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My Personal Dota2 Blog in General Discussion

    4-1 on a Friday night? Welcome to 4.1K MMR...

    Nothing notable aside from the difficult time I had when we lost a game me playing Spectre against Storm, Slardar et al
    Last night, I needed to play Ember Spirit for the enemy's PL.
    Tonight, I needed to play Viper for the enemy's Tiny.

    WIN. MMR up to 4097
    Match Id: 1493563762
    Viper (Safe lane - Dual lane)
    K-D-A: 16-2-23
    GPM: 388
    XPM: 513

    WIN. MMR up to 4072
    Match Id: 1493441246
    Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
    K-D-A: 15-6-30
    GPM: 536
    XPM: 596

    LOSE, MMR down to 4047
    Match Id: 1493331896
    Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
    K-D-A: 3-6-13
    GPM: 347
    XPM: 468

    WIN. MMR up to 4072
    Match Id: 1493221389
    Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
    K-D-A: 24-3-21
    GPM: 649
    XPM: 854

    WIN. MMR up to 4023
    Match Id: 1492604950
    Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
    K-D-A: 16-2-23
    GPM: 604
    XPM: 751

    Este comentário foi editado

      How do you play Spectre?


        ^ Kinda very broad question. Well, I play her like how she should be played. Ensure that the game can last more than 30 minutes :)

        Anyhow, it's welcome 4.2K MMR for me!! (4195 to be exact)
        It was a tough stretch as my MMR went up and down throughout the weekend.
        I played 12 games and went 8-4.

        Juggernaut LOSE
        Spectre WIN
        Spectre WIN
        Spectre LOSE
        Spectre WIN
        Lifestealer LOSE
        Spectre WIN
        Slardar WIN
        Spectre WIN
        Spectre LOSE
        Spectre WIN
        Razor WIN

        300 MMR to go! I want 5K before TI5 starts!


          congrats, i actually find playing carries way easier in higher mmrs.


            ^ Thanks!

            Just came off a 15 minute game where a foul mouthed Lina fed like crazy


            a shadow demon who was out for a good 5-10 minutes came back.

            SAD way to lose.. but this could be more acceptable than wasting 1hr and then still lose


              WIN! MMR up to 4221..

              Will sleep now after going 10-0 with Ember Spirit

              Espresso yoself.

                This terrifies me honestly. I have horrid terrible games in the 1.3-1.5k trench...I had hoped past 2k It will get better. I guess I'd better just keep focusing on improving MY play and less on the team's because it seems the venom will be there no matter where I go.


                  ^ Well, just to update you.

                  I just finished playing 2 toxic games. MMR down to 4172
                  I play Spectre as hard carry, if anyone plays good support, follow me @ BOTTOM. I PROMISE TO GIVE YOU SURE +25 MMR!

                  LOSE. MMR down to 4172
                  Match Id: 1503367947
                  Juggernaut (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                  K-D-A: 2-6-6
                  GPM: 347
                  XPM: 469
                  This game we got a Windrunner who PLAYED MID and went EMO from minute 10 on-wards. He afk farmed, didn't join any team fights. Was jungling the whole time and didn't contribute anything. Was good as someone who got disconnected and left. GG SIR!

                  LOSE. MMR down to 4221
                  Match Id: 1503232648
                  Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                  K-D-A: 3-13-9
                  GPM: 329
                  XPM: 328
                  This could probably my worst Spectre game since I climbed 6 weeks ago. Bad start and enemy team snowballed from there.
                  Bane nightmare - centaur stun + double edge + an Enigma ally who was useles.


                    Welcome to 4.3K!!! :D :D :D
                    I would admit, things start to get a little bit challenging. I can really notice the difference in skill and game knowledge compared to when I was back in 3.3K.

                    I went 7-3 after reaching 4.2K MMR (from most recent)
                    Lifestealer - WIN
                    Spectre - WIN
                    Faceless Void - WIN
                    Spectre - WIN
                    Spectre - WIN
                    Juggernaut - LOSE
                    Spectre - LOSE
                    Ember Spirit - WIN
                    Ancient Apparition - WIN
                    Lion - LOSE



                      Do you think there's a difference between 3.3-3.4k and 3.9-4.1k?


                        Yah, and it's very noticeable based on how I remember it.

                        Makes me actually think, If there's that difference between 3k and 4k
                        Then 5k people must be looking at 4k the same way.

                        If I am to reach 5k, I have to see "WHAT" is that difference

                        Bad Intentions

                          Hmmm looks like your specter build focuses on maxed desolate first over dispersion.. Interesting..

                          Im always a classic max dispersion spec guy


                            The higher you go, the better the players are obviously. It's just that simple. They are better in all areas, farming, decision making, reactions, positioning, etc. Only when you play vs better you notice how bad you are really and that's what most scrubs wont admit cause they never faced a really good player and are still full of themselves.


                              If u cannot maintain 80% winrate at ur 4k MMR, I really doubt u can reach 5k before TI5. At my 4k I rarely lose game with my most spam heroes.


                                ^ Interesting point.

                                I guess I have to watch @Zenoth play a lot more to get a feel of what's the thought process when playing in 5K MMR


                                  "The higher you go, the better the players are obviously. It's just that simple. They are better in all areas, farming, decision making, reactions, positioning, etc. Only when you play vs better you notice how bad you are really and that's what most scrubs wont admit cause they never faced a really good player and are still full of themselves."

                                  Ofc. I just wanted to see if he thinks the same way I do, since I've been 3.4, 3.9k and 4.1k, and I know how people play in those brackets..


                                    I have 70 % winrate this Month and still feel like my mmr grows very slow


                                      was 1 game away from reaching 4.4K MMR, but fcking noob BS happened.

