General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with slark ult

How to deal with slark ult in General Discussion

    In your opinions, which heroes and strategies are able to deal with slark's ability to give himself pseudo-invulnerability for 4 seconds?


      aoe stuns? black hole and stuff. invo disarm


        AOE disable, like lina, lion, es stun. or you could use doom...


          Lion+aa destroys him. Stun so aa secures his ult so he cant regen, easy kill.

          Top G

            to add to the popular opinion , you could buy CC ( or escape ) items like euls , force staff , ghost scepter to force him to switch agro while team fighting. Also , picking tankier and more maneuverable support heroes like batrider , winter wyvern or IO could render his ult very hard to use ( effectively ) to solo kill.


              Axe & in general AOE disables. The best counter is Axe.

              Foxy Roxy

                I counter him by using Blood. I just went 27/5 against a slark. Killed him 14 times.


                  you prepare your body, mind and soul and die to him.
                  did i help?


                    Bloodseeker, necro, AA, spirit breaker. Timing is important against a slark. Work on that


                      sf shadow blade
                      slark goes on someone and activates ult
                      u sb next to him and fuck him in the ass


                        Lion, earth spirit etc.

                        Mortimer Smith

                          void ult

                          Mortimer Smith

                            since the last patch u can see him inside the chrono


                              Void ult does not reveal slark during his ult. Nothing gives vision of Slark during his ult.


                                Void ult -> Since the last patch you can't see him inside the chrono.

                                Also, I find that naga siren is pretty good against him. Just song then restart the fight. This + many other aoe disables