                              I wonder if anyone else is in the same situation as me. TL;DR, the stupidity in dota lately is fucking ridiculous.

                                                                              Some background.
                                                                              ~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master, and aspiring dota player who is around ~5.1k (now <5k) and is consciously attempting to slowly improve and hopefully make it somewhere in the dota world (while simultaneously trying to bypass all of the retarded fucks that contact is made with... and currently failing).

                                                                              Basically, I've had way too many games recently that have riled me up beyond my point of patience (which mind you is extremely fucking high, I play chess professionally and games can last for over 8 hours without breaks). The monkeys I have played with in the past week must all be bought accounts or some shit; just the saddest quality of play I've ever experienced. And I don't mean just my team; half the games I won were because some 5k played like a 2k (and vice versa, most of the time it's more than one at a time if we count any and all 4k players).

                                                                              No comment on 4k's - you all need to uninstall.

                                                                              Why has there been a recent spike in autism? I wonder if it has anything to do with exam week, maybe all the not aspiring basement-dwelling 40 year olds are all playing and treating ranked like they dont give a single fuck.

                                                                              What can an aspiring dota player who ACTUALLY cares about the game do to get the fuck out of this cespool?
                                                                              What i've been doing so far: muting every retard that costs us the game (includes the monkeys on the enemy team), dodging these muted fucks, flaming said retards and telling them to uninstall among other things, and more. Flaming doesn't really do much good... but if even one of those fucks actually listens to me and uninstalls, i've done the community a favor, so I have some closure.

                                                                              And yes, i am mad. Real fucking mad. I don't even believe or mean half the shit I said here... but FUCK YOU, and FUCK YOU, and FUCK YOU TOO ..|..

                                                                              Thanks for your input. Mofk.


                                                                                Here's a handy template for you:

                                                                                _____(any mmr lower than you) is trash bracket.
                                                                                _____(your mmr) is elo hell, where your stupid teamates keep you from progressing
                                                                                _____(any mmr higher than you) is pro tier, a place where you would be if your teamates were smarter


                                                                                  I still dont understand why Dota2 players use the "autism" as a negative word? Anyone knows?

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    The only "real" IQ test is done by Mensa and its the written version that counts not the online one. I think you need to get above 130 to get into mensa club it. It could be attributed to help drafting I guess as its all about seeing patterns.

                                                                                    Also I did this afte 28h of not sleeping, while queing for next game. Oh and I am 4k where is your power now?

                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                      ^This donest mean shit tho it only means I can recognize patterns better than most people. Which in turn means I am good in sciences. People who are better at social studies/etc tend to do worse as their thought process is diffrent. Which means that this can only be applied to a fraction of the society which makes it useless.

                                                                                      gege no re


                                                                                        my IQ is like 60-70, and I'm 5.2k MMR and studying on the university :(


                                                                                          140 IQ , and you call "retards and autists" every players that cost you a game... It's a team game I bet our the kind of players who call "mid and feed" every game. You got over your true mmr with the smurf detection and you may fall down a bit as like you say some 4k players play like 2k and vice versa due to this system detection. Chill out it's a game.


                                                                                            @efextoide well i see why u have 60 iq, you are studying On the university ;( kappa


                                                                                              Daaaamn and I thought 3 k MMR was bad.... The trench exists everywhere? Well look at the bright side at least you don't have to deal with two junglers (one of them was kotl) or a jungle necro
                                                                                              Or someone who afk during picks then feeds because "no pause". People are such toxic idiots on dota its no wonder more ppl play LOL. The dota community needs to clean up its act... I'm tired of ppl who rage when they go in on really stupid shit and then rage because you didn't go die with them



                                                                                                Well, my english is not very well , cuz isn't my main lenguage

                                                                                                Sería mucho más fácil poder expresarme en español


                                                                                                  @Zano wp :)


                                                                                                    The autism and mmr correlation was all a conspiracy? :O

                                                                                                    Krazy Kat

                                                                                                      OP sounds like the next Twitch meme.

                                                                                                      Thanks for the Bugatti.