                                      LOSE. MMR down to 4344
                                      Match Id: 1513801088
                                      Bane (Roaming - Support)
                                      K-D-A: 7-7-11
                                      GPM: 286
                                      XPM: 299

                                      Mirana and I were rocking the laning phase inspite of a noob Lina. Simple nightmare - arrow setup netted us kills across the map.
                                      But opponent started to 5 man - and they were stronger with it. Having Veno, Pugna, Abaddon and Viper = all mid game heroes.
                                      I commanded the team to not clash them unless we 5v5 because they have the sustainability in pushes and we were fighting as 3 or 4 most of the time (either Lina, Centaur or BS soloing).

                                      When it came to T3 tower, our stupid BS didn't TP back to defend it because he wanted to push bottom Tier 2. They got rax and again we fought as 3 or 4 + buybacks left and right.

                                      They snowballed from there as we didn't had enough team fight potential - actually one of the main disadvantages of having a Bane-Mirana support is we're more gank-oriented. Having a core such as BS doesn't help our team fight that much.

                                      Lesson Learned: Make sure core heroes have team-fight/AOE potential when picking Bane-Mirana combo


                                        here comes the tilt!!! another lost game! this time with a fucking razor who solo farmed the whole time.

                                        As we went for an early Tier 1 tower push. The expectation should be to create more space for Tinker and PL to farm.


                                        FUCK THIS SHIT!

                                        LOSE. MMR down to 4319
                                        Match Id: 1513934194
                                        Bane (Top - Dual Lane)
                                        K-D-A: 2-10-3
                                        GPM: 238
                                        XPM: 239

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          3 game losing streak!

                                          This time, I got a Tuskar and Sand King flaming the whole game! OMG. If I'm going to lose games in ~4K, I want to lose it with dignity. Not these kind of ways when its all because of attitude.

                                          Puck and I literally carried the team doing infest bombs and insta-killing anyone in the map. I was able to command the team to be ultra-aggressive already during mid game because late game will be very hard for us to WIN.

                                          I was supposed to play Spectre but I can't stand the chance of Bloodseeker snowballing mid game. Hence the LifeStealer pick.

                                          The execution was simple, I already TOLD THEM via chat and voice. SPAMMING IT. in-spite of failures, we could still execute the combo. VERY SIMPLE.

                                          1. PUCK JUMP
                                          2. LION JUMP
                                          3. THEY will activate their BKB
                                          4. SAND KING HAS TO WAIT TILL BKB FINISH
                                          5. SAND KING BLINK IN FOR EPICENTER COMBO

                                          THE FUCKER SAND KING:
                                          1. EPICENTER ON FLOOR
                                          2. EPICENTER TO START THE CLASH WHILE THEY HAVE BKB
                                          3. DIDNT JOIN THE FINAL TEAM CLASH BECAUSE HE WAS BUTT HURT

                                          THe fucking TUSKAR was also the one to blame because he was FLAMING SAND KING THE WHOLE GAME.

                                          FUCKING LESSON LEARNED:
                                          IF someone is flaming each other, BE A LEADER AND FUCKING SHOUT TO THEM TO STOP IT from the onset.
                                          Don't let that attitude CONTINUE ON because it will lead to BUTT HURT FEELINGS.

                                          FUCKING 4K TIER. 0-3 BECAUSE OF ATTITUDE PROBLEMS!

                                          ON another note: playing SAND KING requires great skill, hence should not trust 4K players on complex execution??

                                          LOSE. MMR down to 4294
                                          Match Id: 1514829928
                                          Lifestealer (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                          K-D-A: 13-7-7
                                          GPM: 451
                                          XPM: 645




                                              Got a badly needed WIN after a 3-game losing streak.

                                              Nearly lost it again though because of this NightStalker who played as support but leveled Crippling Fear just on level 7. We were spamming for him to skill it since level 4 but he stood his ground and said he will only do it on level 7. I FLAMED ON HIM BIG TIME but remembered what happened last game so I quickly pulled it back, played to HIS EGO and praised him continuously. He continued flaming, but the better player in me stood up and said sorry like a bitch and PRAISED HIM even more.

                                              Ember was stomping his way through the early and mid game phases and I lost focus trying to help my teammates left and right, always TPing. Some of the times I got off a double to triple kill, some of the times, Ember got it.

                                              I decided to focus on my game and get my items, and not get pulled through each mini clashes where Ember is always able to go back safely in-spite of low HP. One of the positives though is that Bloodseeker relentlessly ganked Anti-Mage and that somehow diffuses their late game potential.

                                              After NS got level 7. Game became easier and Ember overextended couple of times. Its kinda better when I come in a little bit late, when Ember trying to chase and use up all his Spirits for him not to have one to go back safely. Greed I guess coz he felt he was snowballing.

                                              Looking back at it. This could be one of my strongest razor matches where I didn't build Phase and Scepter. I actually went DPS and got: S&Y, Desolator, Daedalus

                                              Lessons learned:
                                              - I think Bloodseker + Razor DPS is a good combo, something which can not only handle the MID game but also have the UMPH to finish it during early LATE game.
                                              - FLAME if you have to, let it out. But say sorry like a bitch afterwards. Don't know what would have happened to NS if I didn't do it.

                                              WIN, MMR up to 4319
                                              Match Id: 1514889980
                                              Razor (Semi Carry - Dual Lane)
                                              K-D-A: 19-4-8
                                              GPM: 611
                                              XPM: 669


                                                Welcome to 4.4K MMR!!

                                                Apparently, after flaming so much with the 3 Game losing streak I had. I was able to win 4 straight :D

                                                Gyrocopter - 14 4 19 [WIN]
                                                Bloodseeker - 6 6 10 [WIN]
                                                Spectre - 6 1 9 [WIN]
                                                Razor - 19 4 8 [WIN]

                                                100 MMR more guys and I'm back in 4.5K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!

                                                Low Expectations

                                                  Sadly a personal blog is one of the better posts on this forum


                                                    I was one game away from hitting my 4.5k target!!! and then i lost 2 games!! waaaah


                                                      I'm on a tilt now, losing 3 straight.

