General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on HoTS.

Thoughts on HoTS. in General Discussion
Protato BBnoZAR

    I got a beta key and tried it out and it is too casual to be properly enjoyable.
    Seriously though no cs,inventory,jungle(as we know it) and most importantly cant flame :(

    plz do

      there is always a way to flame through feed.. (?)

      Protato BBnoZAR

        no scoreboard so no one knows when you feed lol


          I think it is quite fun. The interactive map elements are nice and give the game some (forced) objectives. The heroes are mostly fun to play. Big minus is the pay2win system though. It isn't as bad once you can buy your first hero and even then you're kinda forced to spam until you've another hero.

          Lord Mushroom

            There is a scoreboard, just press TAB.
            There is a jungle. When you kill jungle creeps, they go to push the lanes. There is no inventory, what is pretty good thing, because then comeback is always possible. Biggest part of the game is level. You can not play roamer or ganker, because killing is not that easy as in Dota, and it is not worth it anyways, because you lose a lot of XP.
            Hots is more like normal game, what you play for fun right now, so i try to enjoy it before game opens and all the idiots comes.


              It brings casual to a whole new level. Nothing wrong with that tho, some people enjoy it.
              But the installation should come with a warning *extreme cases of casualness, contagious*

              Dire Wolf

                I haven't played it but if it's anything like the card game then it screams casual and grind to win. I know there are some advanced plays and decks and all that in the card game but it's so freaking simple at its core and really not that fun.


                  more casual than lol


                    I 'revived' my acc and signed up for HotS beta but it might take some time, does anyone have a spare key?


                      I have 3 spare keys on my battle net acc boyz if there is anyone still interested. Game is fun for me, feels like non stop team fights although it's definitely more casual than dota and even LoL. Doesn't make it worse in my opinion, just a different take on the MOBA genre.


                        eu keys?


                          Do you mind sharing one napcake?


                            its just so fail...... im like 7 win 0 loses... i dont know how i end up with 30 kills and 1 death every fucking match is so easy game with not huge brains needed to play.... w/e its still beta but so far its boring....

                            enemy team is retarded all the time and we end up 45-5 scores...
                            report blizzard we want warcraft 4 not gays of the storm


                              While the mechanics of the game are quite interesting, the inability to play every hero from the get-go is a big contra for me.


                                I've only had about 5 matches, but from my first impressions, the game feels like DotA 40 mins into a match from the beginning, if that makes sense. Team fights are almost instant and there is no individual snowballing. It is rather casual being that there is no items and no last hitting and denying. The upside to this is that more players are drawn to playing support because you never feel poor, under leveled (team levels) and you still deal decent damage.

                                I dont know, the game can and will never replace DotA but it does have its own place in the market. I will keep playing it occasionally until I get bored of it. I just couldnt imagine myself spending even half the amount of time on HoTS, that I could spend on DotA.


                                  yeah keys are eu
                                  just add me on steam and i will give it to you guys don't want to post them here


                                    man im so good at being casual 9 matches 9 wins so far


                                      Blizzard proving that their company is going to shit after being purchased by activision


                                        Ive added you.