General Discussion

General DiscussionStout or PMS on Troll

Stout or PMS on Troll in General Discussion

    I thought it had the melee block when troll was melee and ranged block (less block) when troll was ranged. Until someone told me it checks melee/range only when u buy that item. Now I m confused, so if i toggle troll to melee when i buy stout does it always have the melee dmg block even if i switch troll back to ranged?

    Miku Plays

      why upgrade stout if you can rush morbid?


        Lol pls read before you reply


          when you are in ranged you get the 10dmg block.
          when you are in melee you get he 20 dmg block

          "I thought it had the melee block when troll was melee and ranged block (less block) when troll was ranged."
          is correct

          if you go stout/pms you should spam switch it to maximise its potential, it has 0 cast time anw.


            But as mentioned in first reply, PMS or a morbid rush? I always went PMS for the extra 6 dmg and attack speed then boots before morbid

            waku waku

              try spamming switch while under the effect of ice blast and lol


                What does iceblast have to do with this thread anyway?

                U wot m8?

                  wow too much sissy anime in this thread

                  Miku Plays

                    you'll farm faster if you rush the morbid right away.


                      But i can get morbid at the same point even if i spend 300 for 2 slippers, use that extra speed and damage to get to 900 gold faster


                        none ring of protection to get basilus

                        Dire Wolf

                          The only person I know who built pms was matrice when he used to go quelling blade and two slippers to jungle. But he's since dropped the slippers and just goes quelling blade I believe.

                          PMS isn't needed on troll and takes a much needed slot. If you go what most people build, phase boots, aquila, dominator, tp scroll, bkb, s&y, you run out of slots fast before a really huge item so you're going to end up selling that pms fast.