General Discussion

General Discussionflying courier

flying courier in General Discussion

    there is a 42% win rate by holding the flying courier item at the end of the game

    as an item

    not courier

    pls explain this someone i need to learn


      Can't tell if serious or not

      Sup m8

        If you don't buy the courier, but then you buy the flying courier, you have a flying courier recipe in your inventory. Ez.


          Well when games turn to the "FUCK THIS TEAM" They usually buy couriers and feed them. Of course Courier is a bad item in later games so don't buy them. That said please buy them in the right time only once is necessary.


            wtf is flying courier, i always tried to make it fly but my dota lvl only 400 (( at what lvl can i upgrade it?
            And if i upgrade it I get 42% more chance of winning?


              some couriers learn to fly fast but others are slowly growing up in inventory so thats why they dont feel ready to fly for delivery and they just sit there and watch me burn