                                                      LOSE MMR down to 4415
                                                      Match Id: 1523839027
                                                      With Doctor (Hard Support - Dual lane)
                                                      K-D-A: 3-8-8
                                                      GPM: 283
                                                      XPM: 376
                                                      Really hard time controlling a Phoenix offlane. I wonder what's the best hero to counter him?

                                                      LOSE MMR down to 4465
                                                      Match Id: 1524033863
                                                      Juggernaut (Tri-lane - Carry)
                                                      K-D-A: 3-7-9
                                                      GPM: 455
                                                      XPM: 510
                                                      Meepo mid got disconnected for 10 minutes. Sad life.

                                                      LOSE MMR down to 4489
                                                      Match Id: 1523729757
                                                      Spectre (Tri-lane - Carry)
                                                      K-D-A: 4-11-7
                                                      GPM: 311
                                                      XPM: 352
                                                      Against a Phoenix once again. I'm getting rekt by this hero.
                                                      Was originally a tri-lane but I dont understand why supports always want to roam around instead of ensuring hard carry gets farm.
                                                      But seriously, 2 games lost because of Phoenix.. need urgent help!!

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        hahahaha ur posts are hilarious

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Always believe in yourself op, remember, pinoy doto is best doto.


                                                            ... :D

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                                                                Este comentário foi excluído

                                                                  Have made it boys!

                                                                  WHERE IT ALL STARTED...


                                                                  THE SHAMEFUL DEFEATS...


                                                                  THE MOTIVATION...


                                                                  THE HATE...


                                                                  THE SUPPORT...


                                                                  ... AND THE ACCOMPLISHMENT...


                                                                  MMR 2 months ago: 3380
                                                                  MMR today: 4492

                                                                  Thanks for all the support and hate! Now, let's go 5k MMR!

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    yo blakxargon, always believe in yourself man, dont let anyone bring you down

                                                                    and more importantly

                                                                    pinoy doto = best doto


                                                                      ^ Have tried evading your comments coz I don't know if you're trolling or not...

                                                                      but since I'm in a good moood.. then THANK YOU! :D :D :D

                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                        ^ its a positive comment, some haters gonna hate your thread, but dont mind them, i like positive threads like this.


                                                                          ^ LIKE!


                                                                            This is my first game in 4.5K bracket and the plan is for me to watch the replay of each game I play and be a bit more detailed since games here will be more worth reviewing.

                                                                            WIN. MMR up to 4517
                                                                            Match Id: 1533185525
                                                                            Spectre (Safe lane - Tri lane)
                                                                            K-D-A: 10-11-36
                                                                            GPM: 390
                                                                            XPM: 519

                                                                            WARNING: Text bomb incoming. Approach with caution.

                                                                            EARLY GAME
                                                                            This went very smooth for us. Clockwerk was totally out-laned as my supports, Rubick and ES timed him perfectly for a 1st blood and another kill when he overextended.
                                                                            I got a quick Phase Boots + Urn @ 06:30 and I was 3-0 by @07:00
                                                                            Farm rate: @10 - 47/14 @20 72/16

                                                                            My ally, Zeus however went 1-3 where 2 of those were against Invoker and the other one where he just went alive for 13 seconds before dying again.

                                                                            Opponent Faceless Void was doing ok. He got Midas @05:23 but was 0-1.

                                                                            MID GAME
                                                                            Enemy Lina got a Triple Kill in a clash near our bottom Tier 1 tower along the river. This is the 1st time Zeus and I combo'd our ults.
                                                                            But I kind of messed up my Haunt there since 1 Illu got destroyed and I reality-in when Invoker casted the Tornado.
                                                                            Could have gotten more but at least I still was able to catch Lina as I went 5-0 with 2.6k gold in the bank.

                                                                            Shortly after, Zeus died for the 4th time getting caught out of position by Clockwerk.
                                                                            At this point, I was at the top of the Net Worth while Invoker was a close 2nd who was 4-0 himself.
                                                                            @13:58 This was Invoker's 1st attempt to gank me with the EMP + Tornado + Cold Snap combo, I got away with 220 HP only to die to a secondary gank from Lina.

                                                                            Windrunner got cogged by Clockwerk, she activated windrun but just went around the cog. If she hit it twice, could have escaped. I actually think that this is a common mistake made by people (including me). When cogged by Clockwerk, we tend to just wait it out instead of just hitting the cogs.

                                                                            @15:57, 1 minute after my first death, I died again to an Invoker waiting for me to farm the creep wave at the TOP lane. The previous attempt left me with 250 HP, but I was near the tower. This time I died with my full 1000 HP. The game was on. This style is where Invoker will keep on roaming and getting solo pick-offs. I thought it was just applicable for Quas-Exort. Apparently, even a Quas-Wex type can solo kill people. Invoker was 6-0 and I became 5-2.

                                                                            @17:08, Invoker killed an out of position Zeus
                                                                            @17:50, Invoker killed an out of position Earthshaker and became 8-0
                                                                            @18:32 Invoker became Godlike 9-0 killing me after I showed in mid lane for not more than 5 seconds.

                                                                            The thought process - I was jungling and when I saw a mini clash at bottom happened. I showed up to quickly farm 2 creep waves in front of my Mid Tier 2 tower. Because I was thinking that Invoker should be around that mini clash to get in some kills. Alas, I was wrong.

                                                                            22-14 overall kill score and Invoker was on fire!

                                                                            @19:19: As I was so pissed off, I chat ALL: "I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND THAT'S THE LAST TIME" as Invoker went for a solo Tier 2 Tower Dive on our ES but failed.

                                                                            @19:36 I got a redemption kill on Sand King but Invoker went for another kill as ES tried to chase him.

