General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your stats analysis process like?

What's your stats analysis process like? in General Discussion
Epic Sax Guy

    I'm trying to find that elusive pattern between my games that tells me what I'm doing right that give wins and what makes me lose when I neglect it. Would love to hear how others look at their stats and analyze their plays.

    For me I look at:

    # of early deaths in wins vs losses
    Timing of key items
    Hero (dis)advantage vs enemies I played in wins vs losses


      Too complicated, always need to analyse performance in detail per each replay. Otherwise the image is blurry. So what that you have 15deaths if you also have 10000 tower damage and won?

      I mean its possible and easy to tell that for example X person was under farmed but was it her fault? Maybe that guy got banked 10 times in one game? Did he overextend, did he not see enemy roam under wards? Maybe enemy spent 5 smokes just to get him throughout the game? Then its not really his fault, or is it? Maybe he should've sticked with teammates more?

      Too much data that we can't see from looking at stats.

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        For me, the only way to analyze my performance accurately is in-game self-observation. No stats can provide you with full, objective and representative data about what you did right or wrong, there are tons of things that just can't be seen unless you are watching a replay, and I'm too lazy to do it neither see sense in it.


          Du borde inte tänka på sånt alls bara spela istället


            ты совсем упорот штоле, парниш?


              First and foremost, Win%
              there's no reason to study shit if you're on a loss streak aside from involvement in teamfights

              cs/min according to matchup and ganks
              effectiveness of items and how fast you got them
              fulfillment of objectives (push, ganks, etc)
              avg of involvement with the pick you have according to enemy playstyle and focus --> Should i split more? engage longer? is a tower worth sacrificing for? (in terms of scaling back control of the game) those thing..
              did i experience a disadvantage with an increase in active items? (force/euls/bkb/dagger)
              Compare things like that with the GPM/XPM of the teams (radiant/dire) with the time you experienced things. And with each other ->did your item progression experience a leap?

              See what you did right/wrong.


                And the you compare it between games (same hero/style).

                Should i have forced a fight?, aggresive style after certain things.
                Do i get mroe out of farming and engaging later, stuff like that...

                Though you need DB+ to do all that :D... ah... and learn to analyze ;B



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                    (LOLOLOLOLOL WHY EDIT FU xD)

                    mirana is all about controlling the game. Mirana is useless unless you do exactly that. To be good, aside from skills of finger movement, mouse movements and clicking habits (LOL skillcap) you need to know exactly where every enemy hero is at all time!

                    Then you go for a strategy. Its usually what supports are supposed to do in a ClanWar match. This is totally unrealistic (almost) in a pub match as you're usually 1v9 xD, and people just don't give a fuck and ignore! Except mby Miranaaaa! For mirana to be good and keep being good throughout the game she has to have incredible game sense. And arrow here, an arrow there, a leap here followed by a turn there and arrow diagonal and also for moonlight shadow preventive moves as well as offensive ones.

                    Remember that game i played with merlini? I controlled the game flow with my arrows and moonlight shadow. I had to keep farming and not fall off even though i mirana doesn't have flashfarm and i was a support that game. I hit every damn arrow on slark and won us every fight!, i knew were the wards were at all times and forced defensive movements, i also knew at all times where the sentries were or potential defensive sentries, withholding myself and not engaging.

                    What won us that fight was ultimately because i evaded the ward vision, refused to fight in the roshan river, leaped to the right and moonlight shadowed from the tier 1 bot dire tower finding a lone enemy hero trying to engage from the right, making it harder to counter an eventual fight near rosh river (as he had dagger). I calculated the time it took slark to move from the far left of the rosh river uphill dire side and the exact moment he was gonna strike a preventive dark pact that would last just enough as he engaged and positioned myself where he would appear so that the arrow would hit the moment dact pact wore off! Thats because i knew the positions of every enemy hero, what they thought and how they were gonna react! As well as having the balls to duke it out melee style (forcing slark and the rest of them to fight me on that ground) with merlini having my back to where slark was gonna get disabled the rest of the fight. We killed them and took throne gg!

