General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord is now at 56.80% winrate. Anyone else thinks he needs t...

Troll Warlord is now at 56.80% winrate. Anyone else thinks he needs to be nerfed? #trollhater in General Discussion

    Just got totally destroyed by this guy


      Just slayed the 3 most op heros in this meta :)

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        He actually could need a slight buff late game, but he needs to be tonned down by a lot in the early game.

        Since he is ranged, he should have scalling of ranged heroes. that is to say, linear. for damage and effect.
        And he could suffer from having more int, but more mana cost (so just aquila isn't enough to sustain a spam of mana)

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          Just remove whirling axes. 1 Spell should be enough.


            Y, let's have blind again


              Make troll base damage 31 for funny reasons.


                he's just too fast.


                  I was thinking that they could make whirling axes share a cool down, a short cool down, but still long enough that he cant hit people with both at the same time.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Shocker he also had sniper and axe with him. The holy trinity of low difficulty high reward.


                      Lina pretty strong right now too. He was against the four horseman

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        True I suppose but honestly I think Lina would have been more potent on the radiant side as radiant didn't have a ton of bkb heroes.

                        Natsuki Subaru

                          The problem with him is that he's too tanky and you guys cant shut him down early game without nukers, so get nukers!

                          Low Expectations

                            Think the miss rate on axes should be nerfed, also his base dmg


                              I always ask someone on my team to instant pick him. Then I pick Omni.

                              Mortimer Smith



                                  icefrog; dont nerf troll hard (AKA EARTHSPIRITAN); plz ;'(

                                  just buff other heroes and whining will cease

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    I'm curious what kind of buffs you would do to other heroes to help them be on trolls level? He can range or melee very fast. All abilities are low cd.

                                    I mean personally I don't mind troll the way he is on some levels. I hate sniper way more since even a bad sniper down to just rax or even one rax can be hard to finish the game against.


                                      troll was like always like that. just apes were blind, no problem to see = no whining aka bad hero LOL

                                      lets slowly buff him a little and then KABOOM. Popularity explosion...

                                      now the troll hipsters like me will see him overnerfed just cause sheep effect too stronk XD


                                        People are so stupid. Troll Warlord have ALWAYS been like this. JESUS. All of a sudden people are "omg OP nerf him plz plz plz" so stupid. The sheep effect is REAL. You hear 1 person say Troll is imba? Rest of the sheep think its imba too. Imo, Warlord could deserve a little buff and get a better attack melee animation.


                                          2k ppl are stupid


                                            I just wanna see dk buffed...


                                              "Troll Warlord have ALWAYS been like this"
                                              "troll was like always like that."


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