                                                                            @20:37 another kill by invoker, this time coming off a mini clash @ TOP where Void got away with 31 HP. He would have died if I hit him once but Invoker and Sand King backup was already there and our Rubick and Zeus died already. Looking back, this was a mistake on my end. Kinda developed a phobia fighting a snowballing invoker. Had I fought, could have probably killed Sand King as well but I didn't want to risk it. They also had a 10K gold lead at this point. Good thing, Invoker and Sand King overextended and ES was there to the rescue with his Blink Dagger. Invoker died and gave up almost 1.4k gold to ES.

                                                                            @22:00 I had 3.5k gold and can't even farm the creeps in front of my BOTTOM Tier 2 tower. I just didn't want to die.

                                                                            @22:36 I got my long overdue relic. Imagine I had 2.6k gold @ 10:00 and I only managed to get my relic 12 minutes after that.

                                                                            @23:35 Radiant start to throw a litte bit. We got a 4-1 exchange because of nice warding at bottom and sick plays by our WR and Rubick.

                                                                            @25:00 They retaliated with a 4-1 exchange with a good clash @ our jungle. I made a mistake here by not backing quickly enough when ES and Zeus died. Totally reverse mindset compared to how I was playing it couple of clashes before this. Probably because of the fact that I already got my relic and felt a little less to lose. I guess lesson learned here is items should not be enough to change your mindset in the game. It should come naturally? You wait til your item really dictates the team fight, don't force it especially when enemy has so much advantage.

                                                                            @30:32 Zeus got caught while he was getting the Bounty Rune leading to a 5-3 exchange in favor of Radiant. At this point, I told my team not to follow Zeus anymore.

                                                                            @32:36 Just as Zeus spawned, he walked straight to get another Bounty Rune #likeaboss. This time I paused the game and fucking yelling at him why he keep on doing such things. He just caused us 2 team fights because we were trying to save him.

                                                                            LATE GAME

                                                                            @33:12 Looking at it. This was one of the major points of the game. We smoked and went for Roshan in-spite of the advantage that the Radiant has in terms of having the skills to fight inside the pit - Invoker, Void, Clockwerk, Sand King. But looking at what they did, they also smoked at the same time but decided to flank to our jungle where they didn't found anyone.

                                                                            @33:41 We got Roshan and re-smoked while Radiant team got Tier 2 tower top and kept pushing. We got 2-0 exchange as we caught them off-guard. Had I not reality in wrongly, it would have been a team wipe.

                                                                            @38:14: Apparently, Radiant went for smoke but we are positioned very nicely on our secret shop high ground. This is the same time I was telling ES that he should be careful and stay not too close from us just in case we get surprised by a Void Chrono. They were caught off-guard as WR shackled Invoker and Lina perfectly. This resulted to a 4-1 exchange in favor of us. At this point, the 10K gold lead the Radiant earned during Early and Mid game were all gone. Networth are both equal to 0.

                                                                            @40:13: we got Mid Tier 3 tower but overextended so WR and ES died. Counter push now by Dire... and I had my BKB. Was re-thinking this game which is better item BKB or Heart. I wrongly used my Haunt and BKB combo, I was literally just chasing people while my BKB was activated. We got a 2 for 3 exchange because their Lina bought back. Our Earthshaker made an awesome play as well against Invoker. That Guardian Greaves is a very great support item I must say.

                                                                            @44:42: Another Highlight game play. Both teams were coerced in a waiting game at bottom sensing each other. Roshan was up at this time. Dire team near the BOTTOM T2 tower which is gone. Radiant team near Bottom Tier 1 tower/Jungle which is also gone. Their CW rocket to reveal our position. We smoked afterward going to the lane and to the jungle. At this point, they were thinking that we sneaked to Roshan again, everyone in their team was pinging for CW to check Rosh. By the team rocket hit Rosh, everyone was looking there. When they look back to their positions in the jungle, 2 were insta-dead. We smoke directly to their position

                                                                            Shortly after, we transitioned this to Roshan and got Aegis. Afterwards, instead of pushing, I commanded the team to stabilize lanes since Void and Sand King were re-spawning already. If there's 1 thing I learned playing against a Void, he can land Chronos more easily when enemy team is pushing high-ground ;)

                                                                            @47:47: I got caught in Dire Jungle, after a smoke gank by Radiant. Invoker Orchid + Cold Snap + Void Right Click BKB + Bash were enough for me to lose my aegis. During this time, I was shouting to my team "Don't Come in!! Wait it out, I have Aegis, BKB + Buyback!". 1 thing I learned here is that 2 seconds into your death, you actually lose vision around the area. We had no wards. WR did a powershot but it didn't reveal anyone. When I spawned, Void Chrono'd me right away. His Right click + Lina Laguna Blade were enough for me to die inside the chrono. At this time, I was shouting "go" as I had buyback and Haunt! Our Rubick also started to come in as he Euls void. This was important because it forced a ghost walking Invoker to come out and right click me to finish me off. WR and ES followed it up. Clockwerk was actually waiting it out as well for the counter-go and he was able to hook into Rubick! he had good timing and good positioning but his skills were in CoolDown! No Cogs, Battery Assault + BladeMail (looking back, it was actually the initial initiation where Rubick made a play to lift someone and Daggered back when he realized we were out of position to fight. But CW reacted very defensively using all skills - Cogs + Assault + BladeMail - i think it was justifiable because of fear that ES might just jump on them.) With our immense, DPS teamfight, the mayhem started! Zeus used his ult! ES did a 3 man echo! Clock had his cogs and Cogged WR but it was 2 seconds too late. While inside, WR was right clicking Void. Sand King still had a good position and was able to hit a 3 man epicenter although he lost a good 2 seconds there because his blink got disabled by Zeus Ult. I bought back, haunted and realitied in! Zeus had the refresher, did another ult! He got ultra kill and radiant was team wiped!

