General Discussion

General DiscussionFew questions about hero ranking.

Few questions about hero ranking. in General Discussion

    Hello,i m Penguin. I'm playing dota for 5-6 y. Including dota allstars. My MMR after calibrating was 3800 solo,3700 party. Now i have 5100 solo and 4700 party. I'm tryharder and i think good jugg/es player. yesterday i subscribed for db+ In order only to see my hero ranking and div. Now my Juggernaut has 5200 hero score,diamond 7 div, 65%wr, 114 games, 3.77 kda. My ES(Earth Spirit): 98%rank (idk wat is this), 5350 hero score, diamond 7 div, 68% wr,134 games and 4.2 kda. After i saw those numbers i got some questions:

    1. What's xx% rank?
    2. How much hero score i will get after win/lose with 4+ kda?
    3. Can i see my position in, for example, top 200/500/1000 players?
    4. How can i get PRO div(i have played once against xGame on league and i have Esport profile)
    5. How fast i can be in top 100, if i play rly well?

    That'll,now i wanna say big THX for db staff and developers, coz i really like to surf through this site and get interesting information.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      1. XX% displays your rank on specific hero compared to other players. 98% means you are ranked higher than 98% of players.

      2. It's not only about KDA. Division and number of games matter as well.

      3. If you are in top 1000 your rank will be displayed as specific position (457th for example). If you aren't in top 1000 it will be displayed in percentiles (98% for example). 99% means you are close to top 1000.

      4. Have no idea.

      5. That's up to you.

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        Ok,ty for reply,but i need information how may hero pts in average i get after win/lose with good kda and in 5k+ game?


          some additional comments on what gg alrdy wrote

          1. You are better than 98% of people who have open match history, played more than 30 matches, and at least 1 of them - in the last month.

          2. Approximately +/-3 if you have 500+ games. The less games you have, the higher is the impact of each game (its reasonable just cz your winrate is less flexible when u got a lot of games). KDA doesnt matter much.
          Btw, you can easily check it yourself, the score is updated within several minutes after the end of each game.

          3. nothing to add

          4. Successfull participation in top tournaments, LANs, etc. Amateur tours won't work.

          5. You need approximately 300 more games with same winrate on each of your heroes to get to top100

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            I mean can i get +25 or +50 pts after successful game?


              only if you manage to upgrade your division, otherwise it won't work for any hero with 30 or more matches.


                I have 120+ on es/jugg, how many pts will i get, and will i lose pts after lost game even if i have good hero dmg,kda etc?


                  i dont know the exact number, since i keep an eye on my rankings only, and i got much more games. as i said, for 500+ you get +/- 3 points for each game depending on whether you won or lost. KDA doesnt matter (well, it does, but if you increase your average KDA by 1 full point, you wont get more than 30 points for that, even with hundreads of games).
                  I would say you gonna win/lose something like 8-12 point for each game. Why dont u want to give it a try and see your score before and after your game? It will give you exact answer.

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