General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's wrong with Razor?

What's wrong with Razor? in General Discussion

    Given that we are seeing Troll & Jugg in virtually every game, it seems logical to me that Razor should be having the time of his life. Neither of those heroes are particularly scary with -224 damage.

    Yet both his picks and win rate in pubs and pro matches seems fairly lacklustre.

    Any thoughts as to why fellow DotaBuffers?

    Dire Wolf

      He's good cus all his stuff goes through bkb, I don't know why he's not played more. Maybe cus it's hard to come back from way behind on him? He also gets fucked up by bashers pretty badly, if troll jumps on you and perma bashes you you will die before you drain enough or kill him with ult. Same with mom basher jug.


        plus jugg and troll are way more fun to play. esp rat troll


          Cause even with damage drain, Omnislash will still hurt/kill razor pretty easily.

          Troll is a differenty story, but in the mid/late game it won't even matter. Troll will just mow razor down in 2 seconds.


            Why would -damage matter when there are stuns and slows in game.


              yeah that was my point long time ago, but the truth is razor is really not that good hero compared to jugg/troll.
              they just have too much impact too early compared to razor who's gonna be annoying to them only if he has a good lineup behind him whereas jugg/troll dont really need a team, they carry the game themselves.

              +his farm progression is really slow

              Este comentário foi editado

                Both of those hero can kill razor before he take more than 50 damage :pppp

                Well, mb not for troll, since those tard tend to make the first damage item after 90 minutes of games ^^


                  id you look through recent pro scene matches, youll find out that razor is picked pretty often
                  the problem with razor is that he farms really slowly comparing to jugg and troll though


                    Razor can stomp yeah but if you dont do it early you will fall behind due to razor's shit damage as they just outfarm you.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Razor really doesn't work that great on his own, but he can counter those guys really well with some help. Like go mid razor with a safelane void, void chronos to buy you time for link, plus your ult wrecks.


                        he fine


                          Jugg ult razors and troll jukes his link so easy with phase+sy then come back for and easy kill. In a team fight where troll/jugg are controlled you get the time to steal dmg but in 1v1, no chance. Also razor farm slow as hell.

                          casual gamer

                            razor is so boring its not worth it

                            legendary ball

                              Go watch secret vs asus match.. The 4th or the 3rd game where Artz razor vs ilidan troll.. You will see even razor sap 224 damage.. Troll just dont give a fuvk