                                                                            @49:00: we transitioned this to straight mid push as we destroyed their T3 Raxes and T4 towers. At this point, I was yelling "Focus Rax"as I was expecting we can finish it off before Void spawns back". But alas, game was not over! As we made 40% damage to their Ancient, Invoker hit a good EMP + tornado on 4 heroes. And this was 5 seconds into the Void re-spawn. Sand King followed it up with a good burrow-strike on 3 heroes. At this point, I was yelling for us "go back and save yourself" . Void tp'd to catch retreating heroes and got 2 of us inside Chrono - Rubick and myself! This time, I was yelling "if I die here we gg coz i don't have buyback!". Zeus and WR were very much caught by Invoker, Clock and SK as they were still inside the base. ES was the only one free and he could have saved himself, but he didn't!. Rubick died, WR died and Zeus died. I was being bashed by Void after the chrono and activated my BKB. ES instead of running actually went directly to void and was successful in baiting to right click him instead of myself. At this point, everything that Void did was perfect - we didn't know where he was tp'ing to. He time walked and could have chrono'd 3 people inside base, but decided to chrono 2 fleeing heroes instead. and he right clicked ES once to deactivate his dagger. he bkbd and proceeded to kill rubick. everything was perfect until he decided to right click ES instead of me.! I got the space, daggered and tp'd out. It was 4 man dead for us and everyone had buyback instead of Zeus. Their Lina was also dead as she tried to delay us during the mid push. Game not over as Radiant went for a death push.

                                                                            @50:25 they were in front of our mid raxes. WR bought back. Rubick bought back and ES bought back. I had haunt but BKB was 20 sec cooldown. I was actually saying give mid rax and wait for my BKB. Void's chrono was actually 40 sec cd. They were hesitant in pushing the raxes as only Void and Invoker were there. CW and SK were all waiting for a counter go. ES had a good TP from the side lane (just like what void did the previous clash) and caught an Invoker who overextended for a good 1-2 seconds. He got chain stunned - ES Totem + Rubick lift + good shackle and he was dead. Void BKB'd and went in the middle but his chrono was on cd. I haunted quickly to remove the counter go by SK at least. CW and SK looked lost as they didn't know how to go for the follow-ups. Void did 40% damage to WR and was kited from then on. Another good shackle and Void was dead. ES confronted CW and I was chasing SK who actually was able to cast Epicenter on Rubick and WR but damage was irrelevant.

                                                                            @51:49: We were attacking ancient when Void bought back. Im not exactly sure Why Invoker didn't bought back quickly but Void got me chrono'd while WR was focus firing him. Invoker would have done some disabling to some extent. I died and Void died. It was GG.

                                                                            LESSONS LEARNED
                                                                            1) I should have built heart in this game. I didn't foresee that I a tanker role was more suitable for me than DPS.
                                                                            2) When dying with Aegis, after 2 seconds, you actually lose vision of the area.
                                                                            3) Think 1 step ahead, when using Spectre haunt, must think ahead which enemy hero I should aim. Invoker, Sand King, Void and Lina all can jump away from me in this game. There were couple of times where I used BKB haunted in and then people were just kiting me.
                                                                            4) When playing against Void, and we moving as a team, after activating Haunt, might be a good idea to instantly reality-in to somewhere to avoid getting caught in Chrono?
                                                                            5) The lesson I learned before was very useful. Void can land Chrono much easier against an enemy team who is trying to push.
                                                                            6) When ganked, stick to mind that they ganked you for a reason. And that you might be in their crosshairs from here on out. I don't need to die 3 or 4x before really playing safe. Better if I ensure to see the ganker somewhere in the map before showing myself up in the lane. At least when my item build is actually a little bit of naked radiance.
                                                                            7) Some things to ponder - when I died 2 or 3x to Invoker and had 2.6k gold in the bank. Should have I built other items instead such as more survivability or perhaps a diffusal?
                                                                            8) Smoke Ganks are a very big part of late game. How your team moves and flanks across the map is very important. When in standby, ensure that the team is in high ground.
                                                                            9) when pushing and in fear of enemy re-spawn. The safest bet is to make a call 10 SECONDS before the enemy re-spawns whether your team will continue pushing or not. 10 SECONDS before re-spawn.
                                                                            10) Late game, after spending ultimates on killing an enemy hero who has Aegis. Better to dis-engage afterwards especially when your lineup is very reliant on ultimates.
                                                                            11) A good Quas Wex Invoker can kill a hero who is alone with 1k HP in mid game
                                                                            12) When inside Clockwerk cog, you are not "that" helpless, instead of waiting it out, try hitting the cogs to get out.

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            I am muted

                                                                              I like how ure so enthusiastic about your own post. Not sure how many ppl reads em but well played hahaha. Hmm, Im still in normal rank. maybe i need to spam storm more and write blogs like u kappa?


                                                                                ^ Thanks. When you write something, it's more for your personal purpose. Re-living the memories, learning something about it. etc.
                                                                                People reading it is secondary but of course it's very fulfilling as well if at least some find it interesting enough.

                                                                                Some more small lessons learned:
                                                                                1) I still miss some melee creeps under the tower. I came across this nice post in teamliquid.

                                                                                General Rules of Thumb:
                                                                                1) Let Tower Hit a Full HP Melee Creep 5x before taking the last hit.
                                                                                2) If Melee Crep has between 201 - 250 HP and I have > 60 base damage, THEN let Tower Hit it 2x before taking the last hit
                                                                                3) If Melee Crep has between 201 - 250 HP and I have < 60 base damage, THEN Hit once, let Tower Hit 2x before taking the last hit

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  My 2nd game in 4.5k bracket and again there are new learnings mostly on habits, decision making, and a little bit on mechanical.

