General Discussion

General DiscussionTopic removed?

Topic removed? in General Discussion

    Seems like they removed a topick with angry feelings this evening.

    I have never seen any of my topics being removed even if approximatly 10 people are taking turns flaming me and so on...

    Maybe I also should get to know the moderators?

    Krazy Kat

      . . . or original poster deleted the topic.


        Perhaps. I still belive it was the moderators untill proven wrong.


          Would you blame them? Everyone hates crybabies.


            Now I dont understand what you are talking about?
            To the extent I could understand the topic was a legitimate, yet upset, concern about rude and flaming players.
            But since the flaming and toxicness was way under the level of an average Dota2 game I really didnt expect the topic to get removed.


              That's not the first topic that was started because of that in these forums and every single one of them ended up in several people showing exactly why they shouldn't have access to the internet. That is to say, it always ended up in flame storms, online personal grudges (one of the most pathetic things anyone can ever develop in my opinion) and they would go on and on until a moderator noticed the topic was 6 to 7 pages long with up to 4 of those pages being nothing more than insults.

              There's still the possibility that the OP deleted the topic himself, but if it was a mod, I wouldn't blame him for trying to prevent something that's become very predictable in these forums.


                I dont blame them either for that. I blame them for not banning the people that usually show up and flaming me in the topics I start.


                  ^ IDK what you are calling flame, but if I remember correctly a lot of the criticism you were getting was intended to be helpful. When someone tells you that your build is bad they aren't trying to be mean, they are genuinely trying to help you be a better player. If you post complaining about loosing a game people are going to tell you what you did wrong, if you argue with them and insist that it was your teams fault and there was nothing you could have done then they are going to argue back. that's not flaming that's called a disagreement.

                  the people who just spammed stuff like "3k trash uninstall" for no reason actually did get banned (wave).

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                    The Number 12

                    OK let me very clear. For me, posting comments on this forum (or arguing in-game) is like going to a day care center for mentally challanged people and telling them that I disagree with them. I KNOW that they are cognitive inferior to me and that my ethical values are way more consistent with what nice and friendly people usually value. There is no reason for me to care about what these "mentally challanged" people say just because they think they are right. And if 4 mentally challanged people belive in Santa and his little elves I am still not going to change my mind about their existent.


                      "I KNOW that they are cognitive inferior to me" and you wonder why people aren't friendly and nice to you? being good at DOTA doesn't have much to do with intelligence, but many of the people criticizing your builds are/were better players then you, if you were truly as smart as you seem to think you are you would at least consider what they were saying. You are so full of your self that you cant even see the possibility that you are wrong about anything. when someone tells you that you are mistaken you assume that the only explanation is that they are to stupid to understand you.

                      example, your PA build. you ranted and ranted about how you found the items that gave you the highest damage to gold ratio. you spouted calculations to prove your point (just basic division that anyone could have done), but you completely over looked time in your calculations, every 12 year old who has ever played an RPG knows that you don't look at an items damage value, but rather at its damage per second value (even DPS doesn't mean much in DOTA). when you were informed of this you started ranting about how you had degrees and how you did the math so you couldn't be wrong.


                        what an awful pa build. my support silencer would rape her


                          The Number 12

                          I am always friendly untill someone starts to be unfriendly. Or if they go mid with invoker and feed or just being generally useless with their mid-Invoker.

                          Advice: dont assume things you dont know when discussing on the internet.

                          "being good at DOTA doesn't have much to do with intelligence"


                          OK, now I just stop waste my time on you. Have a good life.


                            So I know 2400 SAT equivalents/straight As in A levels at a lower mmr than their SAT scores, and semi-illiterate school dropouts who make it pro. Your point?

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                              That didnt make sense to me. English is not my mother tongue.


                                much like soccer, basketball, etc, dota is not something that requires smarts. smarts certainly help, but being good at DOTA doesn't have much to do with intelligence.


                                  Thanks. Your posts never stop amusing me. Actually, your superiority complex almost makes me feel sad about you.


                                    ^3k tash superiority complex lmao
                                    i jsut couldnt stand


                                      was that aimed on me


                                        "I am always friendly untill someone starts to be unfriendly."
                                        here are some excerpts from what you posted before immediately before I started being unfriendly.

                                        "like going to a day care center for mentally challanged people and telling them that I disagree with them."
                                        " I KNOW that they are cognitive inferior to me"
                                        "no reason for me to care about what these mentally challanged people say "

                                        sure, it might not have been directed at me but if you really want people to be nice to you, then you should try to avoid waving your ego around and comparing others to the mentally challenged (with challenged spelt wrong both times (Not that it means anything but its a hell of phrase to make a spelling error in))


                                          The Number 12

                                          You missunderstand me. I was talking about in game. This forum is a completly different thing.

                                          "if you really want people to be nice to you"

                                          I esitmate that I have been insulted more then 60.000 times during my dota games since 2007.
                                          Which explains why my tolerance are both very high and very low at the same time.
                                          Im not playing so people can be nice to me. As long as they not are rude it is enough.

                                          Or no. They can be rude. I dont care. I just mute them.
                                          But if they are rude AND play bad - then that make me fucking angry.
                                          So if they play good and dont report me, they can be how rude they want. I dont care. I just mute.

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                                            "with challenged spelt wrong both times"

                                            TY for pointing out the important stuff ;)