cuz pub players chase around supports all day while the cores get fat as fuck at just kill buildings
I disagree with hotsalza, the dagger slow lingers even thru bkb, and new ult goes thru bkb... her right clicks are nice but she can't manfight tho.
Chasing supports, well this actually makes sense.
Gotta play every hero splitpush :D aghs+ult on creep wave blink into trees
Have you tried the Chessie build aka Aghas->Manta -> Satanic? Seems like its really strong you can even carry lategame with it. The hero seems strong but if you want a nuker I think Lina is still superior to QoP at all stages of the game
@Deadshot, he skips aghs (if he goes the right-click build) because it doesn't scale as well as:
Orchid -> Manta -> BKB/Satanic/Skadi/AC
The hero falls off pretty hard lategame. Usually pubs have a problem to use an advantage and tend to throw it again. With Qop you pretty much stomp everyone till min 25. Your ult loses effectivness pretty hard, since it doesnt slow/stun (compare it with ravage or rp!), same for your nuke. The only thing you have is a medicore slow. After this point you can only crush supports. Most pubs do not end at this point. They usually drag on till min 30-50.
Compare qop with magnus/ember/sf/viper/slark/sniper/troll/lina/ta/invoker/storm mid and you have your answer. Those heros usually stay scary in the later gamestages. You can built qop towards a better lategame; but still: Other heros do the job better.
Short answer:
No part of the current metagame.
^^Also you can save your eul for a set up stun instead of using it on you to dispel the silence.
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What is wrong with this hero and why does she keep losing games despite being a very strong mid and a good ganker that deals fair amounts of damage thruout the whole match.
Not to mention all the buffs she's been getting lately...