                                                                                  WIN. MMR up to 4541
                                                                                  Match Id: 1549703676
                                                                                  Spectre (Safe lane - Tri lane)
                                                                                  K-D-A: 16-5-28
                                                                                  GPM: 558
                                                                                  XPM: 582

                                                                                  WARNING: Text bomb incoming. Approach with caution.

                                                                                  Shadow Fiend + Phoenix + Enigma + Bloodseeker + Rubick
                                                                                  Zeus + Spectre + Wind Ranger + Crystal Maiden + Queen of Pain

                                                                                  Again, I picked last and contemplated on picking Silencer over Spectre because of my previous experiences in laning against Phoenix.
                                                                                  I asked my team if they can ensure that they will zone out Phoenix because if that guy gets early levels, then the 3 of us won't be able to hold the lane.
                                                                                  They wanted me to continue on with Spectre and so I did.

                                                                                  EARLY GAME
                                                                                  @ < 05:00
                                                                                  - Enemy Phoenix got 1st blood on Maiden
                                                                                  - Rubick sniped the courier with QOP's bottle in it
                                                                                  - Apparently, our Crystal Maiden's strategy was to "jungle" in-spite of pre-game agreements that they will zone out phoenix

                                                                                  Lessons Learned:
                                                                                  - It seems I get confused with my Last Hitting whenever there's 2 creeps in low HP. I tend to believe I can last hit them both but instead I miss them.
                                                                                  - Ideally, I should not let it get to a point when I'll miss a creep. But if that happens, I should just decide on one and ensure it.
                                                                                  - With my eagerness to zone out Phoenix, I tanked 4-5 tower hits just to get couple of hits on him. That is not a very good trade.
                                                                                  - From support perspective, I think people should understand that zoning out an offlaner is very important.
                                                                                  If supports would like to transition into the jungle, ensure the neutral camp pulls, de-warding, double stacks, and that the carry has higher level than offlaner.

                                                                                  @ < 10:00
                                                                                  - Our Wind Ranger rotated for a kill on Phoenix but we failed. Bloodseeker counter ganked and got a Triple Kill on us.
                                                                                  - Wind Ranger pointed out correctly that we all had full HP and got scared of Bloodseeker. I was also wrong there, but the surprise gank
                                                                                  and the fact that he went for the 3 of us very aggressively kind of bluffed his way to that triple kill.

                                                                                  @ < 15:00
                                                                                  - First major team clash, our Zeus got dived in Mid T1 Tower. The Black Hole initiation was fail. QOP hit 3 heores on her ult.
                                                                                  - BIG MISTAKES FOR ME: I haunted in to an SF Requiem instantly giving me 300 damage. I didn't haunt in on Phoenix because I was scared of him and he will
                                                                                  just dive away. I didn't haunt in on Bloodseeker because he got imba speed. Hence, I was left with haunting in on Shadow Fiend.
                                                                                  - Phoenix, Rubick and Bloodseeker pressured Tier 1 Top and killed Crystal Maiden. But they had to use Rupture and Egg to pull it off.
                                                                                  They transitioned to a Tier 1 push but overextended and resulted to a 4-1 exchange w/ Zeus ult catching Enigma with low HP in the neutral camp.
                                                                                  - I died in this clash, but looking back, I had tremendous learnings with regards to Movement Speed and how OOV might be a good item on Spec.

                                                                                  Lessons Learned:
                                                                                  - I was busy focusing on my last hitting with the creeps before the major clash. If I was watching on how the battle started at mid,
                                                                                  I would have probably known that Phoenix just used his Dive.
                                                                                  - The alternative was to go for Bloodseeker since I can dagger him and reduce his movement speed, I might have killed him with 2 right clicks.
                                                                                  - Instead, I haunted in on the worst possible target - Shadow Fiend who had full hp and was casting Requiem.
                                                                                  - NEXT TIME: before an emerging fight, watch it and check what skills have been used, HP and positioning. I got into the habit of relying on my instinct -
                                                                                  cast haunt + analyze for 1 second w/c one is the most suitable target + then haunt in. Watching the clash before hand will give me shit loads of information on
                                                                                  who's the best target actually.
                                                                                  - Spec Max Dagger gives 20% movement reduction for 7 seconds + Phase Boots give 16% increased move speed for 3.6 seconds
                                                                                  - Might be a good idea to partner this with OOV which actually gives 12% slow for 4 seconds.
                                                                                  - In reference: Bloodseeker @ level 11 with 435 MS will slow down to 363 MS when hit with Dagger.
                                                                                  Include OOV and he will have a measly 300 MS for at least 7 seconds and an about 380 MS for as long as you hit him every 4 seconds.
                                                                                  IMHO, that's imba in early to mid game.
                                                                                  Spectre @ level 8 has 340 MS. In conjunction with dagger and Phase Boots, Spectre can have ~+100 MS = 462 MS for 3.6 seconds
                                                                                  - NOTE: OOV/Phase Boots MS increase/reduction calculates base hero MS.

                                                                                  @ < 20:00
                                                                                  - After building Mekansm, Wind Ranger carelessly harassed Bloodseeker which resulted to her and Zeus' death.
                                                                                  - The 4-man rotation from Radiant transitioned to a Tier 1 Bottom Tower Push and continued to pressure Tier 2 Bottom.
                                                                                  - They got the tower but sacrificed 3 deaths for 1 in exchange.
                                                                                  - At this point, Radiant has 10k gold lead and 5k exp lead.
                                                                                  - Phoenix wanted to solo kill Crystal Maiden in our jungle and then get out of it even when QOP was there. Using his ult, he was able to do so.
                                                                                  But Shadow Fiend wanted a follow-up gank on the same area. Zeus Ult + QOP Ult landed on both of them which resulted to a 2 for 2 exchange.
                                                                                  This favors us because 2 supports died in exchange for their Mid and Offlane heroes. THIS GAVE US 2K GOLD + 2K EXP EASILY!
                                                                                  - NOTE: Its decisions like this that subtlely THROWS GAMES AWAY. It wasn't necessary for Phoenix and Shadow Fiend to go aggressively in
                                                                                  enemy's jungle like that when your Bloodseeker and Rubick are way out of position.

