General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR system works on cosinus/sinus

MMR system works on cosinus/sinus in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    In solo, sooner or later your trending line will be similar to cosinus / sinus. Fucking retarded game gives us winning steaks and then losing steaks with almost same outcome.

    Hilarious how Valve cares about dipshits buyin hats...

    Este tópico foi editado

      i am not into that book lernin' but it sounds like you are talking about enforced %50 win rate.

      Off topic does anyone have a pa arcana for trade?


        At certain point you just achieve your so-called real mmr and then you randomly deviate around it untill you improve. If you keep your skill on the same lvl, obviously you will stay there, and the curve representing your mmr will look like sin/cos.


          Steak's a steak dude.

          Jesus Perez Ramirez

            Rather untill u pick Troll and go mid every game lel.