                    I decide most of my shit with only looking at the minimap every once in a while and calculating the paths they are gonna take and moving accordingly to decide what im gonna do next, you could call it blind arrows directed solely by minimap distance, i can end up killing them or lowering them enough to force them to back out! sometimes it even helps to ascertain where they are smoked. When i play mirana i click and watch other places and follow my mirana over the minimap, why? because mirana's arrow aren't supposed to hit targets 100 range away. Mirana can time her movements and change direction easily with leap. I only focus on my mirana for last hits and orb walk type ish harrass and sometimes for leaping in the right direction.

                    I don't play dota for mmr, i don't play dota exclusively to have fun! I play dota to get good and consider every game just a split-moment of a real CW game. Thats why i get so angry for losing CW/tournament games by stupid people that are just mechanically good with a hero and go to shit when things get real/hard. Lacking decision making, lacking awareness, lacking aggresiveness when there is a player skillgap in a seemingly bad matchup.

                    anyways... TLDR.

                    - As you have to use minimap a loooot, you recognize the ms of the hero, the patterns, time it takes from one tree to another so your window for making a move gets bigger.
                    - As you visualize the enemy's movement (notice most of the time they are fogged), you can calculate their item progression by time it takes to appear game/type of hero, and strategize counters for every possible outcome. You're more prepared, you know more of the game, nothing surprises you and you lose zero time in reacting to it, your hero is always turning where you assume the highest chance of your next action will be.
                    - They might do smth against your allies. You have a tp ready and know what could happen and from where and what situation need your assistance.
                    - Mirana controls the game because of the following.
                    *leap Positioning
                    *arrow Enemies position
                    *starfall your position for a dual starfall (assess the risk/dmg)
                    *moonlight shadow smoke your intentions. Mind control, force defensive actions, act offensively if they didn't
                    They are all positioning tools and the better mapsight and mapawareness you have the better they work


                      Benao is like that guy from neighborhood who is too lazy and too silly to do something for himself (in this case, gain mmr) but he spends hours talking about stuff he would do if he wasn't so bad (in this case, theorycrafts)

                      no offence, mate. keep going, maybe your "skills" will take you to 6k one day. i wish you good luck

                      rofl :D

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                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        If I win, then I did good, it was my team that sucked, but not as bad as theirs
                        If I lose, then I did good, it was my team that sucked, even worse than theirs



                          if i pick slark, i win


                            my skills are already 6k. There's just no reason to be 6k unless you're going pro which im too old for.
                            At most i'd be able to enjoy some matches with some tier2/3 teams for tournaments like eizo cup but that would require a team which i don't have time nor patience for.

                            Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                              *Depends on which role I play, but i'm usually supporting so i usually judge my game play by how many successful ganks i can get in without needing to die.

                              -When I play (Lion, Venge, Ogre) try to gank mid atleast twice before they hit lvl 6 so they're starved (Usually hard in pubs because most people hate supporting / don't know how even in VHS :)) )

                              -When I play Enigma:
                              -Get my mek, soul ring, boots at around 8min and get a core kill with blackhole then push tier 1 offlane by the 10th minute mark
                              - BKB / Dag or both depending on how many disables the team has before the 15th mark.
                              - Always smoke gank with team when BH is up to get core kills
                              - Farming / Keeping map control when BH is on cd

                              When I play ES:
                              - Get my arcane boots and dag by the end 16th-20th min mark.

                              Epic Sax Guy

                                Thanks for the replies people. Not sure what the Mirana spiel came from.

                                @Quan What about the other 35% when you pick Slark and dont' win?


                                  I rarely look at my own games, mostly use it to see how better players itemize/skill heroes I'm somewhat familiar with depending on who they face.


                                    @ valdstomte, those games i can say 100% is my team's fault :D


                                      i tried hard, but losers gonna lose



                                        "i am at *X* mmr, i'm just

                                        1. too lazy
                                        2. get bad teammates

                                        still the same old