                                                                                  MID GAME
                                                                                  @ < 25:00
                                                                                  - I got my relic by getting a double kill following up a basic shackle gank by Wind Ranger.
                                                                                  - In reference: I got my Vanguard @ ~17:00 and Relic on @21:38. THATS ABOUT 3.8K GOLD IN 4 MINUTES!!!!!
                                                                                  - Sick and Simple play: SF tried a solo Euls gank on Crystal Maiden. Queen of Pain was just in the nick of time to blink in & Euls SF back just
                                                                                  before he was able to cast his ult. I would like to say that QOP did a very very good job in this game so far in-spite of early game mishaps.
                                                                                  So far, she was able to land all of her ults to at least 2-3 people. And the item decision of Euls was very good to counter SF and Bloodseeker.
                                                                                  - SF had to use his BKB during this engagemen but it still resulted to a 2-3 exchange in their favor. It would have been worst if they were able to pull
                                                                                  off an SF BKB Ult + Enigma Black Hole + Phoenix Egg

                                                                                  Lessons Learned:
                                                                                  - @15:00 - @20:00 will usually be the time when Spectre players would be saving up for Relic.
                                                                                  As a Spectre picker myself, this is absoultely the time which will decide if I can get my Relic around before @25:00
                                                                                  If I'm playing against Spectre, this should be the time when people should do all they can to put pressure on her farming.

                                                                                  @ < 30:00
                                                                                  - SF dieed trying to transition the previous engagement into a T2 tower push. With ~1k HP, he literally got obliterated by QOP's Scream of Pain + Sonic Wave
                                                                                  - QOP got 1k gold for that.
                                                                                  - I got my radiance @27:15

                                                                                  @ < 35:00
                                                                                  - QOP attempted a solo gank on rubick. There was quick help by Radiant team and QOP had to blink out while Blood used Rupture and BKB.
                                                                                  Wind Ranger's Mekansm helped a little bit and QOP was able to TP away safely.
                                                                                  - Learning my previous lession during the early game, this time I was watching the clash instead of hitting creeps.
                                                                                  I was waiting for Blood's BKB to end and shouted for WindRanger to cancel his TP as we can fight them.
                                                                                  We were able to kill Phoenix solo as we caught him out of position.
                                                                                  - Radiant backup came in after couple of seconds as our Crystal Maiden died to an SF BKB Euls + Requiem combo. I don't think it was worthy to do that
                                                                                  as he could have just right clicked maiden to death.
                                                                                  - We were on the run and enigma was effin able to get off his Blackhole on the 3 of us. Had SF used his Requiem here we could have died faster.
                                                                                  And they would have taken less damage from my radiance and dispersion. 2 of us insta died while Wind Ranger lived.
                                                                                  - The whole time, our QOP was able to regen and was there to clean up all the low HP heroes as she almost got an ULTRA KILL
                                                                                  had she not messed up her Blink + Scream of Pain. It was a 3v5 exchange in favor of our team. +3k gold +5k EXP! Game almost even now!
                                                                                  - They picked off Zeus at bottom rune and was able to get Roshan shortly after.
                                                                                  - Another bad fighting position for Radiant as we tried to gank Rubick at top near our jungle.
                                                                                  - SF again messed up pretty bad here. Having BKB + Double Damage + Euls + Skadi. He literally tanked 2k damage without dealing damage to anyone
                                                                                  but my illusions. He died to a Zeus Ult + Spectre Ult + Sonic Wave + Scream of Pain + Frost Bite + Shackle + Wind Ranger right click!!!!
                                                                                  - He must have wanted to adjust using his BKB a little bit later as compared to what he has done before. But how late is late?
                                                                                  - This gave us a good 2 for 5 + aegis exchange as QOP got a triple kill. We got +4K Gold +6K EXP.

                                                                                  Lessons Learned:
                                                                                  - I didn't need to cast Dagger on Rubick, that was overkill. I was scared he might "LIFT" me but then again I wasn't watching enough coz it was actually on cd.
                                                                                  And besides Wind Ranger had him shackled. I think this is again based on habit that after haunting in I usually use my dagger automatically on the same hero.
                                                                                  Well sometimes, if its a sure kill, I may have to reserve the dagger afterwards. I think I might be not putting too much importance on the MS increase/decrease
                                                                                  it gives as I'm thinking it more of a spammable spell with + damage.
                                                                                  - Radiant's advantage is in coordinated movement and clash with their Phoenix + Enigma + SF Combo. They should have forced lane clashes instead since
                                                                                  we can deal damage more easily in awkward and surprise type of clashes.

                                                                                  LATE GAME
                                                                                  @ < 40:00
                                                                                  - 3 for 4 exchange in favor of Radiant as this time SF did use BKB effectively compared to the 3 previous clashes.
                                                                                  - Enigma was also able to pull of a full duration Black Hole on 3 heroes as our Zeus died instantly before being able to cast his Ult.
                                                                                  - That means a lot as it would have killed SF + Phoenix + Rubick w/c means no follow-up for Enigma's BH.

