General Discussion

General DiscussionLove winning or hate losing?

Love winning or hate losing? in General Discussion

    Hello people just a quick thing we were debating the other day : what do you do more - love winning or hate losing? My friend and i were arguing about this because he said that he loves the feel you get after winning a hard game and winning in general. But as much as i like to win, i despise the feeling of losing a game. So when i win i am like meh ok gratz i guess, but the emotion i get after a hard loss i 10 times stronger then the one i get after a win dunno why.

    Any thoughts on this?


      Hate losing..... hence, I quit dota


        Well, if you play at the top of your ability and get rekt, then you should be calm, knowning that you have to improve. But if you got rekt by noobs, then i understand your frustration. In both situations it's up to you to get better so things like that dont happen again.


          I hate myself for love playing this game.

          Is that even a sentence ?

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            It's certainly a sentence.
            The real question is: does it make sense?


              so I do more love winning than hate losing


              Greygrey the Sailor

                Keep the game from going to a hard loss, if you guys are getting your shizzle pushed in and you cant kill them, make it a base race, run out of the base, all 5 at once, and try to steam roll and take some towers, atleast you weren't getting pew pew'd in your base if you died ;D


                  I find for me it depends on context. For normal pubs, I don't mind loosing at all (especially if I'm doing something like all random with something I haven't played much or ability draft) but I still really like winning. If it is ranked, then I like winning just as much as unranked but really hate loosing and loosing streaks (like the one I just started) are really painful... each loss hurts more than the last.

                  What I'm not sure about is I'm undecided which hurts more.. a hard fought loss where you played well, comeback or victory was in your grasp but a key mistake (or good play by the other team) lost it.. or a steamroll loss where you just fall into an unrecoverable pit early game (the flaming in those can be fun though).

                  Hard fought win definitely feels better than easy, unchallenged win.


                    get 7k mmr or die trying


                      I'm pretty sure I'll die trying

                      die of complications from emotional distress.


                        its little bit different to both variants. i love playing good and hate sucking, no matter whether it turns out we won or lost. one-sided wins and losses dont make me sad neither happy as well.

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                        the realm's delight

                          hate retards and dont love anything