                                                                                  @ < 45:00
                                                                                  - A subtle smoke gank gave us an easy Phoenix kill as he got shackled trying to cast Shivas instead of just running away as he was silenced.
                                                                                  - He could have probably thought it was only Wind Ranger there. This lead to a 3-0 exchange as Bloodseeker and Enigma died even on BKB.
                                                                                  - QOP had to use Refresher for the double ult and Bloodseeker very very nearly got away. Meanwhile, SF wasn't in the position to fight as he tanked
                                                                                  almost 1k damage without even being there in the fight.
                                                                                  - We were able to transition this into TOP RAX with Maiden as the only casualty when we were trying to retreat already.
                                                                                  - We have +8K gold +8k exp as the game totally shifted to our side

                                                                                  - Zeus signaled QOP to check Rosh as she innocently blinked in to Rosh Pit to a full Radiant team who was killing Roshan with 60% HP left.
                                                                                  - Linkens + Euls + Blink was enough to negate all disables from Radiant as she was able to blink out successfully while Zeus was able to TP away.
                                                                                  - I needed to cast my Haunt to give confusion since my team wasn't in the position to fight and it was successful!
                                                                                  It led to Blood using BKB and Phoenix using his Ult and causing chaos to Radiant as they were all anticipating the initiation from our side.
                                                                                  NOTE: Rosh was literally unwarded during this game.
                                                                                  - All this time we were thinking that they continued on to kill roshan. QOP went for a blind Sonic Wave while I daggered the path to go in to find no one.
                                                                                  - We had 2nd thoughts at first as they might just be baiting it and they will do their wombo-combo.
                                                                                  - BIG BIG MISTAKE BY RADIANT. We were laughing our assess off as soon as we've seen SF teleported to top lane and a couple of heroes at mid.
                                                                                  It was like seeing a million dollar suit case left out in a subway metro. Like a Crime waiting to happen with no cameras to monitor :D
                                                                                  - We got Roshan Aegis and Cheese.

                                                                                  @ < 50:00
                                                                                  - Radiant smoked as this was their final chance to execute the wombo combo. Blood initiated with Rupture and used his BKB very early as Enigma and SF
                                                                                  were trying to get into position and a feel of where we area.
                                                                                  - QOP got ruptured and again the Linken's + Euls + blink to the trees combo was enough for her to survive.
                                                                                  - Had Enigma used Black Hole on QOP she would have died since Phoenix also used his Egg even when we're not in the area yet.
                                                                                  - Full 2k HP SF again literally died without releasing any damage as he got kited and then shackled to death by a right clicking Wind Ranger.
                                                                                  - 2 for 0 exchange as Enigma died as well. He was waiting for the 3 or 5 man black hole. I guess some games you can setttle for 1 if its against a core hero.
                                                                                  - Blood got away with 130+ HP.
                                                                                  - I failed to haunt in on the proper hero w/c is BS in-spite of me having aegis and being tanky enough to stray them away from QOP.
                                                                                  I haunted in to a freaking Phoenix Egg. I might have to start using shift+queue with that haunt in dagger or perhaps improve better my mechanical skills.
                                                                                  It's a bit harder to hit that with a Race Car BS but I might just need to have a faster mouse movement than BS MoveSpeed.
                                                                                  I mean I have to catch him on his 802 MS :-/
                                                                                  - We transitoned to a bottom T3 push and we killed 2 more in Rubick and BS.
                                                                                  - We went straight for T4 towers as Enigma was able to get his 2-man Blackhole with no follow-up since SF spent the time walking to where Enigma blinked to.
                                                                                  - They got 2 for 2 exchange as their Ancient was left with 80% HP.
                                                                                  - A little bit of throw started as Zeus and Maiden were picked off at mid giving them +1k gold +4k EXP
                                                                                  - But we all have our buybacks.
                                                                                  - They pressured mid tower as QOP blinked in with Refresher + Hex ready for the combo. But he messed it up. He hexed BS + shift queued wrongly as she wasn't
                                                                                  able to cast her ult + refreshed + hexed + as no ult came out again even if it went on CD? Our WindRanger died easily.
                                                                                  - Meanwhile, our top and bottom lane creeps were doing its job as the Radiant Ancient was down to 50% HP and BS had to TP back.
                                                                                  - Mini clash happened and there was 3 for 2 exchange in our favor but we had to back since BS was on race carm mode.
                                                                                  Again our creeps doing the job, Radiant Ancient down to 25% HP. We took Rosh waited for the team and ended them properly.
                                                                                  I actually tried to tank all their damage and died even with Aegis. Had to buyback for the clean-up.

                                                                                  Lesson Learned:
                                                                                  - I think Blink Dagger or maybe Force Staff would have really helped SF position better in a lot of these teamfights.
                                                                                  Maybe he thoght Blink Dagger was useless since Me and Zeus can easily disable it but he has a dire need of getting into good position.
                                                                                  A Shadow Blade might even be helpful in many cases.
                                                                                  - Rubick's Euls item choice is also a fail as force staff is really core for him. I mean he was able to buy Agh's. Force Staff would have been a lot easier.


                                                                                    u should probably add level 2 haunt by 11 its useful to kill within the timing and reality back

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                      ^ I find my illusions still weak at this level so I tend to skip it until later.


                                                                                        Damn son, lot of effort goes into this. Keep up the good work as I don't envy you the say you get a 90 minute techies game and recount each second in painstaking detail.


                                                                                          ^ I think I've just been lucky that my first 2 games in 4.5K MMR tier have been worthy of reviewing.

                                                                                          Now, if it gets to a stupid game, I'm not really sure if I would approach it the same way :-/


                                                                                            master pls comment/suggest my last performance as spectre


                                                                                              WIN. MMR up to 4566
                                                                                              Match Id: 1569727366
                                                                                              Bloodseeker (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                                                                              K-D-A: 11-13-29
                                                                                              GPM: 467: 600

                                                                                              Bloodseeker game. Full Review to be posted later. Failed early and mid to snowball against Spiritbreaker.
                                                                                              Full of action and clashes. Long-term better for our team because their late game carry, Anti-Mage is the one always dying while our cores like Windranger and Zeus were progressively getting items.


                                                                                                you gonna continue this till 5K? genuinely asking


                                                                                                  ^ Yep. Hopefully I reach that 5k :)


                                                                                                    play mid ns m8


                                                                                                      what's with mid NS?

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!